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[备忘录] MATLAB优化工具箱搭建数学模型 [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-02-23 16:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
     回校后工作的第一天,顺利! 2009年2月23日
     上午讨论完,将模型实现步骤推敲的差不多,下午用了3小时左右时间和组员,熟悉MATLAB Optimization Toolbox (GA),编写自己的Fitness function, 并且把我们的限制条件(非线性等式)加入到工具箱中,并且运行了简单的数据,好开心,没想到这么快就完成啦!

1. Fitness function的书写主要是自己建模的内容,加入到工具箱中的步骤并不难!

2. Constraints 的添加的确费了好些时间

   如何向Optimization ToolBox中的(优化/目标)函数的参数传递额外的限制条件
   How do I pass additional parameters to the constraint and objective functions in the Optimization Toolbox functions?

How do I pass additional parameters to the constraint and objective functions in the Optimization Toolbox functions?
Problem Description:
I would like to parameterize my objective function and constraint function in my optimization problem using the Optimization toolbox. Typically this is needed when I want to use parameters and design variables together in an optimization problem.
You can pass additional parameters to the nonlinear constraint function as well as objective function using anonymous functions, inline functions, or function files for the objective and constraint functions. An example of this is given below.
Anonymous functions allow you to parameterize your objective and constraint functions.
The objective function "fun" can be defined in a function file:
function f = fun(x,p1)
f = -x(1) * x(2) * x(3)*p1;
The nonlinear constraint function "nonlcon" is :
function [c, ceq] = nonlcon(x,p1,p2)
% Define two inequality constraints which use parameters P1 and P2
c(1) = x(1)*p1 + 2*x(2)*x(1)*p2 + 2*x(3) - p2;
c(2) = x(1)*x(2)-100;
% Define the equality constraints
ceq(1) = x(2) -x(1)*x(2);
ceq(2) = x(2) - x(1)*x(3);
The call to FMINCON where the additional parameter P1 is passed to the objective function, and parameters P1 and P2 to the constraint function is:
x0 = [10; 10; 10];
p1 = 1;
p2 = 72;
lb = [0 0 0];
ub = [ 50 50 50];
options = optimset('Largescale','off','Display','iter');
[x, fval] = fmincon(@(x)fun(x,p1), x0, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, @(x)nonlcon(x,p1,p2), options)
For simple objective functions, it is possible to define the objective function in the call to FMINCON, and have no objective function file:
[x, fval] = fmincon(@(x)-x(1)*x(2)*x(3)*p1, x0, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, @(x)nonlcon(x,p1,p2), options)
The ODE functions use the same convention for handling additional parameters as is described here. Additional information about the ODE solvers can be found in the related solution below.


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