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The Tools of the Trade [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-08-05 10:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

As a fighter, the tools you will use in your craft will be simple; weapons, armor, and food. Of course, you don’t need all of those things, or even any of them. You can become a pretty effective fighter just by kicking, punching, or bashing your way through the world of Runescape, all the while wearing no more armor than the clothes your character of your
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started with. Of course, you won’t last very long against most monsters, and you will die a lot, but it can be done.
Most people don’t go this route. For obvious reasons (Not the least of which is that it’s far more fun) most of us want the armor, the weapons, the helmets, the amulets… all the cool stuff we can get by
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, right?
Great. We want these things. If you have lot of
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, you can buy it. Unfortunately, we can’t use them all. And even if we limit ourselves to the ones we can use, there are still lots of choices. Do you want to use a scimitar? A war hammer? A long sword? Which one does more damage? Which one is faster? Which one is best against skeletons, or wizards, or giants? And what about armor. What should you use? Plate armor? Ahain mail? Leather? Nothing? Which is best? Why?
A lengthy discussion of the benefits of each individual type of weapon and armor isn’t found in this guide because it wouldn’t be all that helpful anyway. (If you are interested in the statistics and benefits of each piece of armor or each type of weapon, You can come runescape guide to find our your answer! It provides all the necessary stats.)
you will be told the weapons and armor to use, and when to use it. You can choose your own, of course, but to make things quicker, this guide chooses for you account. Let’s get started with some basics. One of the main screens you need to be aware of when you train your melee combat is the combat screen.

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