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Zeuux Freedom Summit 2008 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-06-01 01:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
This is the last day Richard Stallman travels around China: Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an. At the last minute I managed to arrive at the conference hall in Tsinghua University, and had the luck of seeing long-awaited Richard Stallman. Though not heard from beginning, I could feel that man's unique influence.

Some points I heard:
1. Open source is not same with Free. Many organizations, especially in China, use the term "Open Source" to avoid saying free of charge. That is to say, they use Open Source software to earn money.
2. School students in China are educated to use Windows and other proprietary softwares because teachers consider that companies work on windows, while companies employ new graduates those can work on Windows, because they think the new students can only work on Windows.
3. Some organizations try to stop free software by using techniques other than patent issues, for example, they keep some file format secret, so that only certain software can abstract the content from those files.

Some interesting tips:
1. Along with the talk, the lovely man kept eating things. Are Americans all like this? Hah.
2. Near the end of the talk, Stallman dressed himself a churchman cononical, as well as a strange thing, which he put  on his head. In the name of God, he talked something more (I didn't quite catch up with though). That pose was really really cool.

3. I got a lot of pasters from the conference organizer. They looked both interesting and meaningful. "Bad Vista", "GNU/Linux Inside", "GNU & Linux the dynamic duo", "PROTECT FREEDOM #1: ELIMINATE DRM". All so courageous, ha.

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