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EMC GUI [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-06-13 13:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
一:Senior GUI Software Engineer
Experience in Web GUI design and any web application framework
Experience in C/C++
Experience in Linux
Good coding skills
Good Debugging skills
Good communication skill
Experience in Ruby/Python is a plus
Experience in User experience design is a plus

二:Senor Software Engineer:
•        CAP
Project Background:The Common Appliance Platform, or CAP, is a project within the Technology Ventures Group, in the CDO organization.  TVG is tasked with EMC internal technology incubation and early productization.  It currently has a US team based in Cambridge, MA and a China team based in Shanghai.  The goal of CAP is to build a common Linux-based appliance platform to which many of the EMC internal appliances can migrate.  Among the many benefits are cost savings, faster GTM, and ultimately, better user experiences.
•        Job responsibilities
•        Senior
•        Participate in and contribute to the design of the various components/parts of the CAP project
•        Write design documents and collaborate with the US and the rest of the China team
•        Implement specific modules and functional blocks and become authoritative in certain areas
•        Help developing world-class software by practicing good coding standards, and writing testable and maintainable codes
•        Have a good overall understanding of the CAP project, both technical and business
•        Help managers perform team building, and help train and coach the more junior level engineers

•        3+ years of solid software development experience on Linux and familiar with open source development

Knowledge and understanding of Linux kernel is highly desired but not required. Must have good understanding of the UNIX/Linux operating system such as the process model, the file system, the boot process, etc. Solid development experience for user space application on Linux is a must.
•        Expertise and experience with developing system management software

Focus is not necessarily on the GUI or user interface, but at the "middleware" layer - i.e. system management functions and the interface/APIs.
•        Good team player, willing and able to take initiatives and leader/mentor roles
•        Good communication skills, both in Chinese and in English, both verbal and written.
•        Self-motivated with good work ethics

谁有兴趣就联系我吧:Email aileen@hrbank.net.cn 刘小姐
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