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[桌面系统] a problem about Moving of the gnome-panel [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-12-11 20:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
A little problem about GNOME of Redhat Linux 9.0:
Please locate the cursor in the gnome-panel and press <Alt>+F7, then
move it
up and down. At last, almost move it to the original place. Continuely
open a
gnome-terminal, change the size from normal maximized, and you will find
buttom of this new window having some distance to the gnome-panel. At
the same
time perhaps the other nautiluses also like that but not very clear.
  And sometimes you can't move the gnome-panel between the top and the
as imagination after you have done that.
  In this condition, I started to log out but select "save the current
and log in using the same account--root, so it seams that we can't go
back to
the origin.
                                  --by a Linux fan, 2006-09-17.
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