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Linux系统结构- - [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-09-14 15:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

                Linux系统结构- -
According to the FHS(Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), the / directory must contain or have links to the following directories:   
1) bin: This directory contains command files for use by the system
administrator or other users. Note: The /bin directory cannot contain
2) boot: The /boot directory contains the system kernel, which is the
core of the Enterprise Linux operating system. This directory also
contains files related to booting the system.     3) dev: This directory contains files with information about devices, either hardware or software, on the system.   
4) etc: The /etc directory and its subdirectories contain most of the
system configuration files. If you have the X Window System installed
on your system, the X11 subdirectory is located here.
Networking-related configuration files are located in the sysconfig
5) home: This directory contains the directories of users on the
system. Subdirectories of /home are created and named automatically for
each user who has an account on the system. For example, my home
directory is identified as /home/terry.     6) lib: The /lib directory and its subdirectories contain shared system files and kernel modules.   
7) media: This directory is the location of the mount point for
temporary file systems, such as a floppy or CD drive. Before any file
system can be used by Enterprise Linux, it must first be mounted.
Mounting a file system requires that it be given a location on the /
file system that can be referenced. Most administrators use the /mnt
directory for this purpose.      8) opt: This directory is frequently used to hold applications that are installed on the system.   
9) proc: The /proc directory is a virtual file system that acts as an
interface to the kernel’s internal data structure. You can get detailed
information about your system hardware and even change kernel
parameters while the system is running.  
10) root: This is the home directory of the root user. Don’t confuse
this directory with the / directory, which has the same name.   11) sbin: This directory contains system binaries (programs) that are used by the system administrators or root user.    12) tmp: The /tmp directory holds temporary files that are used by the running system.  
13) usr: This directory contains shareable, read-only data.
Subdirectories can be used for holding applications, typically in
/usr/local.   14) var: Files and subdirectories under /var contain variable information such as system logs and print queues.

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