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KVM虚拟XP非法关机 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2011-12-23 17:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
硬件: Dell R710
系统: RedHat 6.1
环境: 安装KVM虚拟化环境,虚拟Windows XP
故障现象: 经常自动关机

Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.318: 3702: error : virJSONValueFromString:946 : internal error cannot parse json {"t
imestamp": {"seconds"{"timestamp": {"seconds": 1324621589, "microseconds": 318444}, "event": "SPICE_DISCONNECT{"port": "5900", "fami
ly": "ipv4", "host": ""}, "client": {"port": "1749", "family": "ipv4", "host": ""}}}: parse error: object k
ey and value must be separated by a colon (':')#012               {"timestamp": {"seconds"{"timestamp": {"seconds": 13246#012      
              (right here) ------^#012
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.318: 3702: warning : virJSONValueFromString:959 : cleanup state 2
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/cpu/lib
virt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/cpuacct
/libvirt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/cpuset/
libvirt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/memory/
libvirt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/devices
/libvirt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/freezer
/libvirt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:26:29.319: 3702: error : virCgroupRemoveRecursively:679 : Unable to remove /cgroup/blkio/l
ibvirt/qemu/Windowsxp-0001/ (16)
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 kernel: virbr0: port 2(vnet0) entering disabled state
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 kernel: device vnet0 left promiscuous mode
Dec 23 14:26:29 R710spice001 kernel: virbr0: port 2(vnet0) entering disabled state
Dec 23 14:29:13 R710spice001 kernel: device vnet0 entered promiscuous mode
Dec 23 14:29:13 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:29:13.376: 3705: warning : qemudStartVMDaemon:3336 : Executing /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
Dec 23 14:29:13 R710spice001 kernel: virbr0: topology change detected, propagating
Dec 23 14:29:13 R710spice001 kernel: virbr0: port 2(vnet0) entering forwarding state
Dec 23 14:29:13 R710spice001 libvirtd: 14:29:13.397: 3705: warning : qemudStartVMDaemon:3346 : Executing done /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm

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