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AIX上的Sendmail邮件服务器的配置及常见问题 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-07-13 09:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
在系统安装完毕后,通常我们只需按照缺省配置启动sendmail邮件服务就可以用mail,OutLook,Foxmail等常用工具收发邮件了。 \r\n  简单操作如下: \r\n  # startsrc -s sendmail -a “-bd -q30m” (启动邮件服务后台进程) \r\n  # vi /etc/inetd.conf, (uncomment the following line) \r\n  pop3 --stream --tcp --nowait --root-- /usr/sbin/pop3d pop3d \r\n  # refresh -s inetd (刷新超级守护进程,允许pop3客户端连接) \r\n  常见问题一、 \r\n  当我们需要把AIX服务器的root信箱转发到我们的常用个人信箱以保证及时收到系统发出的重要warning或者报错的话,我们就要配置aliases别名。 \r\n  举例如下(红色为我们需要输入的命令,蓝色为我们需要编辑加入的内容) \r\n  # vi /etc/aliases \r\n  # Alias for mailer daemon \r\n  MAILER-DAEMON:root \r\n  # Following alias is required by the new mail protocol, RFC 822 \r\n  postmaster:root \r\n  # Aliases to handle mail to msgs and news \r\n  nobody: /dev/null \r\n  # Alias to which SSA related warnings are mailed \r\n  ssa_adm: root \r\n  # Alias for admin issue \r\n  root: root,test@cn.sendmail.com \r\n  要使改动生效,有两种办法 \r\n  (1) # sendmail -bi \r\n  (2) # newaliases \r\n  当执行命令遇到如下信息时,我们需要检查目录的许可权限是否设对。 \r\n  # newaliases \r\n  WARNING: Group writable Directory /var/spool \r\n  WARNING: Group writable directory /var/spool/mqueue \r\n  /etc/mail/aliases: 5 aliases, longest 17 bytes, 78 bytes total \r\n  # ls -dl /var/spool \r\n  drwxrwxr-x --12 bin --bin -- --512 Dec 19 11:26 /var/spool \r\n  # ls -dl /var/spool/mqueue \r\n  drwxrwxr-x --2 root --system --512 Mar 17 18:08 /var/spool/mqueue \r\n  # chmod 755 /var/spool \r\n  # chmod 755 /var/spool/mqueue \r\n  # newaliases \r\n  /etc/mail/aliases: 5 aliases, longest 17 bytes, 78 bytes total \r\n  另一种警告信息的解决 \r\n  # sendmail -bi \r\n  WARNING: World writable directory /etc \r\n  dbm map \"Alias0\": unsafe map file /etc/aliases \r\n  WARNING: cannot open alias database /etc/aliases \r\n  Cannot create database for alias file /etc/aliases: A system call received a par \r\n  ameter that is not valid. \r\n  # ls -dl /etc \r\n  drwxrwxrwx --30 root --system ----4096 Mar 17 10:35 /etc \r\n  # chmod 755 /etc \r\n  # sendmail -bi \r\n  /etc/aliases: There are 4 aliases. The longest is 9 bytes, with 57 bytes total. \r\n  备注: \r\n  除此aliases全局设置方法外,我们还可以编辑用户自己属主目录下的$HOME/.forward \r\n  add line with the target mail address, for example \r\n  test@cn.sendmail.com \r\n  存盘退出后,凡是发到用户的信都会同时转发到test@cn.sendmail.com

日期:2015-11-17 06:20:002016猴年福章徽章
日期:2016-02-18 15:30:34
2 [报告]
发表于 2009-09-03 16:02 |只看该作者
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