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[FreeBSD] PC-BSD Installation diary [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2013-01-14 22:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 anthie 于 2013-01-14 22:42 编辑

PC-BSD is a user friendly desktop Operating System based on FreeBSD.
For the BSD! Let's motivate gorgeous future!

I have installed PC-BSD and find it has some glitches.
I decided to write a diary for the one wanna install PC-BSD as reference and I wish other people not get confused like me.

For preparation, I checked compatible hardware list.
Yes. Nvidia display card is totally compatible with PC-BSD.
If you have a AMD card and the type is beyond 5xxx series, you should cry for no drivers now.

I will try my best to write it simple.
OK. Let me get to business.

I downloaded PC-BSD 9.1 X64 iso image from pcbsd.org.
Burn it with a writable dvd driver.
I booted my computer from dvd, and I got a welcome screen with language selection. As your expect, I select English, but I wanna install chinese input method later.

Customize your install option.
Yes. Calligra and i18n is not default for installation below KDE.
Select Calligra if you don't let your computer become a rubbish and nothing can it do.
Important: XBMC must be installed. After you watch a hd movie, you will know why XBMC is necessary. The option is below mist node.

When I have installed PCBSD. I customize my system as my wish.
But, don't touch Air-Oxygen at windows decoration.
Warning: Repeat, don't touch Air-Oxygen at windows decoration.
Your KDE will freeze after you restarted your computer!
I have not a solution for the problem.
So, if I wanna distribute some windows decoration, I always add a test user account. If the theme doesn't work, just delete the testing account, nothing can affect me.

Install fonts from windows if you are a chinese user.
For some reason, system font of simplified Chinese is very ugly and bigger than traditional Chinese.
The windows fonts are commonly in the fold C:/windows/fonts
I ported the fonts with system settings -> fonts management -> add...

Enable ibus input method.
PC-BSD Control Panel -> System Configuration -> Mist ->
Force IBUS input keyboard.
Run Start menu -> Settings -> ibus preferences
add a chinese input method, mostly we select pinyin.

Install apps with AppCafe
Yes. almost apps I want are here. Great.
First, I will select a faster source site. In some wired place, connection to default pcbsd source site is incredible slow.
PC-BSD Control Panel -> System Configuration -> Mirrors -> Select a faster mirror from list

About Opera browser loading error
The KDE uses file dialog toolkit, and Opera crashes on start with a 'libpng error: incorrect data check'
To resolve the bug, edit the file:
add this code in the last line:
[File Selector]
Dialog Toolkit=4

No sound?
PC-BSD Control Panel -> Sound Configuration
then select a working output interface.

Install the latest Nvidia display driver
If I wanna do that, I must install system source tree first.
PC-BSD Control Panel -> System Configuration -> tasks -> Fetch system source
or expanse /cdrom/usr/freebsd-dist/src.tbz on dvd to root directory, if the connection is very slow and just right you have a freebsd 9.1 dvd.
Download the latest driver for freebsd from nvidia website.
Follow guide of installation on the nvidia downloading page.
Before following their guide, I must do something to keep things right.
edit /etc/make.conf
add below lines:
# X11 Base

The most important section comes: multimedia
Yeah! I get the pcbsd most work.
However, I want pcbsd works perfectly.
KMPlayer is enough good to play movies. It can play mkv, avi, xvid, divx ... format videos and works fine.
Yet, It plays 720p, 1080p, hd movies difficultly.
For those movies, we need use XBMC the multimedia center.
XBMC effect is very good and works fine with bsd.
XBMC can display Chinese subtiles.
I strongly recommend it.
So, as you thinking, It has a bug.
Oh, No. I said it works fine with pcbsd. It's unfair!

When I play movies with it from a smb server based on unix system.
After first buffering, it never get back to play smoothly.
Maybe, windows server does not arouse that bug, I'm not sure.
I search that problem at google.com
It seems xbmc smb client code caused the bug.
A lot of people encountered this bug.
Unfortunately, I get that bug so.
I started NFS service on that server.
XBMC runs well with that circumstance.
FTP is another good source for XBMC.

Be happy, you're a great man.

2 [报告]
发表于 2013-01-16 23:53 |只看该作者
Nvidia too big fonts
The display card will automatic calculate fonts dpi if it supports it.
To customize the fonts dpi, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
at screen section, add blow codes:
Option "DPI" "96x96"
If you want, you can change the dpi to 100x100 120x120 etc.

If system fonts look hazy. go:
System Settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts -> Use anti-aliasing -> Hinting style full
I can change the DPI here besides editing the xorg.conf file.
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