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今天informix不知道为什么down了下来,什么原因? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-10-09 18:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
17:03:53  dynamically allocated new shared memory segment (size 33554432)

17:06:54  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 4 seconds.
17:07:47  dynamically allocated new shared memory segment (size 33554432)

17:11:59  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 2 seconds.
17:12:33  dynamically allocated new shared memory segment (size 33554432)

17:16:50  Assert Failed: No Exception Handler
17:16:50  Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3  
17:16:50   Who: Session(50970, nnt97@86cc209f, -1, 0)
                Thread(51075, sqlexec, 0, 3)
                File: mtex.c Line: 314
17:16:50   Results: Exception Caught. Type: MT_EX_OS, Context: mem
17:16:50   Action: Please notify Informix Technical Support.
17:16:50  stack trace for pid 2228 written to /informix/tmp/af.c783ac81
17:16:50   See Also: /informix/tmp/af.c783ac81
17:16:50  mtex.c, line 314, thread 51075, proc id 2228, No Exception Handler.
17:16:50  PANIC: Attempting to bring system down
17:23:34  shmat: [EINVAL][22]: shared memory base address illegal

17:23:34          using 0xe1fd8000, needs 0x80000000

17:23:34  Could not create single shared memory segment with resident and non-resident par

titions. Proceeding to create 2 shared memory segments instead.
17:23:37  Segment locked: addr=0xc1fd8000, size=727973888

Sat Oct  9 17:23:37 2004

17:23:37  Event alarms enabled.  ALARMPROG = '/informix/etc/log_full.sh'
17:23:43  DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
17:23:43  Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 588KB to 592KB
17:23:44  ( connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
17:23:44  listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No connections are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.

17:23:44  Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3   Software Serial Number AAC#J415995
17:23:44  Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
17:23:44  Physical Recovery Started.
17:23:45  Physical Recovery Complete: 800 Pages Restored.
17:23:45  Logical Recovery Started.
17:23:49  Logical Recovery Complete.
        495 Committed, 5 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks

2 [报告]
发表于 2004-10-10 15:25 |只看该作者
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

日期:2016-06-25 06:20:00数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2016-06-24 06:20:00数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2016-05-03 06:20:00数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2016-04-21 06:20:00数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2016-01-23 06:20:00数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2015-12-03 06:20:00综合交流区版块每周发帖之星
日期:2015-12-02 15:03:53数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2015-10-19 06:20:00数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2015-08-20 06:20:002015年辞旧岁徽章
日期:2015-03-03 16:54:15数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2016-07-30 06:20:00
3 [报告]
发表于 2004-10-11 17:32 |只看该作者


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