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在pear的Net_Ping中,如何将获取的ping信息提取出来? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-09-30 11:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


require_once 'Net/Ping.php' ;

$ping = new Net_Ping;
$ping->setArgs(array("count" => 5,
                     "size"  => 32,
                     "ttl"   => 512



object(Net_Ping_Result)#2 (11) { ["_icmp_sequence"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(1533) [1]=> int(73 } ["_target_ip"]=> string(2) "it" ["_bytes_per_request"]=> int(0) ["_bytes_total"]=> int(0) ["_ttl"]=> int(61) ["_raw_data"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(0) "" [1]=> string(42) "inging with 32 bytes of data:" [2]=> string(0) "" [3]=> string(51) "Reply from bytes=32 time=1533ms TTL=61" [4]=> string(50) "Reply from bytes=32 time=738ms TTL=61" [5]=> string(0) "" [6]=> string(32) "ing statistics for" [7]=> string(56) " Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss)," [8]=> string(46) "Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:" [9]=> string(55) " Minimum = 738ms, Maximum = 1533ms, Average = 1135ms" } ["_sysname"]=> string(7) "windows" ["_round_trip"]=> array(3) { ["min"]=> int(73 ["max"]=> int(1533) ["avg"]=> int(1135) } ["_transmitted"]=> int(2) ["_received"]=> int(2) ["_loss"]=> int(0) }

如何才能将上面的信息按我需要的值如Sent包,Received包, Lost值,  time,TTL提取出来?不是从返回的信息中取,而是从ping的函数中取。请指教。。。

require_once "EAR.php";
require_once "OS/Guess.php";

define('NET_PING_FAILED_MSG',                     'execution of ping failed'        );
define('NET_PING_HOST_NOT_FOUND_MSG',             'unknown host'                    );
define('NET_PING_INVALID_ARGUMENTS_MSG',          'invalid argument array'          );
define('NET_PING_CANT_LOCATE_PING_BINARY_MSG',    'unable to locate the ping binary');
define('NET_PING_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED_BACKEND_MSG', 'Backend not Supported'           );

define('NET_PING_FAILED',                     0);
define('NET_PING_HOST_NOT_FOUND',             1);
define('NET_PING_INVALID_ARGUMENTS',          2);

class Net_Ping
} /* class Net_Ping */

class Net_Ping_Result
      var $_icmp_sequence = array(); /* array($sequence_number => $time ) */
      var $_target_ip;

      var $_bytes_per_request;
      var $_bytes_total;

      var $_ttl;

      var $_raw_data = array();

      var $_sysname;

      var $_round_trip = array(); /* array('min' => xxx, 'avg' => yyy, 'max' => zzz) */

      function Net_Ping_Result($result, $sysname)
        $this->_raw_data = $result;
        $this->_sysname  = $sysname;

    } /* function Net_Ping_Result() */

       function factory($result, $sysname)
        if (!Net_Ping_Result::_prepareParseResult($sysname)) {
        } else {
            return new Net_Ping_Result($result, $sysname);
    }  /* function factory() */

function _prepareParseResult($sysname)
        $parse_methods = array_values(array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods('Net_Ping_Result')));

                return in_array('_parseresult'.$sysname, $parse_methods);
        } /* function _prepareParseResult() */

     function _parseResult()
        call_user_func(array(&$this, '_parseResult'.$this->_sysname));
    } /* function _parseResult() */

     function _parseResultlinux()
        $raw_data_len   = count($this->_raw_data);
        $icmp_seq_count = $raw_data_len - 4;

        /* loop from second elment to the fifths last */
        for($idx = 1; $idx < $icmp_seq_count; $idx++) {
                $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[$idx]);
                $this->_icmp_sequence[substr(@$parts[4], 9, strlen(@$parts[4]))] = substr(@$parts[6], 5, strlen(@$parts[6]));
        $this->_bytes_per_request = $parts[0];
        $this->_bytes_total       = (int)$parts[0] * $icmp_seq_count;
        $this->_target_ip         = substr($parts[3], 0, -1);
        $this->_ttl               = substr($parts[5], 4, strlen($parts[3]));

        $stats = explode(',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 2]);
        $transmitted = explode(' ', $stats[0]);
        $this->_transmitted = $transmitted[0];

        $received = explode(' ', $stats[1]);
        $this->_received = $received[1];

        $loss = explode(' ', $stats[2]);
        $this->_loss = (int)$loss[1];

        $round_trip = explode('/', str_replace('=', '/', substr($this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1], 0, -3)));

        /* if mdev field exists, shift input one unit left */
        if (strpos($this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1], 'mdev')) {
            /* do not forget the rtt field */
            $this->_round_trip['min']    = ltrim($round_trip[5]);
            $this->_round_trip['avg']    = $round_trip[6];
            $this->_round_trip['max']    = $round_trip[7];
        } else {
            $this->_round_trip['min']    = ltrim($round_trip[4]);
            $this->_round_trip['avg']    = $round_trip[5];
            $this->_round_trip['max']    = $round_trip[6];
    } /* function _parseResultlinux() */

    * Parses the output of NetBSD's ping command
    * @access private
    * @see _parseResultfreebsd
    function _parseResultnetbsd()
    } /* function _parseResultnetbsd() */
    * Parses the output of Darwin's ping command
    * @access private
    function _parseResultdarwin()
        $raw_data_len   = count($this->_raw_data);
        $icmp_seq_count = $raw_data_len - 5;

        /* loop from second elment to the fifths last */
        for($idx = 1; $idx < $icmp_seq_count; $idx++) {
            $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[$idx]);
            $this->_icmp_sequence[substr($parts[4], 9, strlen($parts[4]))] = substr($parts[6], 5, strlen($parts[6]));

        $this->_bytes_per_request = (int)$parts[0];
        $this->_bytes_total       = (int)($this->_bytes_per_request * $icmp_seq_count);
        $this->_target_ip         = substr($parts[3], 0, -1);
        $this->_ttl               = (int)substr($parts[5], 4, strlen($parts[3]));

        $stats = explode(',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 2]);
        $transmitted = explode(' ', $stats[0]);
        $this->_transmitted = (int)$transmitted[0];

        $received = explode(' ', $stats[1]);
        $this->_received = (int)$received[1];

        $loss = explode(' ', $stats[2]);
        $this->_loss = (int)$loss[1];

        $round_trip = explode('/', str_replace('=', '/', substr($this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1], 0, -3)));

        $this->_round_trip['min']    = (float)ltrim($round_trip[3]);
        $this->_round_trip['avg']    = (float)$round_trip[4];
        $this->_round_trip['max']    = (float)$round_trip[5];
        $this->_round_trip['stddev'] = NULL; /* no stddev */
    } /* function _parseResultdarwin() */

    * Parses the output of HP-UX' ping command
    * @access private
    function _parseResulthpux()
        $parts          = array();
        $raw_data_len   = count($this->_raw_data);
        $icmp_seq_count = $raw_data_len - 5;

        /* loop from second elment to the fifths last */
        for($idx = 1; $idx <= $icmp_seq_count; $idx++) {
            $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[$idx]);
            $this->_icmp_sequence[(int)substr($parts[4], 9, strlen($parts[4]))] = (int)substr($parts[5], 5, strlen($parts[5]));
        $this->_bytes_per_request = (int)$parts[0];
        $this->_bytes_total       = (int)($parts[0] * $icmp_seq_count);
        $this->_target_ip         = NULL; /* no target ip */
        $this->_ttl               = NULL; /* no ttl */

        $stats = explode(',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 2]);
        $transmitted = explode(' ', $stats[0]);
        $this->_transmitted = (int)$transmitted[0];

        $received = explode(' ', $stats[1]);
        $this->_received = (int)$received[1];

        $loss = explode(' ', $stats[2]);
        $this->_loss = (int)$loss[1];

        $round_trip = explode('/', str_replace('=', '/',$this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1]));

        $this->_round_trip['min']    = (int)ltrim($round_trip[3]);
        $this->_round_trip['avg']    = (int)$round_trip[4];
        $this->_round_trip['max']    = (int)$round_trip[5];
        $this->_round_trip['stddev'] = NULL; /* no stddev */
    } /* function _parseResulthpux() */

    * Parses the output of AIX' ping command
    * @access private
    function _parseResultaix()
        $parts          = array();
        $raw_data_len   = count($this->_raw_data);
        $icmp_seq_count = $raw_data_len - 5;

        /* loop from second elment to the fifths last */
        for($idx = 1; $idx <= $icmp_seq_count; $idx++) {
            $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[$idx]);
            $this->_icmp_sequence[(int)substr($parts[4], 9, strlen($parts[4]))] = (int)substr($parts[6], 5, strlen($parts[6]));
        $this->_bytes_per_request = (int)$parts[0];
        $this->_bytes_total       = (int)($parts[0] * $icmp_seq_count);
        $this->_target_ip         = substr($parts[3], 0, -1);
        $this->_ttl               = (int)substr($parts[5], 4, strlen($parts[3]));

        $stats = explode(',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 2]);
        $transmitted = explode(' ', $stats[0]);
        $this->_transmitted = (int)$transmitted[0];

        $received = explode(' ', $stats[1]);
        $this->_received = (int)$received[1];

        $loss = explode(' ', $stats[2]);
        $this->_loss = (int)$loss[1];

        $round_trip = explode('/', str_replace('=', '/',$this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1]));

        $this->_round_trip['min']    = (int)ltrim($round_trip[3]);
        $this->_round_trip['avg']    = (int)$round_trip[4];
        $this->_round_trip['max']    = (int)$round_trip[5];
        $this->_round_trip['stddev'] = NULL; /* no stddev */
    } /* function _parseResultaix() */

    * Parses the output of FreeBSD's ping command
    * @access private
    function _parseResultfreebsd()
        $raw_data_len   = count($this->_raw_data);
        $icmp_seq_count = $raw_data_len - 5;

        /* loop from second elment to the fifths last */
        for($idx = 1; $idx < $icmp_seq_count; $idx++) {
           $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[$idx]);
           $this->_icmp_sequence[substr($parts[4], 9, strlen($parts[4]))] = substr($parts[6], 5, strlen($parts[6]));

        $this->_bytes_per_request = (int)$parts[0];
        $this->_bytes_total       = (int)($parts[0] * $icmp_seq_count);
        $this->_target_ip         = substr($parts[3], 0, -1);
        $this->_ttl               = (int)substr($parts[5], 4, strlen($parts[3]));

        $stats = explode(',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 2]);
        $transmitted = explode(' ', $stats[0]);
        $this->_transmitted = (int)$transmitted[0];

        $received = explode(' ', $stats[1]);
        $this->_received = (int)$received[1];

        $loss = explode(' ', $stats[2]);
        $this->_loss = (int)$loss[1];

        $round_trip = explode('/', str_replace('=', '/', substr($this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1], 0, -3)));

        $this->_round_trip['min']    = (float)ltrim($round_trip[4]);
        $this->_round_trip['avg']    = (float)$round_trip[5];
        $this->_round_trip['max']    = (float)$round_trip[6];
        $this->_round_trip['stddev'] = (float)$round_trip[7];
    } /* function _parseResultfreebsd() */

    * Parses the output of Windows' ping command
    * @author Kai Schr鰀er <k.schroeder@php.net>
    * @access private
    function _parseResultwindows()
        $raw_data_len   = count($this->_raw_data);
        $icmp_seq_count = $raw_data_len - 8;

        /* loop from fourth elment to the sixths last */
        for($idx = 1; $idx <= $icmp_seq_count; $idx++) {
            $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[$idx + 2]);
            $this->_icmp_sequence[$idx - 1] = (int)substr(end(split('=', $parts[4])), 0, -2);

            $ttl = (int)substr($parts[5], 4, strlen($parts[3]));
            if ($ttl > 0 && $this->_ttl == 0) {
                $this->_ttl = $ttl;

        $parts = explode(' ', $this->_raw_data[1]);
        $this->_bytes_per_request = (int)$parts[4];
        $this->_bytes_total       = $this->_bytes_per_request * $icmp_seq_count;
        $this->_target_ip         = substr(trim($parts[2]), 1, -1);

        $stats = explode(',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 3]);
        $transmitted = explode('=', $stats[0]);
        $this->_transmitted = (int)$transmitted[1];

        $received = explode('=', $stats[1]);
        $this->_received = (int)$received[1];

        $loss = explode('=', $stats[2]);
        $this->_loss = (int)$loss[1];

        $round_trip = explode(',', str_replace('=', ',', $this->_raw_data[$raw_data_len - 1]));
        $this->_round_trip['min'] = (int)substr(trim($round_trip[1]), 0, -2);
        $this->_round_trip['max'] = (int)substr(trim($round_trip[3]), 0, -2);
        $this->_round_trip['avg'] = (int)substr(trim($round_trip[5]), 0, -2);
    } /* function _parseResultwindows() */

    * Returns a Ping_Result property
    * @param string $name property name
    * @return mixed property value
    * @access public
    function getValue($name)
        return isset($this->$name)?$this->$name:'';
    } /* function getValue() */

    * Accessor for $this->_target_ip;
    * @return string IP address
    * @access public
    * @see Ping_Result::_target_ip
    function getTargetIp()
            return $this->_target_ip;
    } /* function getTargetIp() */

    * Accessor for $this->_icmp_sequence;
    * @return array ICMP sequence
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_icmp_sequence
    function getICMPSequence()
            return $this->_icmp_sequence;
    } /* function getICMPSequencs() */

    * Accessor for $this->_bytes_per_request;
    * @return int bytes per request
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_bytes_per_request
    function getBytesPerRequest()
            return $this->_bytes_per_request;
    } /* function getBytesPerRequest() */

    * Accessor for $this->_bytes_total;
    * @return int total bytes
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_bytes_total
    function getBytesTotal()
            return $this->_bytes_total;
    } /* function getBytesTotal() */

    * Accessor for $this->_ttl;
    * @return int TTL
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_ttl
    function getTTL()
            return $this->_ttl;
    } /* function getTTL() */

    * Accessor for $this->_raw_data;
    * @return array raw data
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_raw_data
    function getRawData()
            return $this->_raw_data;
    } /* function getRawData() */

    * Accessor for $this->_sysname;
    * @return string OS_Guess::sysname
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_sysname
    function getSystemName()
            return $this->_sysname;
    } /* function getSystemName() */

    * Accessor for $this->_round_trip;
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_round_trip
    function getRoundTrip()
            return $this->_round_trip;
    } /* function getRoundTrip() */

    * Accessor for $this->_round_trip['min'];
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_round_trip
    function getMin()
            return $this->_round_trip['min'];
    } /* function getMin() */

    * Accessor for $this->_round_trip['max'];
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_round_trip
    function getMax()
            return $this->_round_trip['max'];
    } /* function getMax() */

    * Accessor for $this->_round_trip['stddev'];
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_round_trip
    function getStddev()
            return $this->_round_trip['stddev'];
    } /* function getStddev() */

    * Accessor for $this->_round_tripp['avg'];
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    * @see Ping_Result::_round_trip
    function getAvg()
            return $this->_round_trip['avg'];
    } /* function getAvg() */

    * Accessor for $this->_transmitted;
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    function getTransmitted()
            return $this->_transmitted;
    } /* function getTransmitted() */

    * Accessor for $this->_received;
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    function getReceived()
            return $this->_received;
    } /* function getReceived() */

    * Accessor for $this->_loss;
    * @return array statistical information
    * @access private
    function getLoss()
            return $this->_loss;
    } /* function getLoss() */

} /* class Net_Ping_Result */

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-10-02 23:19 |只看该作者
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