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BackupPC又有新版本了 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2005-09-18 14:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Release Name:
2.1.2 is a bug fix release for 2.1.1.  It fixes several bugs.
See the change log for full details.
Changes since 2.1.1:
# Version 2.1.2, 5 Sep 2005
* Fixed simple but serious bug in bin/BackupPC_tarCreate that prevented
  hardlinks being saved correctly.  Debugged by Michael (mna.news)
  with several other people.
* Fixed serious bug in bin/BackupPC_dump reported/debugged by Dan Niles
  that can happen when multiple full backups are deleted after
  $Conf{FullKeepCnt} is changed.
* Changed lib/BackupPC/CGI/Lib.pm so that link to "$TopDir/conf/$host.pl"
  is displayed if it exists.  Patch from Andreas Vögele.
* Applied daemonize patch to bin/BackupPC from:
* It's now a fatal error if $Conf{CompressLevel} is set, but
  Compress::Zlib is not found.  Before $Conf{CompressLevel} was
  silently set to 0, which made all the backups uncompressed.
  That meant the user never knew if they forget to install
  Compress::Zlib but were expecting compression to be on.
* Finally increased $Conf{ClientTimeout} to 72000 (20 hours).
* Added sleep 1 in restart() function in init.d/src/gentoo-backuppc,
  suggested by Jon Hood.
* Added $DestDir to the path of the CGI image directory in configure.pl.
  Patch submitted by Andreas Vögele.
* Applied extensive patch to French translation from Frederic Lehobey.
* Minor change to Dutch language $Lang{Pool_Stat} from Wander Winkelhorst.
* Minor change to French language $Lang{EMailOutlookBackupMesg} and
  $Lang{EMailOutlookBackupSubj} from Ludovic Gasc.

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