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Other classes in Age of Conan [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-07-14 12:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Assassin: The most lethal killers of Hyboria,
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possessing powerful combos, the ability to
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dual-wield and slip past enemies unseen.
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The barbarian is one of the most dangerous and feared sights on the battlefield. Their combat style focuses on strength,
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aggression, and relentless assault.
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Rangers are the finest marksmen in Hyboria,
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capable of stalking an enemy and delivering
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devastating shots with pinpoint accuracy.
Mage Archetype:
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Summon and command the undead.
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Their ghoulish minions are capable of tearing men apart or casting their own death magic.
Demonologist: The mightiest of sorcerers,
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wielding the power of hell and earth and capable of conjuring
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pillars of flame or titanic storms of electricity.
Herald of Xotli:
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Hybrids of the mage and soldier archetypes
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who wield alien spells and two handed weapons,
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making them a formidable enemy on the battlefield.
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