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500强通信企业配置管理工程师 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-11-03 19:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The main Responsibilities are:
        Study the customer’s requirement and ensure the product customization’s capability in R&D phase
•        Creates run time configuration  to establish variant baseline for further customization
•        Document the files on how to do the cusotmizability
•        Ensures ramp-up readiness by integrating different team’s solution into real product release.
•        Consistent variant management when software is updated and ensuring available and new product variants are updated to reflect new functionality or bug-fixes.
•        Support the HW build and support the improvrment of  manufacturing failure rate
        SW package creation and delivery to test team, service center and Production system;
        SW Debugging, Error handling;
        Maintain Flashing environment;
        Develop and maintain variant build tools;
        Process definition and update to support the organization’s operational development

Needed Competencies and Skills:
        Bachelor or above degree in SW Engineering or similar field is required;
        2 or more years of work experience in designing, coding, integrating, testing and maintaining embedded software
        SW developer or SW configuration Experience  is preferred
        Version control knowledge
        Process oriented when dealing daily work and discussion;
        be able and willing to create scripts to improve work efficiency;
        Be persistent in driving issues to be completely solved and willing to challenge authority;
        Proactive and honest in nature and be able to work with people of various disciplines;
        Be able to manage multiple tasks/programs;
        Good communication skill with speaking and writing in English
        Must be self motivated and achievement oriented.
        Good team worker with strong coordination and negotiation skills.

It will be perfect if there are:
- Professional work experience with Continuus and SW build/CM experience will be a plus;
- Basic knowledge about Nokia SW platforms;
- Working experience with multiple R&D sites development
version control and Unix knowledge.

send your resume to: yuki236236@hotmail.com

2 [报告]
发表于 2008-11-04 14:51 |只看该作者
where is the work location?
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