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[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: June 13, 2009 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-06-14 10:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Haskell Weekly News: June 13, 2009


purely functional lazy non-deterministic programming. Sebastian Fischer announced the explicit-sharing library, which supports lazy functional-logic programming in Haskell.

nntp 0.0.1. Maciej Piechotka announced the release of nntp, a library to connect to nntp (i.e. mainly USENET) servers.

OpenGLRaw Sven Panne announced the release of OpenGLRaw, a low-level binding for OpenGL. The eventual goal is to make the OpenGL package easier to install, more modular and a bit more flexible.

pgm-0.1 on Hackage. Frederick Ross announced pgm, a pure Haskell library to read and write PGM images. It seamlessly handles the divide between 1 and 2 byte per pixel images; reads and writes UArrays; can handle multiple PGMs concatenated one after another in a file; and encodes and decodes all comments in the PGM header, which can be used to drop arbitrary metadata into files in a human readable manner.

iteratee-0.2.1 released. John Lato announced the release of iteratee-0.2.1, a major update to the iteratee library. This library provides types and functions for performing enumerator/iteratee based I/O operations in Haskell, as described by Oleg. The new version is a large redesign, including support for resumable exceptions and a greatly simplified interface.

testrunner-0.9. Reinier Lamers announced testrunner, a new framework for running unit tests. It can run unit tests in parallel; can run QuickCheck and HUnit tests as well as simple boolean expressions; and comes with a ready-made main function for your unit test executable.

serial-0.2. Frederick Ross announced version 0.2 of serial, a library for working with line-oriented POSIX serial ports.

hunp-0.0. Deniz Dogan announced hunp, a command-line utility which automagically calls the right "unpacker" program for you and works on both files and directories.

Nemesis : easy task management. Jinjing Wang announced a new release of nemesis, a simple rake-like task management tool.

Data.Reify.CSE. Sebastiaan Visser announced the data-reify-cse module, which implements common sub-expression elimination for graphs generated by the Data.Reify package. This package might especially be useful for optimizing simple compilers for referentially transparent domain specific languages.

alloy-1.0.0 (generic programming). Neil Brown announced the first release of the Allow generic programming library. It is intended to be a fairly fast blend of several other generics approaches, such as SYB (but without the dynamic typing) and Uniplate (but allowing an arbitrary number of target types), for performing transformations on specific types in large tree structures.

StrictBench 0.1 - Benchmarking code through strict evaluation. R.A. Niemeijer announced the release of StrictBench, a library for timing full evaluation of values.

haskeem 0.7.0 uploaded to hackage. Uwe Hollerbach announced haskeem, a small scheme interpreter written in Haskell.

numtype 1.0 -- Type-level (low cardinality) integers. Bjorn Buckwalter announced the Numeric.NumType module, now released as its own package, which implements a unary type-level representation of integers, supporting addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Google Summer of Code

Progress updates from participants in the 2008 Google Summer of Code.

space profiling. Gergely Patai has some pretty graphs generated by his profiling library.

haskell-src-exts. Niklas Broberg is quite close to releasing haskell-src-exts 1.0.0, as soon as he has full and correct support for (almost) everything code-related, with only a few things left to do. He also wrote a post explaining the intricacies of parsing code containing the 'forall' keyword (well, whether it is a keyword depends on which extensions are enabled...)

fast darcs. Petr Rockai made a bit less progress this week, with finals and other things interfering, but made some progress on some documentation, tracking down a performance regression, and other things.

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