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Google Gadgets for Linux 0.11.2(bug修复版) [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-01-29 20:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Google Gadgets 是由 Google 针对 Linux 平台而推出的一个运行桌面小玩意儿的平台,像什么天气预报、日历、时钟等等.利用该平台,Linux 用户可以在自己的桌面使用 Google Desktop for Windows 的 Gadgets 及 iGoogle 上的 Gadgets.
Google Gadgets for Linux 0.11.2

  • 0.11.2 - Jan 27th 2009
  • DBus proxy: Introspect remote object asynchronously.
  • Rss gadget: Improved compatibility with some websites.
  • Edit element: Added vAlign property (Only implemented in Gtk version).
  • Base element: Added focus overlay and tab stop feature.
  • Gtk host: Added a menu item to add an iGoogle gadget directly.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with gtk+-2.18.0 or above.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with xulrunner 1.9.2.
  • Fixed some compile warnings when compiling with gcc 4.4.x
  • Fixed some crash issues.
  • Fixed some issues in soup-xml-http-request for handling zero length POST.
  • Lots of other bugfixes.

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