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有意思的--goosh [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-02-11 10:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
该网站以类似 Unix shell 的方式运作。换句话说,通过 Goosh 的 CLI 界面,你可以访问 Google 相关的服务,包括执行各种搜索、Google 翻译、计算、以及阅读或撰写 Gmail。
guest@goosh.org:/web> ifconfig
  1)     ifconfig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jan 29, 2009 ... The Unix command ifconfig (short for interface configurator) serves to configure and control TCP/IP network interfaces from a
command line ...

  2)     Linux and UNIX ifconfig command help
Linux / Unix ifconfig command help and information.

  3)     ifconfig(8): configure network interface - Linux man page
Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary. After that, it
is usually .

  4)     Linux Command Directory: ifconfig
Without arguments, ifconfig displays the current configuration for a network ... Used with a single interface argument, ifconfig displays that
particular ...
guest@goosh.org:/web> help
command    aliases    parameters    function
web    (search,s,w)    [keywords]    google web search
news    (n)    [keywords]    google news search
more    (m)        get more results
blogs    (blog,b)    [keywords]    google blog search
read    (rss,r)        read feed of url
feeds    (feed,f)    [keywords]    google feed search
place    (places,map,p)    [address]    google maps search
translate    (trans,t)    [lang1] [lang2]     google translation
images    (image,i)    [keywords]    google image search
video    (videos,v)    [keywords]    google video search
clear    (c)        clear the screen
wiki    (wikipedia)    [keywords]    wikipedia search
help    (man,h,?)    [command]    displays help text
cd            change mode
site    (in)         search in a specific website
open    (o)        open url in new window
go    (g)        open url
lucky    (l)    [keywords]    go directly to first result
ls        [command]    lists commands
addengine            add goosh to firefox search box
load            load an extension
calculate    (calc)    [mathematical expression]    evaluate a mathematical expression
settings    (set)    [name] [value]    edit settings
gmail    (mail)    [compose]    read & write mail in gmail *
login            login with your google account *
logout            log out of goosh *
- Enter green commands without parameters to change default mode.
- Anything that's not a command will search in current default mode.
- Aliases will expand to commands. Numbers will expand to corresponding search results.
- Use cursor up and down for command history.
- Enter keyword and hit the tab-key for tab-completion.
- Commands marked with * are experimental, use them with care and please report any bugs.

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