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Tune BootUpManger for better performance of Ubuntu [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-05-31 05:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
      Use Boot-Up-Manager for better performance
does not come with a graphical tool to disable services. The
Boot-Up-Manager (BUM) is the most comprehensive and user-friendly tool
for Ubuntu.  
Follow these Steps to Install Boot-Up- Manager

    Go to Applications > Add and Remove Applications

  • The Add/Remove Applications window is shown. Search for boot in the search text box. Check Boot-Up-Manager and click on OK to install.

  • Click on Apply in confirmation popup. Boot-Up-Manager is installed successfully.

  • Disable the services for better performance tunning

    Go to System >  Adminstration > BootUp-Manager

  •     Boot-Up-Manager window is shown. Check Advanced check box, and select tab Startup and shutdown scripts

  • Disabling the below listed scripts doesn't disturb your PC

    ntpdate: a utility that updates the system clock on each reboot.

    pcmcia: used only with laptops if one has PCMCIA cards.

    ppp: point-to-point
    protocol used only if you have a modem. Disabled the built-in modem in
    my desktop and only use a network interface card.

    powernowd: Use an AMD processor with Ubuntu and this service does not work with AMD.

    rsync: a utility that provides fast incremental file transfer if you wish to mirror or back up data.

    fetchmail: a
    utility to retrieve and forward mail and act as a gateway to smtp. If
    you are a Linux groupware client, do not use this utility.

    postfix: a mail transfer agent similar to sendmail. Use a mail server from my ISP and our company domain.

Reboot the PC and find the difference.
To find out more about Ubuntu, visit our  
Ubuntu zChannel


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