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[故障求助] 请教大侠几个191问题。 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-05-10 15:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
7. In order to upgrade from AIX version 4.3 to 5.1, which of the following actions should be performed?

A. Run smit update all

B. Run smit install all

C. Boot from the installation media

D. Run update_all from the mounted CD
10. A 1500 page print job was sent to the "pcl" queue. The job had been running for several minutes when it was determined that the job was not needed. What can be done to delete the job?


        Queue Dev        Status        Job Files        User        PP %

        Blks Cp Rnk

        ------ -----        ------------ -------- ------- --- -

        pcl        pcl        RUNNING 201 STDIN.27648        root

        750 50 1000 1 1

A. Cancel 201

B. Disable pcl

C. rm /var/spool/lpd/201.job

D. Delete files in /var/spool/lpd/qdir

11.A system has crashed and upon bringing the system back up the administrator notices a huge print job has been spooled. The system administrator has been able to disable the printer but a third party software keeps enabling it. The administrator has tried to cancel the job but the crash corrupted the cancel command. What is an alternative way to cancel the queued job?

A. Turn off the printer, then turn it back on.

B. Run the cancell all command.

c. Uninstall the third party software that keeps re-enabling the printer.

D. Delete the correct file in the /var/spool/lpd/qdir directory.

16. A system administrator has just setup a new machine with two external hard disks in an ultra SCSI chain. One is a 9.1 GB ultra SCSI SE disk and the other is a 18.2 GB Differential disk. The system administrator reboots the machine and notices that only the SE disk is available. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

A. There is a SCSI conflict between the two drives.

B. The SE and Differential drives are on the same chain.

C. The SE disk is probably experiencing hardware problems.

D. The Differential disk is experiencing hardware problems.
知道答案是B。但不知原因。SCSI chain。是什么东西?

18. After installing fileset updates to upgrade the system from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3, the "oslevel" command still reports the oslevel to be "". What can be done to determine which filesets still need to be upgraded so the oslevel command will report ""?

A. lppchk -v

B. oslevel -l

C. installp -1

D. instfix -q -1

23. After adding a new Ethernet card to a system and rebooting, the system adminis4ator notices the card was not configured. How can the system administrator determine if there were errors during the configuration process for the card?

A. Examine the bootlog with the command: alog -o -f /var/adm/ras/bootlog.

B. Display the device attributes and errors with the command: lsdev -C -l ent0.

c. Examine the AIX errorlog for configuration method errors with the command: errpt -a -C ent0.

D. Examine the ODM for configuration errors with the command: odmget -q "method errors" ent0.

2 [报告]
发表于 2004-05-14 16:12 |只看该作者


SCSI chain可以理解为SCSI 连路
SE and Differential drives 不能接在同一个SCSI连路上.

3 [报告]
发表于 2004-07-30 10:36 |只看该作者


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