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在线求救﹕Exchange Server 不能启动!!! [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-01-11 20:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Microsoft Exchange Directory Services不能启动﹐提示如下错误信息﹕An internal windows NT error occurred.

2 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-11 20:49 |只看该作者
补充一下﹕ WinNT 4.0  SP6
                      Exchange 5.5


3 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-13 20:02 |只看该作者
我还没搞掂啊!!!! 哪位好心的Exchange高手能留下电话吗.  很急呀, 上百人等着用邮件啊.

4 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-13 20:50 |只看该作者


排错就像看病,讲究“望 闻 问 切”,说明详细情况,大家也好分析原因。

5 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-13 21:19 |只看该作者
原因是把Exchange Server 找不到\\exchsrvr\\dsadata\\和\\exchsrvr\\mdbdata\\这两个文件夹。
想Reinstall Exchange,但是不行。

6 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-13 21:25 |只看该作者
还没说完,F盘里的 \\exchsrvr\\mdbdata\\ 只放了Log文件。EDB 还在D:\\exchsrvr\\mdbdata\\里。

7 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-13 21:46 |只看该作者





8 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-13 22:47 |只看该作者
2.Microsoft Exchange Directory Services不能启动,试着重新建一个服务试试,看是文件损坏还是什么
3.想Reinstall Exchange,但是不行?为什么不行? 用安装盘启动可以重新安装的



9 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-14 08:25 |只看该作者
我们这台Exchange Server 是 Site 中的第二台服务器,第一台服务器在香港,现在是我们这边的服务器不能起来,香港的服务器还正常动作。我们尝试过把Directory Export出来,在Site中把我们这台服务器移除,在Reinstall 一台新的 NetBEUI 名相同的NT4 Server,在重装Exchange , Join 到香港的Site中,在把Directory Import 进去,把原来的PRIV.EDB , PUB.EDB 考到新服务器中,运行 ISIMTEG -PATH 命令。但是这样作完后新服务器里的Mailbox 都出错了。

很感谢几位版主的帮忙,留下的 Microsoft 的支持电话我们还没打,9点他们才上班。

10 [报告]
发表于 2003-01-14 10:43 |只看该作者

XADM: Restoring an Exchange Directory
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5

This article was previously published under Q162353
If you need to restore an Exchange Server computer and you are unable to recover the Directory, you can still recover the information in the Private and Public Stores. Typical methods to recover the Directory include running edbutil /d /r /ds, or eseutil /p /ds in Exchange Server 5.5, or first recovering the Windows NT security accounts manager (SAM) database.
To recover the information in the Private and Public Stores:

NOTE: If you run edbutil /d /r against a directory it is important to export the information, reinstall Exchange Server, and then import the information.
If possible, from the Exchange Administrator Program, on the Tools menu, click Directory Export and export all Recipient containers on this server. If this server cannot be brought up long enough to get to this point, you can perform the Directory Export from another server, in the same or other site, that contains the Directory information for the users from this server.
In Services, in Control Panel, stop the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant. When prompted, click OK to stop all of the other Microsoft Exchange Server services.
Copy Pub.edb, Priv.edb, all Edb*.log files, all Res*.log files and Edb.chk to another folder or another server as a backup.
Start Setup.exe from the Exchange Server CD, and click Remove All when prompted. Verify and remove all Exchange directories (across all drives if Optimization was run).
Start Setup.exe again, and reinstall the server with the same Organization Name and Site Name as before. Be careful to make sure each name is typed exactly as it was before, because both the Organization Name and Site Name are case-sensitive.

NOTE: Remember to reapply any Service Packs that were applied to the previous install.
In Services, in Control Panel, stop the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant. When prompted, click OK to stop all of the other Microsoft Exchange Server services.
Move all the files out of the Exchsrvr\\Mdbdata folder (across all drives if Optimization was run). Copy to this folder all of the files that were copied to another folder or server in step 1 (Pub.edb, Priv.edb, all Edb*.log files, all Res*.log files and Edb.chk).
Start the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant and Microsoft Exchange Directory services in Control Panel, Services.
From a command prompt, change the folder to Exchsrvr\\Bin, and carry out the following command:
Isinteg -patch

Start the remaining Microsoft Exchange Server services in Control Panel, Services.
Run the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator Program against the server you are recovering.

NOTE: With a new directory it is important to re-establish Mailflow between any outstanding sites and Directory Replication before you proceed to Step 12.
If there were any other Recipients containers aside from the default Recipients container, re-create them all. It is important that these containers have the same name and are nested (Recipient containers within Recipient containers) under the same containers as they were before the restore.

NOTE: The users in nested containers may not be recovered if step 1 was not performed. For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
154491 XADM: DS/IS Fails to Re-create Mailboxes in Subcontainers

If step 1 was successful, perform only step 13 below. If step 1 was not successful, (no CSV file could be created), skip step 13 below and perform steps 14 through 16 below.
Using the CSV file created in Step 1, on the Tools menu, click Directory Import and import the Directory entries into the Directory.
Select the Server Object (Organization, Site, Configuration, Servers, servername), click File, click Properties (or press ALT+ENTER), and then click the Advanced tab.
Under DS/IS Consistency adjustment, click All Inconsistencies, and click Adjust.

At this point, all Users should show up in their respective containers except those users who are in nested containers.
Go to the Properties of each individual mailbox on the server. At the bottom of the Properties box, click Primary Windows NT Account, and then click Select an existing Windows NT account, and then select the corresponding Windows NT account from the Add User or Group list.
After these procedures are done, the users should be able to log into the server without having lost their mail messages and the public folders should have been restored as well.

For additional information on using Edbutil.exe, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
143233 XADM: Command-Line Parameters for Edbutil.exe

For additional information on using Eseutil.exe, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
182903 XADM: ESEUTIL Command Line Parameters
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