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LINUXDNS内的logging语句的用法 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-04-11 15:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-15 10:06 |只看该作者


l\r\n语法:stop  logging\r\nogging Statement Definition and Usage\r\nThe logging statement configures a wide variety of logging options for the nameserver. Its channel\r\nphrase associates output methods, format options and severity levels with a name that can then be used\r\nwith the category phrase to select how various classes of messages are logged.\r\nOnly one logging statement is used to define as many channels and categories as are wanted. If there is\r\nno logging statement, the logging configuration will be:\r\nlogging {\r\ncategory \"unmatched\" { \"null\"; };\r\ncategory \"default\" { \"default_syslog\"; \"default_debug\"; };\r\n};\r\nlogging语法定义和用法\r\nlogging语句为DNS配置了一个很广范围的日志选项。它的channel项用来定义日志的输出方法、格式和安全等级。可以通过category语句通过选择不同名字的channel来决定何类的消息被记录。一个配置文件中只能有一个logging语句,它就能用来定义足够多的你需要的channel和category选项。如果不定义logging语句,它的默认配置是这样的:\r\nlogging {\r\ncategory \"unmatched\" { \"null\"; };\r\ncategory \"default\" { \"default_syslog\"; \"default_debug\"; };\r\n};\r\n\r\nIn BIND 9, the logging configuration is only established when the entire configuration file has been\r\nparsed. In BIND 8, it was established as soon as the logging statement was parsed. When the server is\r\nstarting up, all logging messages regarding syntax errors in the configuration file go to the default\r\nchannels, or to standard error if the \"-g\" option was specified.\r\n在BIND9中,logging配置只是在整个配置文件被解析后才开始生效,而在BIND8中,只要logging语句被解析它就生效。当DNS启动时,所有关于配置文件的语法错误都会被存到默认的channel中,如果-g选项被定义,那就会写到标准的错误输出中。
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