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[新手入门] 下面两段话中 intra-disk 和 inter-disk 是什么概念? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2004-01-13 22:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The intra-disk allocation policy choices are based on the five regions of a disk
where physical partitions can be located. The five regions are: Outer edge, inner
edge, outer middle, inner middle, and center. The edge partitions have the
slowest average seek times, which generally result in longer response times for
any application that uses them. The center partitions have the fastest average
seek times, which generally result in the best response time for any application
that uses them. There are, however, fewer partitions on a physical volume at the
center than at the other regions (unless when mirrored with mirror write
consistency check).
The inter-disk allocation policy determines the number (or range) of physical
volumes that the physical partitions will be allocated across. If the minimum
inter-physical volume setting is selected, the physical partitions assigned to the
logical volume are located on a single physical volume to enhance availability. If
the maximum inter-physical volume is selected (Range=maximum), the physical
partitions are located on multiple physical volumes to enhance performance.

2 [报告]
发表于 2004-01-14 09:29 |只看该作者

下面两段话中 intra-disk 和 inter-disk 是什么概念?

intra-disk 一个磁盘内的分配策略:
   inter-disk  某逻辑卷在多个磁盘间Pp的分配策略

3 [报告]
发表于 2009-04-30 11:01 |只看该作者
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