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wu-ftpd问题,在网上得不到解答,希望大家帮助 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-12-16 21:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

[root@localhost wu-ftpd-2.6.2]# make
(cd support ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/support'
gcc -g -O2 -c -o authuser.o authuser.c
rm -f libsupport.a
ar cq libsupport.a authuser.o            
ranlib libsupport.a
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/support'
(cd util/privatepw ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw'
(sh ../../src/newvers.sh)
gcc  -g -O2 -L../../support -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv -lsupport -o privatepw privatepw.c ../../src/COPYRIGHT.c vers.c
/tmp/ccvmw6at.o: In function `main':
/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw/privatepw.c:297: warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw'
(cd src ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o COPYRIGHT.o COPYRIGHT.c
bison -y ftpcmd.y
ftpcmd.y:197.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:205.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:228.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:260.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:271.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:310.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:311.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:312.25-26: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:325.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:326.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:327.25-26: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:340.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:341.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:347.50-51: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:347.54-55: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:347.54-55: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:348.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:354.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:355.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:355.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:355.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:357.41-42: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:359.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:360.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:365.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:366.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:366.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:366.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:367.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:368.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:369.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:374.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:375.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:375.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:375.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:376.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:377.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:378.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:384.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:390.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:391.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:391.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:391.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:392.32-33: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:393.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:394.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:400.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:415.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:416.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:416.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:416.58-59: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:420.39-40: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:422.40-41: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:424.20-21: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:427.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:428.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:433.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:434.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:434.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:434.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:435.29-30: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:436.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:437.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:443.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:449.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:450.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:450.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:450.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:451.24-25: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:452.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:453.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:458.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:459.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:459.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:459.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:461.41-42: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:469.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:470.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:476.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:483.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:489.54-55: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:490.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:490.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:490.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:491.21-22: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:492.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:493.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:499.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:504.42-43: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:507.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:508.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:510.35-36: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:519.34-35: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:520.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:521.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:527.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:533.54-55: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:534.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:534.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:534.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:535.25-26: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:536.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:537.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:542.54-55: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:543.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:543.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:543.53-54: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:544.27-28: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:545.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:546.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:552.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:559.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:570.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:576.50-51: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:576.50-51: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:577.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:578.31-32: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:578.31-32: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:579.17-18: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:579.17-18: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:580.22-23: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:580.22-23: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:588.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:601.53-54: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:601.53-54: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:602.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:610.26-27: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:610.26-27: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:610.38-39: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:610.38-39: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:614.50-51: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:614.50-51: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:615.68-69: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:615.68-69: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:628.56-57: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:628.56-57: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:628.70-71: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:628.70-71: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:629.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:629.23-24: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:629.23-24: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:642.31-32: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:642.31-32: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:642.44-45: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:642.44-45: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:644.26-27: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:644.26-27: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:644.38-39: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:644.38-39: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:647.36-37: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:647.36-37: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:647.49-50: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:647.49-50: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:649.43-44: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:649.43-44: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:653.37-38: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:653.37-38: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:669.17-18: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:669.17-18: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:670.22-23: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:670.22-23: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:676.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:684.50-51: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:684.50-51: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:685.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:686.21-22: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:686.21-22: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:686.32-33: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:686.32-33: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:692.36-37: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:692.36-37: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:700.51-52: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:700.51-52: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:701.37-38: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:701.43-44: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:701.43-44: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:702.28-29: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:702.28-29: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:703.18-19: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:703.18-19: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:711.37-38: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:711.43-44: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:711.43-44: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:712.28-29: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:712.28-29: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:713.18-19: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:713.18-19: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:721.37-38: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:728.51-52: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:728.51-52: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:730.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:730.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:730.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:731.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:731.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:735.18-19: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:735.18-19: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:740.54-55: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:740.54-55: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:741.34-35: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:741.34-35: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:743.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:743.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:743.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:743.29-30: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:743.29-30: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:743.51-52: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:743.51-52: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:744.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:744.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:744.27-28: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:744.27-28: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:748.18-19: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:748.18-19: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:749.17-18: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:749.17-18: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:750.22-23: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:750.22-23: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:755.51-52: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:755.51-52: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:757.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:757.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:757.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:758.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:758.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:762.18-19: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:762.18-19: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:767.54-55: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:767.54-55: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:768.34-35: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:768.34-35: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:770.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:770.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:770.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:770.29-30: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:770.29-30: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:770.51-52: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:770.51-52: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:771.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:771.23-24: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:771.27-28: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:771.27-28: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:775.18-19: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:775.18-19: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:776.17-18: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:776.17-18: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:777.22-23: invalid $ value: $8
ftpcmd.y:777.22-23: $8 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:784.37-38: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:784.48-49: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:784.48-49: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:786.28-29: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:786.28-29: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:787.55-56: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:787.55-56: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:791.17-18: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:791.17-18: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:792.22-23: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:792.22-23: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:796.37-38: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:796.48-49: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:796.48-49: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:797.43-44: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:797.43-44: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:799.17-18: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:799.17-18: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:800.22-23: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:800.22-23: $6 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:806.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:807.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:807.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:807.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:808.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:809.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:810.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:816.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:839.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:840.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:840.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:840.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:841.25-26: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:843.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:844.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:859.55-56: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:860.17-18: $2 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:860.23-24: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:860.45-46: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:863.26-27: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:864.39-40: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:867.27-28: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:878.17-18: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:879.22-23: $4 of `cmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:902.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:936.51-52: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:936.51-52: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:938.23-24: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:938.23-24: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:939.17-18: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:939.17-18: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:940.22-23: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:940.22-23: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:959.67-68: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:959.67-68: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:960.26-27: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:960.26-27: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:961.32-33: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:961.32-33: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:962.17-18: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:962.17-18: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:963.22-23: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:963.22-23: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:975.64-65: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:975.64-65: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:976.26-27: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:976.26-27: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:976.58-59: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:976.58-59: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:977.26-27: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:977.26-27: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:978.17-18: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:978.17-18: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:979.22-23: invalid $ value: $6
ftpcmd.y:979.22-23: $6 of `rcmd' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:993.9: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
ftpcmd.y:994.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1005.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1019.12: warning: type clash on default action: <Number> != <>
ftpcmd.y:1020.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1034.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1041.24-25: invalid $ value: $3
ftpcmd.y:1041.24-25: $3 of `type_code' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:1051.24-25: invalid $ value: $3
ftpcmd.y:1051.24-25: $3 of `type_code' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:1065.26-27: invalid $ value: $3
ftpcmd.y:1065.26-27: $3 of `type_code' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:1071.26-27: invalid $ value: $2
ftpcmd.y:1071.26-27: $2 of `type_code' has no declared type
ftpcmd.y:1075.14: warning: type clash on default action: <Number> != <>
ftpcmd.y:1076.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1089.13: warning: type clash on default action: <Number> != <>
ftpcmd.y:1090.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1104.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1196.9: syntax error, unexpected =
ftpcmd.y:1220.12: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
ftpcmd.y:1221.9: syntax error, unexpected =
make[1]: *** [ftpcmd.c] 错误 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'
make: *** [all] 错误 2


2 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-16 22:09 |只看该作者

回复 1楼 mzapa 的帖子

提示语法错误,不能为空,你看看他的makefile的帮助,或者./configure --help  下,要不是就是他的宏定义有问题了

3 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-16 22:16 |只看该作者
make[1]: *** [ftpcmd.c] 错误 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'


4 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-16 22:20 |只看该作者
是ftpcmd.c中 "="的缘故
cp ftpcmd.y ftpcmd.y.orig
sed -e "s/=[ "$'\t'"][ "$'\t'"]*{/'=' {/" ftpcmd.y.orig > ftpcmd.y

[root@localhost wu-ftpd-2.6.2]# cd src
[root@localhost src]# cp ftpcmd.y ftpcmd.y.orig
[root@localhost src]# sed -e "s/=[ "$'\t'"][ "$'\t'"]*{/'=' {/" ftpcmd.y.orig > ftpcmd.y
[root@localhost src]# cd ..
[root@localhost wu-ftpd-2.6.2]# ./configure
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for executable suffix...
checking for object suffix... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for POSIXized ISC... no
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for bison... bison -y
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for ar... ar
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
checking if we can do hard links... yes - using ln
checking for dirent.h... yes
checking for regex.h... yes
checking for shadow.h... yes
checking for security/pam_appl.h... yes
checking for opie.h... no
checking for skey.h... no
checking for syslog.h... yes
checking for sys/syslog.h... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking for mntent.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for glob.h... yes
checking for grp.h... yes
checking for ndir.h... no
checking for sys/dir.h... yes
checking for sys/ndir.h... no
checking for string.h... yes
checking for vmsdir.h... no
checking for sys/systeminfo.h... no
checking for bsd/bsd.h... no
checking for sys/param.h... yes
checking for values.h... yes
checking for limits.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/mntent.h... no
checking for sys/mnttab.h... no
checking for paths.h... yes
checking for dirfd... yes
checking for fchdir... yes
checking for flock... yes
checking for ftw... yes
checking for getcwd... yes
checking for getdtablesize... yes
checking for pstat... no
checking for lstat... yes
checking for vprintf... yes
checking for snprintf... yes
checking for regexec... yes
checking for regex... no
checking for fgetspent... yes
checking for usercmp... no
checking for getusershell... yes
checking for setuid... yes
checking for vsnprintf... yes
checking for snprintf... (cached) yes
checking for strcasestr... yes
checking for strdup... yes
checking for strerror... yes
checking for strsep... yes
checking for strstr... yes
checking for syslog... yes
checking for glob... yes
checking for strcasecmp... yes
checking for strncasecmp... yes
checking for sigprocmask... yes
checking for quotactl... yes
checking for getrlimit... yes
checking for sysconf... yes
checking for setsid... yes
checking for memmove... yes
checking for strtoul... yes
checking for seteuid... yes
checking for setegid... yes
checking for crypt in -lcrypt... yes
checking for socket in -lsocket... no
checking for socket in -lsocket... (cached) no
checking for connect in -lsocket... no
checking for connect in -lsocket... (cached) no
checking for inet_addr in -lnsl... yes
checking for sys_siglist... yes
checking type of qsort... void
checking how to determine bytesize... NBBY
checking if openlog requires 3 arguments... yes
checking which facility openlog understands... LOG_FTP
checking type of getmntent function... new-style
checking if there is a ut_host field in the utmp structure... yes
checking if there is a ut_exit.e_termination field in the utmp structure... yes
checking if there is a pw_expire field in the pw structure... no
checking if there is a st_blksize field in the stat structure... yes
checking for res_query... no
checking for res_query in -lbind... no
checking for res_query in -lresolv... yes
checking how to printf gr_gid... gr_gid is just a long - using %u
checking how to printf pw_uid... uid_t is just a long - using %u
checking how to printf an off_t... off_t is just a long - using %u
checking how to printf a time_t... time_t is just a long - using %u
checking for setspent in -lshadow... no
checking for getspnam in -lshadow... no
checking for setspent in -lc... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating src/Makefile
config.status: creating support/Makefile
config.status: creating util/privatepw/Makefile
config.status: creating src/pathnames.h
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: config.h is unchanged
config.status: creating src/config.h
config.status: src/config.h is unchanged
[root@localhost wu-ftpd-2.6.2]# make
(cd support ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/support'
rm -f libsupport.a
ar cq libsupport.a authuser.o            
ranlib libsupport.a
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/support'
(cd util/privatepw ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw'
(cd src ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o COPYRIGHT.o COPYRIGHT.c
bison -y ftpcmd.y
mv -f y.tab.c ftpcmd.c
sh newvers.sh
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o vers.o vers.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o ftpd.o ftpd.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o ftpcmd.o ftpcmd.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o glob.o glob.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o logwtmp.o logwtmp.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o popen.o popen.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o access.o access.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o extensions.o extensions.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o realpath.o realpath.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o acl.o acl.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o private.o private.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o authenticate.o authenticate.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o conversions.o conversions.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o rdservers.o rdservers.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o paths.o paths.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o hostacc.o hostacc.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o sigfix.o sigfix.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o auth.o auth.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o routevector.o routevector.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o restrict.o restrict.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o domain.o domain.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o wu_fnmatch.o wu_fnmatch.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o timeout.o timeout.c
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o getpwnam.o getpwnam.c
gcc  -g -O2 -o ftpd COPYRIGHT.o vers.o ftpd.o ftpcmd.o glob.o logwtmp.o popen.o access.o extensions.o realpath.o acl.o private.o authenticate.o conversions.o rdservers.o paths.o hostacc.o sigfix.o auth.o routevector.o restrict.o domain.o wu_fnmatch.o timeout.o getpwnam.o -L../support -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv -lsupport
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o ftpcount.o ftpcount.c
gcc  -g -O2 -o ftpcount COPYRIGHT.o vers.o ftpcount.o -L../support -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv -lsupport
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o ftpshut.o ftpshut.c
gcc  -g -O2 -o ftpshut COPYRIGHT.o vers.o ftpshut.o rdservers.o -L../support -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv -lsupport
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o ftprestart.o ftprestart.c
gcc  -g -O2 -o ftprestart COPYRIGHT.o vers.o ftprestart.o rdservers.o -L../support -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv -lsupport
gcc  -g -O2 -I.. -I../support -c -o ckconfig.o ckconfig.c
gcc  -g -O2 -o ckconfig COPYRIGHT.o vers.o ckconfig.o rdservers.o -L../support -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv -lsupport
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'
if [ ! -d bin ]; then mkdir bin; fi
rm -f bin/ftpd bin/ftpshut bin/ftpcount bin/ftpwho bin/ckconfig bin/ftprestart
ln src/ftpd bin
ln src/ftpshut bin
ln src/ftpcount bin
ln src/ftpcount bin/ftpwho
ln src/ckconfig bin
ln src/ftprestart bin
size bin/ftpd bin/ftpshut bin/ftpcount bin/ftpwho bin/ckconfig bin/ftprestart
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
146017   10668   97248  253933   3dfed bin/ftpd
   8467     500   10276   19243    4b2b bin/ftpshut
   6523     488      12    7023    1b6f bin/ftpcount
   6523     488      12    7023    1b6f bin/ftpwho
   5632     416    8224   14272    37c0 bin/ckconfig
   6049     460   12320   18829    498d bin/ftprestart
[root@localhost wu-ftpd-2.6.2]# make install
(cd support ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/support'
rm -f libsupport.a
ar cq libsupport.a authuser.o            
ranlib libsupport.a
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/support'
(cd util/privatepw ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/util/privatepw'
(cd src ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/wu-ftpd-2.6.2/src'
if [ ! -d bin ]; then mkdir bin; fi
rm -f bin/ftpd bin/ftpshut bin/ftpcount bin/ftpwho bin/ckconfig bin/ftprestart
ln src/ftpd bin
ln src/ftpshut bin
ln src/ftpcount bin
ln src/ftpcount bin/ftpwho
ln src/ckconfig bin
ln src/ftprestart bin
size bin/ftpd bin/ftpshut bin/ftpcount bin/ftpwho bin/ckconfig bin/ftprestart
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
146017   10668   97248  253933   3dfed bin/ftpd
   8467     500   10276   19243    4b2b bin/ftpshut
   6523     488      12    7023    1b6f bin/ftpcount
   6523     488      12    7023    1b6f bin/ftpwho
   5632     416    8224   14272    37c0 bin/ckconfig
   6049     460   12320   18829    498d bin/ftprestart
installing binaries.
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 bin/ftpd //usr/sbin/in.ftpd
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 bin/ftpshut //usr/sbin/ftpshut
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 bin/ftpcount //usr/bin/ftpcount
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 bin/ftpwho //usr/bin/ftpwho
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 bin/ckconfig //usr/sbin/ckconfig
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 bin/ftprestart //usr/sbin/ftprestart
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 755 util/privatepw/privatepw //usr/sbin/privatepw
installing manpages.
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpd.8 //usr/man/man8/ftpd.8
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpcount.1 //usr/man/man1/ftpcount.1
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpwho.1 //usr/man/man1/ftpwho.1
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpshut.8 //usr/man/man8/ftpshut.8
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpaccess.5 //usr/man/man5/ftpaccess.5
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftphosts.5 //usr/man/man5/ftphosts.5
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpconversions.5 //usr/man/man5/ftpconversions.5
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftpservers.5 //usr/man/man5/ftpservers.5
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/xferlog.5 //usr/man/man5/xferlog.5
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 doc/ftprestart.8 //usr/man/man8/ftprestart.8
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 -o bin -g bin -m 644 util/privatepw/privatepw.8 //usr/man/man8/privatepw.8
Since you didn't have a ftpaccess file, the sample has been
installed to //etc/ftpaccess.
You will probably want to edit it.
Since you didn't have a ftpconversions file, the sample has been
installed to //etc/ftpconversions.
You will probably want to edit it.


5 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-16 22:36 |只看该作者

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-16 23:27 |只看该作者
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