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ora-00205错误的问题! [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-05-15 16:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
用SQL>conn /as sysdba连接后,然后

ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/oracle/product/9.2/dbs/initora9i.ora''
我在/opt/oracle/product/9.2/dbs 下没有找到initora9i.ora,只有init.ora和initdw.ora
我按照网上介绍 cp init.ora initora9i.ora
ORA-00205: error in identifying controlfile, check alert log for more info

查了查以往的帖子,有说说改一下init.ora文件,重新定位一下控制文件,但不知道具体改什么地方?我看了一下init.ora的内容,似乎没有跟控制文件定位相关的信息啊,希望各位大虾指点。还有,我数据库安装的是oracle9204版本,redhat linux。顺便贴下init.ora内容,如下:

# $Header: init.ora 06-aug-98.10:24:40 atsukerm Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1991, 1997, 1998 by Oracle Corporation
#   init.ora
#     atsukerm   08/06/98 -  fix for 8.1.
#     hpiao      06/05/97 -  fix for 803
#     glavash    05/12/97 -  add oracle_trace_enable comment
#     hpiao      04/22/97 -  remove ifile=, events=, etc.
#     alingelb   09/19/94 -  remove vms-specific stuff
#     dpawson    07/07/93 -  add more comments regarded archive start
#     maporter   10/29/92 -  Add vms_sga_use_gblpagfile=TRUE
#     jloaiza    03/07/92 -  change ALPHA to BETA
#     danderso   02/26/92 -  change db_block_cache_protect to _db_block_cache_p
#     ghallmar   02/03/92 -  db_directory -> db_domain
#     maporter   01/12/92 -  merge changes from branch 1.8.308.1
#     maporter   12/21/91 -  bug 76493: Add control_files parameter
#     wbridge    12/03/91 -  use of %c in archive format is discouraged
#     ghallmar   12/02/91 -  add global_names=true, db_directory=us.acme.com
#     thayes     11/27/91 -  Change default for cache_clone
#     jloaiza    08/13/91 -         merge changes from branch
#     jloaiza    07/31/91 -         add debug stuff
#     rlim       04/29/91 -         removal of char_is_varchar2
#   Bridge     03/12/91 - log_allocation no longer exists
#   Wijaya     02/05/91 - remove obsolete parameters
# Example INIT.ORA file
# This file is provided by Oracle Corporation to help you customize
# your RDBMS installation for your site.  Important system parameters
# are discussed, and example settings given.
# Some parameter settings are generic to any size installation.
# For parameters that require different values in different size
# installations, three scenarios have been provided: SMALL, MEDIUM
# and LARGE.  Any parameter that needs to be tuned according to
# installation size will have three settings, each one commented
# according to installation size.
# Use the following table to approximate the SGA size needed for the
# three scenarious provided in this file:
#                     -------Installation/Database Size------
#                      SMALL           MEDIUM           LARGE
#  Block         2K    4500K            6800K           17000K
#  Size          4K    5500K            8800K           21000K
# To set up a database that multiple instances will be using, place
# all instance-specific parameters in one file, and then have all
# of these files point to a master file using the IFILE command.
# This way, when you change a public
# parameter, it will automatically change on all instances.  This is
# necessary, since all instances must run with the same value for many
# parameters. For example, if you choose to use private rollback segments,
# these must be specified in different files, but since all gc_*
# parameters must be the same on all instances, they should be in one file.
# INSTRUCTIONS: Edit this file and the other INIT files it calls for
# your site, either by using the values provided here or by providing
# your own.  Then place an IFILE= line into each instance-specific
# INIT file that points at this file.
# NOTE: Parameter values suggested in this file are based on conservative
# estimates for computer memory availability. You should adjust values upward
# for modern machines.
# You may also consider using Database Configuration Assistant tool (DBCA)
# to create INIT file and to size your initial set of tablespaces based
# on the user input.

# replace DEFAULT with your database name

db_files = 80                                                         # SMALL  
# db_files = 400                                                      # MEDIUM
# db_files = 1500                                                     # LARGE  

db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8                                     # SMALL  
# db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16                                  # MEDIUM
# db_file_multiblock_read_count = 32                                  # LARGE  

db_block_buffers = 100                                                 # SMALL  
# db_block_buffers = 550                                              # MEDIUM
# db_block_buffers = 3200                                             # LARGE  

shared_pool_size = 3500000                                            # SMALL
# shared_pool_size = 5000000                                          # MEDIUM
# shared_pool_size = 9000000                                          # LARGE

log_checkpoint_interval = 10000

processes = 50                                                        # SMALL  
# processes = 100                                                     # MEDIUM
# processes = 200                                                     # LARGE  

parallel_max_servers = 5                                              # SMALL
# parallel_max_servers = 4 x (number of CPUs)                         # MEDIUM
# parallel_max_servers = 4 x (number of CPUs)                         # LARGE

log_buffer = 32768                                                    # SMALL
# log_buffer = 32768                                                  # MEDIUM
# log_buffer = 163840                                                 # LARGE

# audit_trail = true            # if you want auditing
# timed_statistics = true       # if you want timed statistics
max_dump_file_size = 10240      # limit trace file size to 5 Meg each

# Uncommenting the line below will cause automatic archiving if archiving has
# been enabled using ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG.
# log_archive_start = true      
# log_archive_dest = disk$rdbms:[oracle.archive]
# log_archive_format = "T%TS%S.ARC"

# If using private rollback segments, place lines of the following
# form in each of your instance-specific init.ora files:
# rollback_segments = (name1, name2)   

# If using public rollback segments, define how many
# rollback segments each instance will pick up, using the formula
#   # of rollback segments = transactions / transactions_per_rollback_segment
# In this example each instance will grab 40/5 = 8:
# transactions = 40
# transactions_per_rollback_segment = 5

# Global Naming -- enforce that a dblink has same name as the db it connects to
global_names = TRUE

# Edit and uncomment the following line to provide the suffix that will be
# appended to the db_name parameter (separated with a dot) and stored as the
# global database name when a database is created.  If your site uses
# Internet Domain names for e-mail, then the part of your e-mail address after
# the '@' is a good candidate for this parameter value.

# db_domain = us.acme.com       # global database name is db_name.db_domain

# vms_sga_use_gblpagfil = TRUE

# FOR BETA RELEASE ONLY.  Enable debugging modes.  Note that these can
# adversely affect performance.  On some non-VMS ports the db_block_cache_*
# debugging modes have a severe effect on performance.

#_db_block_cache_protect = true                       # memory protect buffers
#event = "10210 trace name context forever, level 2" # data block checking
#event = "10211 trace name context forever, level 2" # index block checking
#event = "10235 trace name context forever, level 1" # memory heap checking
#event = "10049 trace name context forever, level 2" # memory protect cursors

# define parallel server (multi-instance) parameters
#ifile = ora_system:initps.ora

# define two control files by default
control_files = (ora_control1, ora_control2)

# Uncomment the following line if you wish to enable the Oracle Trace product
# to trace server activity.  This enables scheduling of server collections
# from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.  
# Also, if the oracle_trace_collection_name parameter is non-null,
# every session will write to the named collection, as well as enabling you
# to schedule future collections from the console.

# oracle_trace_enable = TRUE

# Uncomment the following line, if you want to use some of the new 8.1
# features. Please remember that using them may require some downgrade
# actions if you later decide to move back to 8.0.

#compatible = 8.1.0
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