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紧急求助 MAC OS X 共享WINDOWS2003 共享文件的问题 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-01-13 18:33 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
鄙人之前没怎么接触过苹果的系统    今天装了一台服务器    他的环境是20台苹果和两个PC服务器一个工作组  
    下边的苹果终端要共享服务器上的文件   并且要能够有 读 写 运行的权限

    1 在服务器上 控制面板-添加删除程序-添加删除Windows组件,双击其它的网络文件和打印服务,安装了Macintosh打印服务和文件服务  
    2 然后在管理控制台的共享文件夹选项,用向导新建了共享文件夹,平且在MSCINTOSH也打上勾了。
    服务器和终端互相可以PING通,在终端上用SMB://IP 可以看到服务器上的共享文件  有读取权限 但是没有写权限和运行权限, 而且用AFP://IP 看不到共享文件夹   

    现在我的目的是想统一用AFP://IP 去访问共享  并且分配最高权限   希望达人能够指教

7 [报告]
发表于 2009-03-16 08:24 |只看该作者
如果lz使用AD域管理网络,而不用OS X服务器,那么可以参考:Mac OS X Leopard与目录服务(AD/OD)集成宝典(1)以及后面几节的内容,就可以让Mac客户端使用AD的网络认证系统, 那么那些共享什么都可以一次登录认证就全程访问了,而且可以提供更多的访问控制。

[ 本帖最后由 tonyliu2ca 于 2009-3-16 08:31 编辑 ]

6 [报告]
发表于 2009-03-02 18:33 |只看该作者
使用 smb 协议!

5 [报告]
发表于 2009-02-24 11:27 |只看该作者

Accessing a Windows 2003 Share from OS X
29 July 2004

At home we have a Windows 2003 Server running as a domain controller and file server. Whilst this does its job pretty nicely for Windows clients, I’ve never been able to connect to it successfully with my Mac running OS X 10.3 Panther. Browsing the network I have always been able to see the server, but any attempt to authenticate simply returned a error along the lines of “the original item cannot be found”. Frustrating.

Despite much searching over the last six months, I’d not found the solution – until today. Allow me to share the solution again, for the benefit of those searching with the same problem.

In a nutshell, the cause of the problem is the default security policy on Windows 2003 Server being set to always encrypt network connections under all circumstances. Whilst this is fine for most clients (especially Windows clients, understandably), the version of SMB that Panther uses doesn’t support encrypted connections. Apparently this support exists in Samba 3, but not on the version OS X uses. The solution is to change the security policy to use encryption when it’s available and not otherwise. Here’s how.

From Administrative Tools, open Domain Controller Security Settings.
Go to Local Policies then Security Options.

Scroll down to find the entry Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always). Set this to Disabled.

The only thing left to do is to reload the security policy, as changes don’t otherwise take effect for some time. Open up a command window and type:


This will buzz and whirr for a few moments before confirming that the policy has been reloaded. With a bit of luck you should now be able to mount a network share from the Windows 2003 Server on your Mac. As I say, I’ve been searching for this information periodically for more than six months, so if you find it helpful pass it on.

Update: I’ve had lots of people ask me if there’s some way they can return the favour of the time and support fees this tip has saved them. I don’t normally do this, but if you’d like to make a donation to help running costs, that would be awesome.

4 [报告]
发表于 2009-02-05 12:37 |只看该作者
没必要用AFP共享,会有苹果和PC字符的兼容问题,在 苹果机上 “苹果键+K ”  调出连接到服务器窗口, 在URL里输入 smb://服务器地址/共享文件夹名 弹出验证窗口,在“Workgroup” 输入工作组名 或 windows域名, 用户名 输 windows上有权共享的帐户名 密码输 相应帐户密码

没权限写入 是你在windows上建立共享时 设的共享权限不对, 注意两点 如果在ntfs的磁盘上, 一个是文件夹本身的权限 另一个是文件共享权限, 访问帐户对这两个权限都有读写权限, 通过共享才能写入


参与人数 1可用积分 +1 收起 理由
蓝色虫 + 1 我很赞同


日期:2015-03-12 10:39:39IT运维版块每日发帖之星
日期:2015-10-10 06:20:00
3 [报告]
发表于 2009-01-14 09:49 |只看该作者

2 [报告]
发表于 2009-01-14 03:55 |只看该作者
原帖由 硬件凯旋 于 2009-1-13 18:33 发表
鄙人之前没怎么接触过苹果的系统    今天装了一台服务器    他的环境是20台苹果和两个PC服务器一个工作组  
    下边的苹果终端要共享服务器上的文件   并且要能够有 读 写 运行的权限


AFP://IP 的意思是AppleTalk文件协议( AppleTalk Filing Protocol ) ,你的2003是不支持此种协议的,所以,算了吧,还是用SMB吧

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