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sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-11-04 20:34 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
我的 环境是sybase12.5+linux 9.0 在 srvbuild的时候出现以下的错误
(ASE-12.5 on Redhat 9.0)

After attempting to create an Adaptive Server, using the
srvbuild utility, the following message comes out:

Unable to boot Adaptive Server 'xxx' because the master
(/opt/sybase-12.5/dbdev/master/master.dat) does not exist.
Server 'xxx' was not created.
请各位前辈多多指教!!  非常感谢大家    急急急!!!

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11 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-06 10:33 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

看样子可能是整个系统的share memory分配不足造成的。
到 /etc/sysctl.conf里把kernel.shmmax配大后,再试试看?

10 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 12:28 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢


9 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 12:19 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

请大家  帮帮忙吧    我都要疯掉了  谢谢

8 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 11:40 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

我已经把SYBASE用户的权限开到最大了  还是不行啊

7 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 11:04 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢


6 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 11:00 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

更改test.cfg中的allow sql server async i/o=0 我试过了胆识还是不能建立master设备

5 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 10:45 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

现在master设备都不能建立  怎么办啊    兄弟要疯掉了

4 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 09:25 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

aio(异步io错误),更改test.cfg中的allow sql server async i/o=0看能否启动

3 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-05 09:09 |只看该作者

sybase 12.5 for linux 安装问题 急急!! 谢谢

00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.64 kernel  Use license file /opt/sybase-12.5/SYSAM/licenses/license.dat.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.65 kernel  Checked out license ASE_SERVER
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.65 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise Edition
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.87 kernel  Using config area from primary master device.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.88 server  Configuration Error: Configuration file, '/opt/sybase-12.5/TEST.cfg', does not exist.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.89 kernel  Warning: A configuration file was not specified and the default file '/opt/sybase-12.5/TEST.cfg' does not exist. SQL Server creates the default file with the default configuration.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.92 kernel  Warning: Using default file '/opt/sybase-12.5/TEST.cfg' since a configuration file was not specified. Specify a configuration file name in the RUNSERVER file to avoid this message.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.95 kernel  Internal run-time model set for Linux  - Native
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.95 kernel  Using 1024 file descriptors.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise/ 10292 IR/P/Linux Intel/Linux 2.4.7-10smp i686/rel12501/1781/32-bit/OPT/Thu Jun  6 14:14:09 2002
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Confidential property of Sybase, Inc.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Copyright 1987, 2002
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Sybase, Inc.  All rights reserved.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Unpublished rights reserved under U.S. copyright laws.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  This software contains confidential and trade secret information of Sybase,
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Inc.   Use,  duplication or disclosure of the software and documentation by
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  the  U.S.  Government  is  subject  to  restrictions set forth in a license
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  agreement  between  the  Government  and  Sybase,  Inc.  or  other  written
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  agreement  specifying  the  Government's rights to use the software and any
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  applicable FAR provisions, for example, FAR 52.227-19.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Sybase, Inc. 5000 Hacienda Drive, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Using '/opt/sybase-12.5/TEST.cfg' for configuration information.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:55.96 kernel  Logging ASE messages in file '/opt/sybase-12.5/ASE/install/TEST.log'.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.04 kernel  kdcl_sess_open: connectivity library supports master/query syntax.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.05 kernel  Directory Control Layer (DCL) using directory driver: InterfacesDriver
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.05 kernel  SSL Plus v3.0.8 security modules loaded successfully.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.06 kernel  Network and device connection limit is 1014.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.36 server  Number of blocks left for proc headers: 3232.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.39 server  Proc header memory allocated 1616 pages for each per engine cache
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.45 server  Memory allocated for the default data cache cachelet 1: 8192 Kb
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 server  Size of the 2K memory pool: 8192 Kb
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel  Loading [librt.so.1] for Async disk I/O support.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel   dblkIO_aio_init: mapped at 0x42559040
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel   dblkIO_aio_read: mapped at 0x425599d0
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel   dblkIO_aio_write: mapped at 0x42559d00
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel   dblkIO_aio_suspend: mapped at 0x42559a50
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel   dblkIO_aio_return: mapped at 0x42559a40
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel   dblkIO_aio_error: mapped at 0x42559a40
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel  Enabling (RT) Posix asynchronous disk I/O strategy.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel  Initializing virtual device 0, '/opt/sybase-12.5/master.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel  Virtual device 0 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.46 kernel  Worker Thread Manager is not enabled for use in SQL Server.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.47 kernel  Either the config parameter 'use security services' is set to 0, or ASE does not support use of external security mechanisms on this platform. The Security Control Layer will not be initialized. No external security mechanisms will be supported.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.47 kernel  Unix interval timer enabled for sysclk interrupts.
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.47 kernel  engine 0, os pid 2222  online
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.47 server  No active traceflags
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.59 kernel  libomni1 - Component Integration Services loaded; version 'libomni1 - Component Integration Services/ 10292 IR/P/Linux Intel/Linux 2.4.7-10smp i686/rel12501/1781/32-bit/OPT/Thu Jun  6 14:14:09 2002'.
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.60 kernel  libomni1 - Component Integration Services: using 'Sybase Client-Library/12.5/P-EBF9963/DRV. Intel/Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp i686/BUILD125-011/OPT/Mon Dec  3 15:14:08 2001'
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.60 server  The logical pagesize of the server is 2 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.65 kernel  current process (0x50005) infected with 11
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.65 kernel  ************************************
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.65 kernel  curdb = 1 pstat = 0x4000 lasterror = 0
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.65 kernel  preverror = 0 transtate = 1
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.65 kernel  current process (0x50005) infected with 11
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.65 kernel  ************************************
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.66 kernel  pc 0x862e2a9 ucbacktrace+0x89(0x0,0x1,0x8d4694c,0xb,0x404999ac)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.66 kernel  pc 0x810ace5 terminate_process+0x1b1(0x0,0xffffffff,0xb,0x40071bd8,0x405ffbe0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.66 kernel  pc 0x8646568 kisignal+0x48(0xb,0x40498880,0x40498900,0x401e81c0,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x4006ce07 init_dummy+0x377a4af3(0xb,0x40498880,0x40498900,0xb,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x400da4f0 init_dummy+0x378121dc(0x404992d0,0x8ab1faa,0x40499808,0x4049961e,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x40116b2c init_dummy+0x3784e818(0x4049961e,0x8ab1faa,0x404997fc,0x8d4694c,0x404997fc)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x863f796 kcierrfmt+0x21e(0x404995f0,0x2e65d,0x404997fc,0x4,0x404995f0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x863f90c kcierrlog+0x34(0x2e65d,0x0,0x1e,0x40ae8ad0,0x2e65c)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x810b2f4 terminate_process+0x7c0(0x0,0xffffffff,0xb,0x40071bd8,0x405ffbe0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x8646568 kisignal+0x48(0xb,0x404999c0,0x40499a40,0x401e81c0,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x4006ce07 init_dummy+0x377a4af3(0xb,0x404999c0,0x40499a40,0xb,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x400da4f0 init_dummy+0x378121dc(0x4049a410,0x894f02c,0x4049a500,0x4049b1c0,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x40116b2c init_dummy+0x3784e818(0x4049b1c0,0x894f02c,0x4049a4f8,0x867b892,0x8d4694c)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.67 kernel  pc 0x4010402d init_dummy+0x3783bd19(0x4049b1c0,0x894f02c,0x88,0x4049ab9c,0x8d4694c)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.68 kernel  pc 0x81526a2 ex_stuffp+0x332(0x1,0x4049b3c0,0x4049b1c0,0x88,0x4049ab9c)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.68 kernel  pc 0x814f82d ex_doprint+0xa2d(0xd78,0xa,0x1,0x4049b614,0x8d4694c)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.68 kernel  pc 0x814edf5 ex_print+0x99(0xd78,0xa,0x1,0x4049b614,0x8d4694c)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.68 kernel  pc 0x81522c9 ex_callprint+0x15d(0xd78,0xa,0x1,0x6,0x40a183f6)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.69 kernel  pc 0x831dae9 upgd_upgrade_db+0x71(0x40a18140,0x1,0x8d4694c,0x8d598a0,0x4049b7be)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.69 kernel  pc 0x810e8e3 dsinit__bootstrap_masterdev+0x63(0x5,0xdb5,0x2,0x0,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.69 kernel  pc 0x810936e dsinit+0x4a2(0x0,0x4049b980,0x895eed31,0x0,0x0)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.69 kernel  pc 0x86658e8 kpexit(0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4043b900,0x6)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.69 kernel  pc 0x895eed31 init_dummy+0x80d26a1d(0x0,0x4043b900,0x6,0x1,0x5374616b)
00:00000:00001:2003/11/04 17:24:56.69 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 1, kpid 327685, suid 1
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.76 kernel  current process (0x60006) infected with 11
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.76 kernel  kechkfault: engine 0: scheduler infected with signal 11
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.76 kernel  pc 0x862e2a9 ucbacktrace+0x89(0x0,0x1,0x8d4694c,0xb,0x0)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.76 kernel  pc 0x863ffd2 keipanic+0x5e(0xc378,0x0,0xb,0x8d4694c,0x404ab32c)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.76 kernel  pc 0x863e684 kechkfault+0x48(0xb,0x40071bd8,0x405ffbe0,0x404ab34c,0x4006ce07)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.76 kernel  pc 0x864655f kisignal+0x3f(0xb,0x404ab360,0x404ab3e0,0x8d4694c,0x0)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  pc 0x4006ce07 init_dummy+0x377a4af3(0xb,0x404ab360,0x404ab3e0,0xb,0x0)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  pc 0x400da4f0 init_dummy+0x378121dc(0x4021bd3c,0x8d4694c,0x0,0x402176e0,0x401ec000)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  pc 0x86686e4 kpcheckio+0x18c(0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x402005a0)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  pc 0x8667683 kpsched+0x823(0x0,0x404ab994,0x895eed31,0x0,0x0)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  pc 0x86658e8 kpexit(0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4043b900,0x7)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  pc 0x895eed31 init_dummy+0x80d26a1d(0x0,0x4043b900,0x7,0x1,0x5374616b)
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  end of stack trace, kernel service process: kpid 393222
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  ueshutdown: exiting
00:00000:00000:2003/11/04 17:24:56.77 kernel  Abnormal exit detected - SQL Server process level execution bindings will be cleared on startup.
日志里就是这些东西我看不懂  请帮兄弟一把吧!! 谢谢

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