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Firewall Setup [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-04-07 15:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

After reading this howto, a FreeBSD stateful firewall setup is
completed for either you gateway or workstation. This FreeBSD stateful
firewall setup allows traffic initiated by your workstation or network
to flow though, and denies traffic initiated from the outside. This
howto also setup the internet connection sharing with other computers
on the network. This is done by using natd and a traffic shaping
solution that ensures that each computer has a equal share of the
available bandwith. It also incorporate a dynamic traffic shaper, using
dummynet pipes and queues, that makes sure that each computer has a
equal share of the label bandwidth. Finally, the functionality can be
extended by other with my other howto's. My goal was to write an howto
about creating
              traffic graphs with MRTG, IPA
             and IPFW and cut in two the howto due to size.
Why have firewall protection? Computers on the internet run the risk of
being damaged or hijacked. Firewall software is a very powerful tool in
fighting this. Having firewall software doesn't mean that your safe.
You will still have to update your system in order to fix security bugs
and check for viruses. Although the later isn't much of a problem for
Unix like computers at the time of writing.
Why do traffic shaping? Computers on
the network can use the internet connection so heavy that the internet
connection sharing idea is defeated. The nat daemon still works for all
computer, but the other computers have to wait because of the load.
Traffic shaping ensures that each computer can use their fair share by
dividing the bandwidth equaly. There are a couple of different traffic
shaping configurations. The first kind is a static traffic shaper
divides the bandwidth on the computers on the network. The second kind
is a dynamic traffic shaper divides the bandwidth on the computer using
the internet connection. Finally, a priority traffic shaper is one that
gives priority to one kind of traffic over a other kind of traffic.
This howto contains a setup for a dynamic priority traffic shaping
solution that is implemented with the weighted ruby round algorithm of
dummynet. This means the final traffic shaping solution will not be a
real priority traffic shaping but it comes very close to the real
This howto is written for IPFW2. If you are use IPFW1 then the ipfw
firewall rules may need to be rewritten. FreeBSD 5.0 and above use
IPFW2 by default. The lower versions use IPFW1 either as a default or
because IPFW2 isn't supported.

  •               The FreeBSD firewall and the natd daemon are loaded by adding the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:
    firewall_flags="-p /usr/bin/cpp"

  •               The configuration exists out of three files, which you can download here and use. The main file
                   uses the defined variables in
                   (needs to be modified), to allow the same configuration file to be used in multiple situations. It then calles
    (needs to be modified, if you like to change the number of users) which
    in turn delicates some ipfw firewall rules to
    in order to reuse the ipfw firewall rules it contains. These tree files
    need to be copied to your /etc/ directory.
  • Finally, a new kernel is created.
    This adds some optional features (like diagnostic login) that are not
    available by default. This also build certain features statically in to
    the kernel which gives a little bit better response. This is done by
    adding the following lines to the file /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC. options IPFIREWALL
    options DUMMYNET

  •               And then compiling them by executing these lines:
                  cd /usr/src
    make buildkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
    make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
                Loading the FreeBSD firewall rules
    The first step is about loading the FreeBSD firewall rules. FreeBSD
    loads the ipfw firewall rules during the boot process. It needs some
    information in order to load the ipfw firewall rules. It looks for that
    information in /etc/rc.conf. Open it and the following lines.
    firewall_flags="-p /usr/bin/cpp"
    The FreeBSD firewall setup is done during the
    next boot by loading the ipfw firewall rules with the given flags.
    These particular flags tell that the files should be pre-processed with
    the C pre-processor. The C pre-processor, although written for a
    computer language, will allow use to have a easy configurable FreeBSD
    firewall rules (assuming I implemented required functionality in to the
    These lines have to be added if the FreeBSD
    firewall protection is configured on a gateway. Without these lines,
    you will not be able to use the internet connection. These lines
    configures your gateway in to a network address translation (NAT)
    router. The first tells that packets may be passed between the
    interfaces. The other tree causes the NAT daemon to be loaded and
    configured on the external network interface controller (NIC).
    C directives are pieces of code that
    manipulates the file(s) before its is passed to IPFW. The FreeBSD
    firewall configuration file(s) will use the following five directives:
                  include, define, ifdef, else and endif

                . The

    directive will copy the context of a file in the place of the
    directive. The context appears to be in the file is read (
    in our case) for the point of view of the caller. The next directive
    defines a constant. The constant is replaced with its value everywhere
    it used. The one exception is when they are used in directives like

                . This directive checks if a constant is defined or not. The text between


                 is added to the output if the constant is defined and otherwise the text between


                Configuring the FreeBSD firewall rules
                The previous section explained that the FreeBSD firewall loads a configuration file called
    This FreeBSD firewall configuration file accualy uses tree files to
    load the FreeBSD firewall rules. The main script is
                 Some ipfw firewall rules are loaded by calling
    Its out of the scope of this howto to explain the workings of these two
    scripts. To make it easier to configure the firewall it uses
    This is all that is requered when you're fine with the default FreeBSD
    firewall rules. These tree files has to be downloaded in to

                . This can be done with the following commands.
              cd /etc/
    fetch http://alex.kruijff.org/files/FreeBSD/firewall.conf
    fetch http://alex.kruijff.org/files/FreeBSD/firewall.users_config
    fetch http://alex.kruijff.org/files/FreeBSD/firewall.user
    fetch http://alex.kruijff.org/files/FreeBSD/firewall.setup
    Having these FreeBSD firewall configuration files
    doesn't do much good until they are filled with network information.
    This information need to be written down in
    with your editor. The requered information is what local services the
    computer have and how high the available bandwidth is. The IP addresses
    in the configuration file have the format: IP address/netmask. Where
    netmask is the number of 1 bits.
    Finally, there can be situations where
    this FreeBSD firewall setup doesn't fully suit you. (Perhaps there are
    more than tree users.) I've included a overview of the FreeBSD firewall
    rules for during the modifications. I would still advise you to read
    all the tree ipfw firewall configuration files thought one time, before
    making any changes.
                Compiling the firewall into the kernel
    The thirty an final step is to build a specialized kernel. This can be
    skipped if a triffic shaping solution is not requered. Make sure that
    NO_TRAFFIC_SHAPER is defined in
    if you decide to skip this section. Before we go on I like a note on
    the scope of this section. The scope for this section is limited. More
    information can be found in the section
                  Configuring the FreeBSD Kernel
                 of the
                  FreeBSD handbook.
    The first step is to open the kernel configuration file (the default
    for the i386 architect is /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC) and add the
    following lines to it. The purpuse of most will be clear except maybe
    DUMMYNET. This refers to code needed for the traffic shaper features.
              options IPFIREWALL
    options DUMMYNET
    option because this reduces the change of locking myself out when I'm
    experimenting with my FreeBSD firewall software. This doesn't relieve
    you from being near the console, because its still possible. This can
    be removed in order to increse the FreeBSD firewall security.
    A new kernel need to be compiled an
    installed when this is done. Your working directory must be /usr/src
    and you should look if and error has accord after each of the command.
    If this is the case then abort the procedure and look though the kernel
    configuration to see if you commented something out that is required.
    If there are no error messages then the computer can reboot.
              cd /usr/src
    make buildkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
    make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
    The new kernel can be tested with the following
    commands. These will give either a conformation line or no line at all.
    On the other hand if your kernel installation wasn't successful then an
    error message like: "ipfw: setsockopt(IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE): Protocol
    not available" is printed. Please continue running the following list
    of commands:

    •               /sbin/ipfw add divert natd ip from any to any

    • /sbin/ipfw add 1 count log ip from any to any (Note: This one won't
      give an error. Instead check the file /var/log/security contains the
      loging of ipfw.)

    •               /sbin/ipfw pipe 1 config bw 100Kbit/s

    •               /sbin/ipfw queue 1 config queue 96KByte weight 100 pipe 1 mask-all

                Final notes
    Using firewall protectection is important because it provides a
    powerfull security that gives protection from attacks. Everyone should
    have one on each computer.
    I didn't go into the detail about this
    FreeBSD firewall setup and it may not fully be to your liking. However,
    I hope I've given enough guidance and support to make some changes for
    your self.
    In addition, I like to encourage you to
    contact me, if you have questions or feedback about this howto. I can
    be contact my though the feedback link on top.

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