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如何理解SunCluster的quorum [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-02-01 16:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

TCV就是当前cluster中配置的总票数,Toally configured Votes.
TCV=node 票数+device 票数
To form a cluster and offer services, the nodes in a cluster must first
reach quorum. The quorum equation states that a cluster must have the
total number of configured votes, divided by two (remainders are
discarded), plus one (Q = TCV/2 + 1). If a cluster cannot reach quorum,
then it does not form. The individual cluster nodes do not boot fully,
but wait until enough votes are available to reach quorum. If a running
cluster loses quorum, the affected nodes panic and try to reboot
(assuming auto-boot? is set to true on those nodes). Machines can be
booted outside the cluster by issuing a boot -x from the OBP, but no
cluster services will be available on these machines.
The key to understanding quorum is learning how votes are assigned
and counted. Each node in a configured cluster has one (1) quorum vote.
Each shared storage device configured as a quorum device has votes
totaling the number of connected devices minus one (QD = TCD - 1).
Ownership of a quorum device is assigned to one controlling node based
on SCSI reservations.
By doing some simple math, it’s easy to see that a two-node cluster
must have a quorum device to continue operating if one node fails. Once
installed, a two-node cluster under Sun Cluster must have a quorum
device for this very reason.
Quorum required to operate:
Q = TCV/2 + 1 = (2)/2 + 1 = 2
Votes if one node fails: 1
When you introduce a quorum device, the equation changes. This Sun
Cluster configuration, shown in the following figure, is one of the
most common.

Quorum required to operate:
Q = (2 + 1)/2 + 1 = 2
Votes if one node fails: (1 + 1) = 2
Below are some quorum examples in more complex cluster configurations.

Note in the last example that the quorum device is connected to
three devices (N) and therefore has two (N-1) votes. The same quorum
formula still applies, though.
Quorum required to operate:
Q = (3 + 2)/2 + 1 = 3
Votes if one node fails: (2 + 2) = 4
Votes if two nodes fail: (1 + 2) = 3
Votes if just the QD fails: ( 1 + 1 + 1) = 3
Votes if any node plus the QD fails: (1 + 1) = 2
As a note of warning, when allocating quorum devices, always use the
minimum number possible to achieve quorum, or the health of the cluster
will depend on the health of the shared disks configured as quorum
devices. In the case where only one of the configured quorum devices is
necessary for cluster operation, the cluster will fail unnecessarily if
one of the unneeded quorum devices fails. Also, never have the number
of quorum device votes exceed the number of device votes, or you run
the risk of enabling two separate clusters to form independently (which
is known as “split brain”). In this case, both clusters will compete
for traffic on the public network, and data between the two will be out
of sync.

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