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[RAID与磁盘阵列] 【EMC白皮书】文档与镜像处理15分钟快速指南 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-10-23 15:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
摘 要:
  Did you know that 30% of all employees' time is spent looking for documents? For centuries, business has run on paper. For many industries, that's still the case. But as the pace of business has accelerated, paper has become a burden and a bottleneck. It slows productivity because only one person can handle a paper document at a time. To avoid these and other problems, organizations are streamlining these manual, time-consuming processes.

  The 15 Minute Guide to Document & Image Processing focuses on document imaging as part of business processes and how the two can be automated to bring new value to the operations of your company. This guide will discuss major strategies for leveraging transactional content through document and image processing solutions, the value of integrating content with business process management and the case for an end-to-end solution for making all content available throughout your enterprise on a unified platform. Download now to learn the importance

文档与镜像处理15分钟快速指南.pdf (383.04 KB, 下载次数: 60)
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