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[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 112 - April 5, 2009 [复制链接]

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日期:2015-10-19 19:43:35程序设计版块每日发帖之星
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发表于 2009-04-05 20:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Haskell Weekly News: Issue 112 - April 5, 2009


  hgettext-0.1.5 - GetText based internationalization of Haskell
  programs. Vasyl Pasternak [2]announced a new release of the [3]hgettext
  package for internationalization of Haskell programs, which now
  supports distribution and installation of PO files.

  Buster 0.99.1, a library for application orchestration that is not FRP.
  Jeff Heard [4]announced the release of [5]Buster, an FRP-like framework
  for constructing reactive programs with a bus model.

  Call for Contributions - Haskell Communities and Activities Report, May
  2009 edition. Janis Voigtlaender [6]issued a call for contributions to
  the 16th edition of the [7]Haskell Communities & Activities Report. The
  submission deadline is 1 May 2009. If you are working on any project
  that is in some way related to Haskell, please write a short entry and
  submit it. Even if the project is very small or unfinished or you think
  it is not important enough -- please reconsider and submit an entry

  hledger 0.4 released. Simon Michael [10]announced the release of
  [11]hledger 0.4, a text-mode double-entry accounting tool. It reads a
  plain text journal file describing your transactions and generates
  precise activity and balance reports. Changes include the ability to
  serve reports in a web browser, and many other fixes and improvements.

  GHC version 6.10.2. Ian Lynagh [12]announced a new patchlevel release
  of [13]GHC. This release contains a number of bugfixes relative to
  6.10.1, including some performance fixes; see the [14]release notes.

  Beta of Leksah IDE available. Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken [15]announced
  release 0.4.4 of [16]Leksah, the Haskell IDE written in Haskell.
  Current features include on the fly error reporting with location of
  compilation errors, completion , import helper for constructing import
  statements, module browser with navigation to definition, project
  management support based on Cabal with a visual editor, "source candy",
  and more.

  satchmo: monadic SAT encoding library. Johannes Waldmann [17]announced
  a preliminary version of [18]satchmo, a monadic library for encoding
  boolean and integral number constraints to CNF-SAT. It uses [19]minisat
  as a backend solver.

  vacuum-cairo: a cairo frontend to vacuum for live Haskell data
  visualization. Don Stewart [20]announced the release of
  [21]vacuum-cairo, a Haskell library for interactive rendering and
  display of values on the GHC heap using Matt Morrow's vacuum library.
  This library takes vacuum's output, generates dot graph format from it,
  renders it to SVG with graphviz, and displays the resulting structure
  using the gtk2hs Cairo vector graphics bindings ... all at the GHCi
  command line. Watch some [22]screencasts!

  vacuum: extract graph representations of ghc heap values.. Matt Morrow
  [23]announced the release of [24]vacuum, a library for extracting graph
  representations of values from the GHC heap, which may then be further
  processed and/or translated to Graphviz dot format to be visualized.

  new release of HTTP, version 4000.0.5. Sigbjorn Finne [25]announced a
  [26]new version of the HTTP package, which includes a bunch of fixes
  and cleanups along with some API documentation.

  type-level programming support library. spoon [27]asked for feedback on
  a [28]support library for type level programming.

  cmonad 0.1.1. Lennart Augustsson [29]announced the [30]CMonad package,
  which allows one to write Haskell code in a C style.

  Marketing Haskell. Ketil "Simon Peyton-Jones" Malde [31]announced the
  new [32]official Haskell mascot.

  Haskell Platform: status update and call for volunteers. Duncan Coutts
  gave an [33]update on the status of the [34]Haskell Platform. There are
  no more policy questions to resolve for the first release. It is a
  matter of getting things done. The first platform release will contain
  ghc-6.10.2, the "extra libs", haddock, happy and alex, and the cabal
  command line tool and it's dependencies. We are calling for volunteers
  for an action group. We need volunteers to take charge of various
  platforms and to manage the overall release. See Duncan's email for a
  list of what is needed, and volunteer!


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