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[WebLogic] weblogic8.1 sp6 for aix52 的java1.42 必须是32位? 急 [复制链接]

11 [报告]
发表于 2010-08-02 18:39 |只看该作者
应该只能用32bit的,WebLogic Server中除了纯java的实现外,最主要还有个性能包,他依赖于操作系统。

WebLogic Server 8.1 sp6 for AIX 5.2 Supported Configurations:
http://download.oracle.com/docs/ ... _powerpc/81sp6.html

Downloading and Installing IBM SDK 1.4.2
Complete the following procedure to download and install the IBM SDK 1.4.2 on IBM AIX (32-bit) build ca1420-20060421:
Go to the IBM download site:
Download the GA version of the IBM SDK 1.4.2.
Install the IBM SDK 1.4.2 on your system.
Downloading and Installing IBM SDK 1.4.2 SR5/SR7
To download and install IBM SDK 1.4.2 SR5 (IY84053) or IBM SDK 1.4.2 SR7 (IY91756) on AIX system, complete the following procedure:
Verify that the GA version of the IBM SDK 1.4.2 for AIX is installed on your system:
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