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Writing a Network device driver [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-05-04 16:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


This article will help the reader to understand and develop a  network driver
for an ethernet card in Linux. As a note, the driver development was done in C
and as a module, so I assume its readers to be significantly exposed to C and l
inux environment. The document intends only to show some essential points
in building a driver for a network card. (For better and  professional ones
please refer to linux source listing).

Linux Networking and PCI cards

It is apparent that support for networking is inherent to the Linux
kernel. One could also see Linux as one of the most 'safest and secure'
Networking Operating system presently available in the market.
Internally Linux kernel implements the TCP/IP
protocol stack . It is possible to divide the networking code into
parts - one which implements the actual protocols (the
/usr/linux/net/ipv4 directory) and the other which implements device
driver various network hardware.(/usr/src/linux/drivers/net ).
The kernel code for TCP/IP is written in such a way
that it is very simple to "slide in" drivers for many kind of real (or
virtual) communication channels without bothering too much about the
functioning of the network and transport layer code. It just requires a
module in a standard manner, connecting the card hardware to actual
software interface. The hardware part consists of an Ethernet card in
case of LAN or a modem in internet.
Now a days a lot of Networking cards are available in the market, one
of them is RTL8139 PCI ethernet card. RTL8139 cards are plug and play
kind of devices, connected to the cpu through PCI bus scheme. PCI
stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect, it's a complete set of
specifications defining how different parts of computer interact with
others. PCI architecture was designed as a replacement to earlier ISA
standards because of its promising features like speed of data
transfer, independent nature, simplification in adding and removing a
device etc.

        Networking Basics

One could set his/her PC for networking through netconfig command.
It configures the communication address (IP address given as four octets),
netmask, gateway, primary nameserver etc through a self automated process.
Once succeeded, the Linux box listens to messages to the assigned IP address.
Another important way is by manually detecting and  configuring a
network card, for which ifconfig command is used. A typical output
of ifconfig command without any arguments is shown below (it could vary
system to system depending upon the configuration).

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:48:12:FE:B2
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:600 (600.0 b)
          Interrupt:11 Base address:0x7000
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:336 (336.0 b)  TX bytes:336 (336.0 b)

It shows that I have a running interface for eth0 and lo, which
corresponds to ethernet card and loopback interface respectively. The
loopback is
completely software based and used as an dummy interface to the
network. The eth0 is the default name given to real hardware interface
for realtek 8139 network card. The listing also tells about its
hardware (HWaddr), internet (inet addr), Broadcast(Bcast), Mask (Mask)
addresses with some other statistical information on data transfer that
include Maximum data unit that can be transferred (MTU), no. of
received (RX) packets, no. of transmitted packets (TX), collisions etc.
The ifconfig command can also be used to bring up the interface if it
not detected at boot time. This could also be associated with an IP
address as given below.

        ifconfig eht0 up  

This brings up the ethernet card to listen to an IP address, a
class-C client. At the same time ifoconfig can also be used to bring down
an activated interface. This is as given below.

        ifconfig eth0 down

The same is applicable to loopback interface. That is these are quite possible.

        ifconfig lo up
        ifconfig lo down

'ifconfig' supports plenty of options that may be discovered through reference
to man pages.
Another command that needs reference is netstat, It prints out
network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections,
and multicast memberships. An exhaustive list of options may be found in man

Kernel Interface

Kernel as usual provides concise but efficient data structures and functions to
perform elegant programming, even understandable to a moderate programmer, and
the interface provided is completely independent of higher protocol suit.
For an quick overview of the kernel data structures, functions, the interactions
between driver and upper layer of protocol stack, we first attempt to develop
a hardware independent driver. Once we get a big picture we can dig into the
real platform.
Whenever a module is loaded into kernel memory, it requests the resources
needed for its functioning like I/O ports, IRQ etc. Similarly when a network
driver registers itself; it inserts a data structure for each newly detected
interface into a global list of network devices.
Each interface is defined by a struct net_device item.
The declaration of device rtl8139 could done as follows

        struct net_device rtl8139 = {init: rtl8139_init};

The struct net_device structure is defined in include file
linux/net_device.h .The code above initializes only a single field 'init'
that carries the initialization functions. Whenever we register a device the
kernel calls this init function, which initializes the hardware and fills up
struct net_device item. The struct net_device is
huge and handles all the functions related to operations of the hardware.
Let us look upon some revelent ones.
name : The first field that needs explanation is the
'name' field, which holds the name of the interface (the string
identifying the interface). Obviously it is the string "rtl8139" in our
int (*open) (struct net_device *dev) : This method opens the interface whenever ifconfig activates it. The open method should register any system resource it needs.
int (*stop) (struct net_device *dev) : This method closes or stops
the interface (like when brought down by ifconfig).
int (*hard_start_xmit) (struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) : This method initiates the transmission through the device 'dev'. The data is
contained in the socket buffer structure skb. The structure skb is defined
struct net_device * (*get_status) (struct net_device *dev): Whenever a
application needs to get statistics for the interface, this method is called. This happens, for example, when ifconfig or netstat -i is run.
void *priv :The driver writer owns this pointer and can
use it at will. The utility of this member will be persuaded at a later
There exist a lot more methods to be explained but before that let us
look at some working code demonstration of a dummy driver built upon
the discussion above. This code would make the interactions between
these elements crystal clear.
Code Listing 1
        #define MODULE            
        #define __KERNEL__         
        int rtl8139_open (struct net_device *dev)
                printk("rtl8139_open called\n");
                netif_start_queue (dev);
                return 0;
        int rtl8139_release (struct net_device *dev)
                printk ("rtl8139_release called\n");
                return 0;
        static int rtl8139_xmit (struct sk_buff *skb,
                                        struct net_device *dev)
                printk ("dummy xmit function called....\n");
                return 0;
        int rtl8139_init (struct net_device *dev)
                dev->open = rtl8139_open;
                dev->stop = rtl8139_release;
                dev->hard_start_xmit = rtl8139_xmit;
                printk ("8139 device initialized\n");
                return 0;
        struct net_device rtl8139 = {init: rtl8139_init};
        int rtl8139_init_module (void)
                int result;
                strcpy (rtl8139.name, "rtl8139");
                if ((result = register_netdev (&rtl8139))) {
                        printk ("rtl8139: Error %d  initializing card rtl8139 card",result);
                        return result;
        return 0;
        void rtl8139_cleanup (void)
                printk (" Cleaning Up the Module\n");
                unregister_netdev (&rtl8139);
        module_init (rtl8139_init_module);
        module_exit (rtl8139_cleanup);

This typical module defines its entry point at rtl8139_init_module
function. The method defines a net_device, names it to be "rtl8139" and
register this device into kernel. Another important function rtl8139_init inserts the dummy functions rtl8139_open, rtl8139_stop, rtl8139_xmit
to net_device structure. Although dummy functions, they perform a
little task, whenever the rtl8139 interface is activated. When the rtl8139_open is called - then this routine announces the readiness of the driver to accept data by calling netif_start_queue. Similarly it gets stopped by calling netif_stop_queue.
Let us compile the above program and play with it. A command line invocation of
'cc' like below is sufficient to compile our file rtl8139.c
[root@localhost modules]# cc -I/usr/src/linux-2.4/include/ -Wall -c rtl8139.c
Let us check our dummy network driver. The following output was obtained on
my system. We can use lsmod for checking the existing loaded modules. A
output of lsmod is also shown.
(NB: You should be a super user in order to insert or delete a module.)

[root@localhost modules]# insmod rtl8139.o
Warning: loading test.o will taint the kernel: no license
  See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information about tainted modules
Module test loaded, with warnings
[root@localhost modules]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P  
rtl8139                 2336   0  (unused)
mousedev                5492   1  (autoclean)
input                   5856   0  (autoclean) [mousedev]
i810                   67300   6
agpgart                47776   7  (autoclean)
autofs                 13268   0  (autoclean) (unused)
[root@localhost modules]# ifconfig rtl8139 up
[root@localhost modules]# ifconfig
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:336 (336.0 b)  TX bytes:336 (336.0 b)
rtl8139   Link encap:AMPR NET/ROM  HWaddr   
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP RUNNING  MTU:0  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:600 (600.0 b)

Now You have been acquainted with writing a dummy driver, Let us move on to
a real driver interface for rtl8139.

        PCI card and their initialization

Though Network interface has been built up, but still it is not possible for
us to probe and initialize the card. This is only possible until we check for a
PCI interface and a PCI device available. Thus it becomes necessary that we have a
close look upon the PCI and PCI functions available.
As I have described earlier that the PCI hardware is a complete
protocol that determines the way each components interaction with the
other. Each PCI device is identified by a bus number, a device number and a function number. The PCI specification permits a system to hold upon 256 buses, with each
buses having a capacity to hold 32 multiboard devices.
The PC firmware initializes PCI hardware at system boot, mapping each devices I/O region to a different address, which is
accessible from PCI configuration space,
which consist of 256 bytes for each device. Three of the PCI registers identify
a device: vendorID, deviceID, class. Sometimes Subsystem vendorID and
Subsystem deviceID
are also used. Let us see them in detail.
  • The vendorID is 16 bit register that identifies a hardware manufacture. For
    example every Intel device has a vendor ID 0x8086.
  • The deviceID is another 16-bit register, selected by the manufacturer. This
    ID is paired with the vendor ID to uniquely identify the device.
  • Every peripheral device belongs to a class. The class register is 16-bit
    value whose most significant byte defines the group (of devices). e.g. ethernet
    belongs to network class.
  • Subsystem vendorID and Subsystem deviceID are fields that can be used for further identification of a device.

    A complete list of PCI devices on ones linux box could be seen through command
    Based on the above information we can perform the detection of the rtl8139 could
    done in the rtl8139_init function itself, a modified version will look like
    Code Listing 2

    static int rtl8139_probe (struct net_device *dev, struct pci_dev *pdev)
            int ret;
            unsigned char pci_rev;
            if (! pci_present ()) {
                    printk ("No pci device present\n");
                    return -ENODEV;
            else  printk (" pci device were found\n");
            pdev = pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_REALTEK,
                            PCI_DEVICE_ID_REALTEK_8139, pdev);
            if (pdev)  printk ("probed for rtl 8139 \n");
            else       printk ("Rtl8193 card not present\n");
            pci_read_config_byte (pdev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &pci_rev);
            if (ret = pci_enable_device (pdev)) {
                    printk ("Error enabling the device\n");
                    return ret;
            if (pdev->irq irq);
                    dev->irq = pdev->irq;
            return 0;
    int rtl8139_init (struct net_device *dev)
            int ret;
            struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
            if ((ret = rtl8139_probe (dev, pdev)) != 0)
                    return ret;
            dev->open = rtl8139_open;
            dev->stop = rtl8139_release;
            dev->hard_start_xmit = rtl8139_xmit;
            printk ("My device initialized\n");
            return 0;

    As you can see a probe funtion is called through rtl8139_init function. A detailed analysis of the probe functions shows that it has been passed pointers of kind struct net_device and struct pci_dev. The struct pci_dev holds the pci interface and other holds the network interface respectively, which has been mentioned
    The function pci_present checks for a valid pci support available. It returns a value '0' on
    Success. Thereafter a probe of RTL8139 is initiated through the pci_find_device
    function. It accepts the vendor_ID, device_ID and the 'pdev' structure
    as argument. On an error-free return i.e. when RTL8139 is present, it
    sends the pdev structure filled. The constants PCI_VENDOR_ID_REALTEK,
    PCI_DEVICE_ID_REALTEK_8139 defines the vendorID and device_ID
    of the realtek card. These are defined in linux/pci.h.
    pci_read_config_byte/word/dword are functions read byte/word/dword memory locations from the configuration space respectively. A call to pci_enable
    function to enable pci device for rtl8139, which also helps in
    registering its interrupt number to the interface. Hence if everything
    goes safe and error-free, your rtl_8139 has been detected and assigned
    an interrupt number.
    In the next section we would see how to detect the hardware address of rtl8139 and start communication.

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