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Linux的基础和技巧 [复制链接]

发表于 2007-10-09 07:54 |显示全部楼层

Part 1
Part 2 of this three-part series, you will learn what the best
systematic approach should be to start solving any problems you might
have in Linux. Instead of a scattershot approach, general solutions to
Linux problems can be approached in this order:
  • Is
    there another available program installed or available via repository
    that solves the same problem? Does it do what you need it to? If yes,
    use that program instead.(替换法,条条大道通罗马嘛,没必要一棵树上吊死。呵呵)
  • What is the problem? Usually, error / diagnostic messages
    displayed at the time of error and/or in the logs after the fact will
    tell you.(读错误日志/var/log/)
  • Check program / OS documentation to see if the answer is there (RTFM)
  • Google on the error message and/or if you can deduce the actual problem from the message,(网上搜索,很有效的)
  • Try the recommended solutions that appear to apply. They'll probably involve changes in configuration files.
  • If that fails, look for other solutions.(同1)
  • If you can't find them or make the solutions that appear
    applicable work, find a user community where you can ask somebody for
  • Contact the developers, either directly via mailing list or web forum or by filing a bug report.(联系作者,报告Bug)
    The rest of this article fills in the details you'll need to make this list work for you.
    If it's a
    specific program that won't work, see if there's another program on the
    computer or available via repository that does the same job. For common
    tasks, there probably are at least two programs for that purpose
    already installed on your machine, and if there is only one installed,
    you can probably get at least one alternative via automated
    installation via repository.
    You can try
    $ apropos keyword
    or search on one or more keywords at Google
    keyword1 keyword2 distroname
    with the keyword(s) having to do with whatever program function you're looking for.
    Good Luck!

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