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使用Flash内存 [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-08-11 00:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

From the programmer's viewpoint, Flash is arguably the most complicated memory device ever invented. The hardware interface has improved somewhat since the original devices were introduced in 1988, but there is still a long way to go. Reading from Flash memory is fast and easy, as it should be. In fact, reading data from a Flash is not all that different from reading from any other memory device.
The processor simply provides the address, and the memory device returns the data stored at that location. Most Flash devices enter this type of "read" mode automatically whenever the system is reset; no special initialization sequence is required to enable reading.
[4] There is one small difference worth noting here. The erase and write cycles take longer than the read cycle. So if a read is attempted in the middle of one of those operations, the result will be either delayed or incorrect, depending on the device.
Writing data to a Flash is much harder. Three factors make writes difficult. First, each memory location must be erased before it can be rewritten. If the old data is not erased, the result of the write operation will be some logical combination of the old and new values, and the stored value will usually be something other than what you intended.
The second thing that makes writes to a Flash difficult is that only one sector, or block, of the device can be erased at a time; it is impossible to erase a single byte. The size of an individual sector varies by device, but it is usually on the order of several thousand bytes. For example, the Flash device on the Arcom board-an AMD 29F010-has eight sectors, each containing 16 kilobytes.
Finally, the process of erasing the old data and writing the new varies from one manufacturer to another and is usually rather complicated. These device programming interfaces are so awkward that it is usually best to add a layer of software to make the Flash memory easier to use. If implemented, this hardware-specific layer of software is usually called the Flash driver.
Because it can be difficult to write data to the Flash device, it often makes sense to create a Flash driver. The purpose of the Flash driver is to hide the details of a specific chip from the rest of the software. This driver should present a simple application programming interface (API) consisting of the erase and write operations. Parts of the application software that need to modify data stored in Flash memory simply call the driver to handle the details. This allows the application programmer to make high-level requests like "erase the block at address D0000h" or "write a block of data, beginning at address D4000h." It also keeps the device-specific code separate, so it can be easily modified if another manufacturer's Flash device is later used.
A Flash driver for the AMD 29F010 device on the Arcom board is shown below. This driver contains just two functions: flashErase and flashWrite. These functions erase an entire sector and write an array of bytes, respectively. You should be able to see from the code listings that the interaction with the Flash device is no picnic. This code will work only with an AMD 29F010 device. However, the same API could be used with any Flash memory device.
#include "tgt188eb.h"
* Features of the AMD 29F010 Flash memory device.
#define FLASH_SIZE              0x20000
#define FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE        0x04000
#define UNLOCK1_OFFSET          0x5555
#define UNLOCK2_OFFSET          0x2AAA
#define COMMAND_OFFSET          0x5555
#define FLASH_CMD_UNLOCK1       0xAA
#define FLASH_CMD_UNLOCK2       0x55
#define FLASH_CMD_READ_RESET    0xF0
#define FLASH_CMD_AUTOSELECT    0x90
#define FLASH_CMD_ERASE_SETUP   0x80
#define FLASH_CMD_CHIP_ERASE    0x10
#define DQ7    0x80
#define DQ5    0x20
* Function:    flashWrite()
* Description: Write data to consecutive locations in the Flash.
* Notes:       This function is specific to the AMD 29F010 Flash
*              memory.  In that device, a byte that has been
*              previously written must be erased before it can be
*              rewritten successfully.
* Returns:     The number of bytes successfully written.  
flashWrite(unsigned char *      baseAddress,
           const unsigned char  data[],
           unsigned int         nBytes)
    unsigned char * flashBase = FLASH_BASE;
    unsigned int    offset;
    for (offset = 0; offset
Of course, this is just one possible way to interface to a Flash memory-and not a particularly advanced one at that. In particular, this implementation does not handle any of the chip's possible errors. What if the erase operation never completes? The function flashErase will just keep spinning its wheels, waiting for that to occur. A more robust implementation would use a software time-out as a backup. For example, if the Flash device doesn't respond within twice the maximum expected time (as stated in the databook), the routine could stop polling and indicate the error to the caller (or user) in some way.
Another thing that people sometimes do with Flash memory is to implement a small filesystem. Because the Flash memory provides nonvolatile storage that is also rewriteable, it can be thought of as similar to any other secondary storage system, such as a hard drive. In the filesystem case, the functions provided by the driver would be more file-oriented. Standard filesystem functions like open, close, read, and write provide a good starting point for the driver's programming interface. The underlying filesystem structure can be as simple or complex as your system requires. However, a well-understood format like the File Allocation Table (FAT) structure used by DOS is good enough for most embedded projects.

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