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楼主: 我爱钓鱼
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谁有mpich-gm啊? [复制链接]

日期:2013-08-28 09:26:15CU十二周年纪念徽章
日期:2013-10-24 15:41:34射手座
日期:2013-10-31 09:13:04射手座
日期:2014-02-11 13:18:34天秤座
日期:2014-03-25 09:22:28
21 [报告]
发表于 2006-06-20 07:55 |只看该作者
原帖由 nntp 于 2006-6-17 08:27 发表

Sorry, the official naming is " Legacy develop packages" during the installation of your RHEL WS.

i do think you should check your development environment and put it to the highe ...

To tell you the truth,after installed it,I have the same error message.This packages have five rpms,but the develop packages have the similar packages.So I have the same error message.I think so,What do you think about it?

I readed a lot of document,And I found almost every guys use pgi/XLF(IBM) instead g77.Maybe there is something uncompatible between mpi and gcc.I don't know what's the truth,I guess so.

[ 本帖最后由 我爱钓鱼 于 2006-6-20 07:57 编辑 ]
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