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[Android] 从模拟器永久删除系统apk [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-12-23 01:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1.       Goto …….\android-sdk_r08-windows\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-9\images (this is the default folder for SDK Platform Android 2.3, API 9, revision 1), copy system.img and paste it to C:\Users\Username\.android\avd\Emulator’s name.avd

2.       Modify hardware-qemu.ini, change:

disk.systemPartition.initPath = C:\Users\Username\.android\avd\Emulator’s name.avd/system.img

3.       Type the following: emulator –avd avd-name –partition-size 100 and hit Enter(please replace avd-name with your emulator’s name). This command will launch your emulator. Please don’t try to launch it from SDK manager, otherwise, it won’t work.

4.       Launch another command prompt window, switch to …….\android-sdk_r08-windows\android-sdk-windows\tools , type in: adb -s emulator-5554 shell and hitEnter

5.       Now, type in:  mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system and hit Enter. This will remount the /system in read-write mode. Because we will copy some files to /system/app later, we must set read-write permission to that directory. To do it, type the following: chmod 777 /system/app , hit Enter. After that, you need to exit. Type exit, hit Enter again.

6.       Now, you need to remove SdkSetup.apk from /system/app (if it is not removed, the SDK will be restore in next session). In the second command prompt window, type: adb shell rm /system/app/SdkSetup.apk , hit Enter.

7.     Backup system.img, copy temp file from C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\AndroidEmulator\ to C:\Users\Username\.android\avd\Emulator’s name.avd/

8.       Close your emulator.

9.       Go to C:\Users\Username\.android\avd\Emulator’s name.avd and delete these two files: userdata-qemu.img and cache.img. 

10.   Rename temp file to system.img

11.   Launch your emulator in the normal way.

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