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熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙! [复制链接]

11 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-12 13:23 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

下面是我安装的一些步骤:  可以参考一下\r\nhsg>;clear cli\r\nhsg>;set multibus copy=this\r\nhsg>;set this mirrored_cache\r\nhsg>;set this port_1_topology=fabric\r\nhsg>;set this port_2_topology=fabric\r\nhsg>;set oth port_1_topology=fabric\r\nhsg>;set oth port_2_topology=fabric\r\nhsg>;show connect\r\nhsg>;run config\r\nhsg>;add raidset r0 diskxxxxx     (raid 5)\r\nhsg>;add mirrorset m0 diskxxxxx   (raid 1)\r\nhsg>;add stripeset s0 diskxxxxx   (raid 0)\r\nhsg>;add spareset diskxxxxx       (hot spare)\r\n\r\nhsg>;SET FAILEDSET AUTOSPARE\r\n\r\nhsg>;show r0 (m0,s0)\r\nhsg>;init r0 (m0,s0)\r\nhsg>;create_partition r0 size=xx   (xx=xx%_ac)\r\nhsg>;create_partition r0 size=xx   (xx=xx%)\r\nhsg>;create_partition r0 SIZE=LARGEST\r\nhsg>;add unit d0 r0 partition=1\r\nhsg>;add unit d0 r0 partition=2\r\nhsg>;set d0 disable_access=     (all)\r\nhsg>;set d1 enable_access_path= \r\nhsg>;SET D1 DISABLE_ACCESS_PATH=ALL\r\nhsg>;set d1 enable_access_path=MTN1B2\r\nhsg>;SET D101 ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH=(WILLOW1A1,WILLOW2B2)\r\nHSG>;  SET D1 ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH=(!NEWCON01,!NEWCON02,!NEWCON03,!NEWCON04)\r\nHSG>;  SET D0 ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH=(!NEWCON00,!NEWCON05,!NEWCON06,!NEWCON0\r\nHST>;  SET D6 ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH=(85008-04,85008-03,85008-02,85008-01,85004-04,85004-03 ,85004-02,85004-01)\r\n\r\nset d10 enable_access_path=(5801-1,5801-2,5801-3,5801-4,5802-1,5802-2,5802-3,5802-4)\r\nSET FAILEDSET AUTOSPARESET FAILEDSET AUTOSPARE\r\n\r\n\r\nhsg>; show faildset\r\nhsg>;delete faildset \r\n\r\n\r\nhsg>;run frutil          (change battery)\r\n\r\nraid 10 \r\n\r\nhsg>;add mirrorset mirr1 diskxxxxx diskxxxxx\r\nhsg>;add mirrorset mirr2 diskxxxxx diskxxxxx\r\nhsg>;add mirrorset mirr3 diskxxxxx diskxxxxx\r\nhsg>;add stripeset stripe1 mirr1 mirr2 mirr3\r\nhsg>;init stripe1\r\nhsg>;show stripe1\r\nhsg>;add \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nhsg>;set !newcon01 operating_system winntse\r\nhsg>;show this_controller full\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\ncopy single disk unit or mirrorset unit \r\nhsg>;run clone\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nclear all config\r\nhsg>;clear oth/thi invalid_catche destroy_unflushed_data\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nlist all connect\r\nhsg>;show  connect\r\n\r\n\r\nlist all unit\r\nhsg>;show units\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nerase all config \r\nhsg>;configuration reset\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nadd raidset raid0 disk10000 disk10100 disk10200 disk10300 disk10400 disk10500 disk10800 disk20000 disk20100 disk20200 disk20300 disk20400 disk20500

12 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-12 13:58 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

既然推荐了,我就多发一写资料给大家   (从加拿大考来的)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCompaq StorageWorks Products Primary Storage (Part I)\r\nHSG80 Utilities\r\nObjectives\r\nOn completion of this module the student will be able to:\r\nUse the the HSG80 Command Line Interpreter to access controller-based utilities.\r\nUse the HSG80 utilities for installation and configuration.\r\nUse the HSG80 utilities for maintenance.\r\nUse the HSG80 utilities for performance monitoring\r\nOverview\r\nThe HSG80 Controller software includes utilities that assist in troubleshooting and maintaining the subsystem \r\nThe utilities use a CLI and are accessible through a serial port connection to the controller\r\nEntering DIR at the CLI prompt will list the available utilities \r\nUtilities are launched by entering RUN and the utility name at the prompt \r\nDo NOT entire RUN commands from the SWCC CLI interface window\r\n CLI Installation and Configuration Utilities\r\nRUN CONFIG\r\nThe Configuration utility scans all the internal SCSI buses and automatically locates, adds and names new devices\r\nIt does not affect previously named devices and it does not delete existing devices\r\nYou cannot use this utility to delete devices\r\nRUN DILX\r\nThis utility is a disk exerciser that checks the data transfer capability of disk drives \r\nDILX should be run only when I/O from the host is halted. DILX is best used before data is written to the devices\r\n\r\nCLI Installation and Configuration Utilities\r\n RUN VTDPY\r\nThis Virtual Terminal DisPlaY utility allows you to monitor host/controller communications. \r\nIt is a useful tool for performance tuning. \r\nWith VTDPY, you can:\r\nAnalyze communications between the controller and the adapter cards\r\nAnalyze the communication between the controller and the devices in the subsystem \r\nAnalyze the state and I/O activity of the logical units, the devices and the device ports in the subsystem\r\n\r\nCreating Clones\r\n“Clone”        A complete, exact copy of a storage container to another similar container\r\nCLI Maintenance Utilities\r\nRUN CLCP\r\nThe Code Load/Code Patch (CLCP) utility is used to upgrade the controller software and the Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) software\r\nCLCP is also used to install patches to the controller software\r\nOnly Compaq field service personnel are authorized to upload EMU code\r\nRUN FMU\r\nDisplays the last-failure and memory-system-failure entries that the controller stores in non-volatile memory\r\nTranslates error code values contained in event messages and displays suggested repair action\r\nControls the display characteristics of significant events and failures reported to the maintenance terminal\r\nCLI Maintenance Utilities\r\nRUN FRUTIL\r\nUsed to replace a failed controller in a dual redundant configuration without taking the subsystem offline\r\nAlso used to replace cache modules and cache batteries\r\nRUN DWNGRD\r\nA utility used to reformat NVRAM for use with ACS 8.5        \r\nRUN HSUTIL\r\nA utility used to format a disk device or to download new firmware to a tape or disk device                                                                \r\nLearning Check

13 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-12 14:10 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

楼上的兄弟,可以多交流哦!很熟悉嘛!\r\ncharleslee 兄弟,我已经给你发mail了,你自己注意查收!

14 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-12 14:36 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

原帖由 \"david5337\" 发表:\n楼上的兄弟,可以多交流哦!很熟悉嘛!\r\ncharleslee 兄弟,我已经给你发mail了,你自己注意查收!

15 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-13 11:11 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

另外还有一个关于compaq ra4100的问题。 \r\nwindows 2000 adv server+compaq ra4100+SQL 2000 ENT VERTION 做MSCS cluster (2个节点)。 \r\n我用了4块硬盘做了一个raid0+1卷,另外在这个卷中又创建了3个分区,一个做为mscs的quota,一个给sql server存放sql的数据,另一个存sql的log。 \r\n我想问问剩下的8个磁盘还可以分配给这两台机器用吗?比方再创建一个raid5卷给node1,剩下的空间创建raid5卷给node2用?

16 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-13 13:48 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!


17 [报告]
发表于 2003-11-14 09:51 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

原帖由 \"david5337\" 发表:\nMM?!\r\n真的?!\r\n好惊奇哦!\r\n呵呵!\r\n更要好好交流!
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nsecpath  4  你都不愿意给我,你做你的大头梦吧!

18 [报告]
发表于 2004-03-18 12:53 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!


19 [报告]
发表于 2004-12-02 20:06 |只看该作者

熟悉COMPAQ MA8000的大虾们帮个忙!

原帖由 \"david5337\" 发表:\n关于MA8000的问题:\r\n1、StorageSet的容量可以增大,使用Command或是GUI下面来作;单独的Unit不能在线扩大,除非你删掉再重新指定大小。都在控制器HSG80上来做。\r\n2、做runconfig会自动重新查找硬盘信息,反应的是真..........
\r\n\r\n2不认同,RUN CONFIG找不到新加入的硬盘,是因为旧硬盘的信息还在控制器里。要先DEL掉原来的硬盘del dsk42000,然后再RUN CONFIG 或ADD DISK.从起没有必要。
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