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12月12日下午14:30-- Hadoop之父Doug Cutting学术报告和圆桌会议 [复制链接]

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发表于 2014-12-11 21:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 chyyuu 于 2014-12-11 21:29 编辑

Hadoop之父、Apache软件基金会主席Doug Cutting本周五(12月12日)下午来清华访问,Doug在大数据系统架构设计,开源软件和社区这方面应该有很好的经验,欢迎大家来参加他的报告会(直接来就可以了),也欢迎大家亲自参加座谈。本次访问有两个环节。

14:30--16:00 清华大学FIT楼2楼多功能报告厅 演讲题目:“The Data Revolution”,演讲者:Doug Cutting 细节请看如下信息。
16:00--17:30 清华大学FIT楼3楼1-315会议室,圆桌会议“交流有关分布式系统,大数据系统架构和应用的技术讨论,开源软件社区建设等”,参会人员:相关老师和业内专家(可就自己关心的问题进行介绍和与Doug交流)

计算机科学与技术学术报告 The Data Revolution

Abstract: The Data Revolution is well underway. Driven by Moore's law and open source, a newstyle of data computing is on the rise with Apache Hadoop at its core. The Enterprise Data Hub is the new home for data applications. Doug will talk about the roots of this revolution,howit's unfolding and where it's headed.

Biography: Doug Cutting is an advocate and creator of open-source search technology. He originated Lucene and, with Mike Cafarella, Nutch, both open-source search technology projects which are now managed through the Apache Software Foundation. He is also the creator of Hadoop. Doug is chief architect of Cloudera, the leading vendor of enterprise data hub powered by Apache Hadoop.

时间:2014年12月12日(星期五)下午14:30-16:00 地点:清华大学FIT楼二楼多功能报告厅
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