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能否自己建立一个类似qq的服务器,公司内部使用? [复制链接]

21 [报告]
发表于 2005-10-02 11:19 |只看该作者



日期:2013-12-05 23:25:45
22 [报告]
发表于 2005-10-02 13:06 |只看该作者



23 [报告]
发表于 2005-10-02 14:42 |只看该作者


jabberd 2.x我还一直没搞定的说,所以就用jive了……至于客户端,只要支持jabber的都可以用,包括gaim。我的测试就是通过gaim的(自己的机器用的ubuntu)。

24 [报告]
发表于 2005-10-02 15:36 |只看该作者



25 [报告]
发表于 2005-10-02 15:45 |只看该作者


  1. <jabber>;

  2.   <!--
  3.   This is the Jabber server configuration file. The file is
  4.   broken into different sections based on the services being
  5.   managed by jabberd, the server daemon. Most of the important
  6.   sections have comments and are easy to modify.

  7.   At http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/1.4/ you find further
  8.   instructions including an annotated version of this con-
  9.   figuration file and an installation guide.
  11.   Note that when you see a tag like "jabberd:cmdline", it's
  12.   automatically replaced on startup with the command line flag
  13.   passed in to jabberd. This enables you to override para-
  14.   meters set in this configuration file if necessary or de-
  15.   sired. Also note as you comment things in and out that
  16.   jabberd does not like comments within comments, so be care-
  17.   ful with your XML. :)
  18.   -->;

  19.   <!--
  20.   The following <service/>; section is for the session manager,
  21.   the most important component within the server. This section
  22.   contains the following types of information:

  23.     * the server's hostname
  24.     * other basic server information
  25.     * the location of the session log file
  26.     * email addresses for server administrators
  27.     * registration instructions for new users
  28.     * a welcome message for new users
  29.     * a list of agents with which users can register
  30.     * load rules for the modules within the session manager

  31.   -->;

  32.   <service id="sessions">;

  33.     <!--
  34.     Replace all occurrences of "localhost" in this file by
  35.     the hostname of your Jabber server. Be aware changing
  36.     the server's name is all but impossible once users start
  37.     to use the server. So choose a name that is permanent
  38.     (especially no Intranet hostnames or IP addresses).

  39.     Multiple <host/>; entries are allowed - each one is for a
  40.     separate virtual server. Note that each host entry must
  41.     be on one line, the server doesn't like it otherwise! :)
  42.     Use lowercase for the hostname.

  43.     Currently on FreeBSD jabberd is started with the -h option
  44.     from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jabberd.sh.  You'll need to modify
  45.     it before the below applies.
  46.     -->;

  47.     <host>;<jabberd:cmdline flag="h">;</jabberd:cmdline>;</host>;

  48.     <!--
  49.     This is the custom configuration section for the
  50.     Jabber session manager, a.k.a. "JSM".
  51.     -->;

  52.     <jsm xmlns="jabber:config:jsm">;

  53.       <!--
  54.       The <filter/>; section below determines settings
  55.       for mod_filter, a server-side module built into
  56.       JSM that enables users to set delivery rules for
  57.       messages they receive (not yet supported by all
  58.       clients). The <allow/>; subsection specifies which
  59.       conditions and actions to enable. High-level
  60.       descriptions of each setting can be found below:

  61.       * <default/>; - a user cannot delete this one, it's
  62.         the default rule for delivering messages
  63.       * <max_size/>; - the maximum number of rules in a
  64.         user's rule set (we don't want to overdo it!)
  65.       * conditions...
  66.         * <ns/>; - matches the query xmlns attrib on an iq packet
  67.         * <unavailable/>; - matches when user is unavailable
  68.         * <from/>; - matches the sender of the message
  69.         * <resource/>; - matches the receiver's resource
  70.         * <subject/>; - matches the subject of the message
  71.         * <body/>; - matches the body of the message
  72.         * <show/>; - matches the show tag on the receiver's presence
  73.         * <type/>; - matches the type of the message
  74.         * <roster/>; - matches if the sender is in your roster
  75.         * <group/>; - matches if the sender is in the specified group
  76.       * actions...
  77.         * <error/>; - replies with an error
  78.         * <offline/>; - stores the messages offline
  79.         * <forward/>; - forwards the message to another jid
  80.         * <reply/>; - sends a reply to the sender of the message
  81.         * <continue/>; - continues processing of the rules
  82.         * <settype/>; - changes the type of the message
  83.       -->;
  84.       <filter>;
  85.           <default/>;
  86.           <max_size>;100</max_size>;
  87.           <allow>;
  88.               <conditions>;
  89.                   <ns/>;          <!-- Matches if the iq's xmlns is the same as the specified namespace -->;
  90.                   <unavailable/>; <!-- Flag that matches when the reciever is unavailable (offline) -->;
  91.                   <from/>;        <!-- Matches if the  sender's jid is the specified jid -->;
  92.                   <resource/>;    <!-- Matches if the sender's resource (anything after the / in a jid) is the specified resource -->;
  93.                   <subject/>;     <!-- Matches if the message's subject is the specified subject (no regex yet) -->;
  94.                   <body/>;        <!-- Matches if the message body is the specified body (no regex yet) -->;
  95.                   <show/>;        <!-- Matches if the receiver's presence has a show tag that is the same as the specified text -->;
  96.                   <type/>;        <!-- Matches if the type of the message is the same as the specified text ("normal" is okay) -->;
  97.                   <roster/>;      <!-- Flag that matches when the sender is in the receiver's roster -->;
  98.                   <group/>;       <!-- Matches when the sender is in the specified group -->;
  99.               </conditions>;
  100.               <actions>;
  101.                   <error/>;       <!-- Sends back an error message to the sender, with the specified text -->;
  102.                   <offline/>;     <!-- Flag that stores the message offline -->;
  103.                   <forward/>;     <!-- forwards the message to the specified jid -->;
  104.                   <reply/>;       <!-- Sends back a reply to the sender with the specified text in the body -->;
  105.                   <continue/>;    <!-- Flag that continues rule matching, after a rule matches -->;
  106.                   <settype/>;     <!-- Changes the type of message to the specified type, before delivery to the receiver -->;
  107.               </actions>;
  108.           </allow>;
  109.       </filter>;

  110.       <!-- The server vCard -->;

  111.       <vCard>;
  112.         <FN>;Jabber Server</FN>;
  113.         <DESC>;A Jabber Server!</DESC>;
  114.         <URL>;http://localhost/</URL>;
  115.       </vCard>;

  116.       <!--
  117.       Registration instructions and required fields. The
  118.       notify attribute will send the server administrator(s)
  119.       a message after each valid registration if the notify
  120.       attribute is present.
  121.       -->;

  122.       <register notify="yes">;
  123.         <instructions>;Choose a username and password to register with this server.</instructions>;
  124.         <name/>;
  125.         <email/>;
  126.       </register>;

  127.       <!--
  128.       A welcome note that is sent to every new user who registers
  129.       with your server. Comment it out to disable this function.
  130.       -->;

  131.       <welcome>;
  132.         <subject>;Welcome!</subject>;
  133.         <body>;欢迎光临</body>;
  134.       </welcome>;

  135.       <!--
  136.       IDs with admin access - these people will receive admin
  137.       messages (any message to="yourhostname" is an admin
  138.       message).  These addresses must be local ids, they cannot
  139.       be remote addresses.

  140.       Note that they can also send announcements to all
  141.       users of the server, or to all online users. To use
  142.       the announcement feature, you need to send raw xml and be
  143.       logged in as one of the admin users. Here is the syntax
  144.       for sending an announcement to online users:

  145.         <message to="yourhostname/announce/online">;
  146.           <body>;announcement here</body>;
  147.         </message>;

  148.         <message to="yourhostname/announce/motd">;
  149.           <body>;message (of the day) that is sent only once to all users that are logged in and additionally to new ones as they log in</body>;
  150.         </message>;

  151.       Sending to /announce/motd/delete will remove any existing
  152.       motd, and to /announce/motd/update will only update the motd
  153.       without re-announcing to all logged in users.

  154.       The <reply>; will be the message that is automatically
  155.       sent in response to any admin messages.
  156.       -->;

  157.       <!--
  158.       <admin>;
  159.         <read>;support@localhost</read>;
  160.         <write>;admin@localhost</write>;
  161.         <reply>;
  162.           <subject>;Auto Reply</subject>;
  163.           <body>;This is a special administrative address.  Your message was received and forwarded to server administrators.</body>;
  164.         </reply>;
  165.       </admin>;
  166.       -->;

  167.       <!--
  168.       This enables the server to automatically update the
  169.       user directory when a vcard is edited.  The update is
  170.       only sent to the first listed jud service below.  It is
  171.       safe to remove this flag if you do not want any users
  172.       automatically added to the directory.
  173.       -->;

  174.       <vcard2jud/>;

  175.       <!--
  176.       The <browse/>; section identifies the transports and other
  177.       services that are available from this server. Note that each
  178.       entity identified here must exist elsewhere or be further
  179.       defined in its own <service/>; section below. These services
  180.       will appear in the user interface of Jabber clients that
  181.       connect to your server.
  182.       The <browse/>; section is also used by mod_disco (see below)
  183.       for building the disco#items reply.
  184.       -->;

  185.       <browse>;

  186.         <!--
  187.         This is the default agent for the master Jabber User
  188.         Directory, a.k.a. "JUD", which is located at jabber.org.
  189.         You can add separate <service/>; sections for additional
  190.         directories, e.g., one for a company intranet.
  191.         -->;

  192.         <service type="jud" jid="users.jabber.org" name="Jabber User Directory">;
  193.           <ns>;jabber:iq:search</ns>;
  194.           <ns>;jabber:iq:register</ns>;
  195.         </service>;

  196.         <!--
  197.         The following services are examples only, you will need to
  198.         create/modify them to get them working on your Jabber
  199.         server. See the README files for each service and/or the
  200.         server howto for further information/instructions.
  201.         -->;

  202.         <!-- we're commenting these out, of course :)

  203.         <service type="aim" jid="aim.localhost" name="AIM Transport">;
  204.           <ns>;jabber:iq:gateway</ns>;
  205.           <ns>;jabber:iq:register</ns>;
  206.         </service>;

  207.         <service type="yahoo" jid="yahoo.localhost" name="Yahoo! Transport">;
  208.           <ns>;jabber:iq:gateway</ns>;
  209.           <ns>;jabber:iq:register</ns>;
  210.         </service>;

  211.         end of <service/>; examples -->;

  212.       </browse>;

  213.       <!--
  214.       "Service Discovery" (disco, JEP-0030) supersedes
  215.       "Jabber Browsing" (JEP-0011).
  216.       The <disco/>; section is used for building the disco#info reply.
  217.       -->;
  218.       <disco>;
  219.         <identity category='services' type='jabber' name='Jabber 1.4 Server'/>;
  220.         <feature var='jabber:iq:browse'/>;
  221.         <feature var='jabber:iq:agents'/>;
  222.         <feature var='jabber:iq:register'/>;
  223.         <feature var='jabber:iq:time'/>;
  224.         <feature var='jabber:iq:last'/>;
  225.         <feature var='jabber:iq:version'/>;
  226.       </disco>;

  227.       <!--
  228.       Select the hashing algorithm that mod_auth_crypt uses
  229.       for storing passwords
  230.       Possible values:
  231.       crypt ... traditional hashing as implemented in crypt()
  232.       SHA1  ... using SHA1 hashes
  233.       -->;
  234.       <mod_auth_crypt>;
  235.         <hash>;SHA1</hash>;
  236.       </mod_auth_crypt>;

  237.       <!--
  238.       Configuration for mod_version. By defining <no_os_version/>;
  239.       mod_version will not report the version of your OS.
  240.       -->;
  241.       <!--
  242.       <mod_version>;
  243.         <no_os_version/>;
  244.       </mod_version>;
  245.       -->;

  246.     </jsm>;

  247.     <!--
  248.     The following section dynamically loads the individual
  249.     modules that make up the session manager. Remove or
  250.     comment out modules to disable them. Note that the order
  251.     of modules is important, since packets are delivered
  252.     based on the following order!!
  253.     -->;

  254.     <load main="jsm">;
  255.       <jsm>;./jsm/jsm.so</jsm>;
  256.       <mod_echo>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_echo>;
  257.       <mod_roster>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_roster>;
  258.       <mod_time>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_time>;
  259.       <mod_vcard>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_vcard>;
  260.       <mod_last>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_last>;
  261.       <mod_version>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_version>;
  262.       <mod_announce>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_announce>;
  263.       <mod_agents>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_agents>;
  264.       <mod_browse>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_browse>;
  265.       <mod_disco>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_disco>;
  266.       <mod_admin>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_admin>;
  267.       <mod_filter>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_filter>;
  268.       <mod_offline>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_offline>;
  269.       <mod_presence>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_presence>;

  270.       <!--
  271.       Authentication
  272.       For standard setups mod_auth_digest is recommended. Additionally
  273.       enable mod_auth_plain if you need plaintext authentication.
  274.       For maximum security, force SSL connections and use mod_auth_crypt
  275.       exclusively. Be aware encrypted password storage can lead to
  276.       problems when migrating to other authentication mechanisms
  277.       (LDAP...).
  278.       Switching from plain/digest to crypt needs manual work for
  279.       existing accounts, the reverse is not possible.
  280.       http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/1.4/doc/adminguide#security
  281.       -->;
  282.       <!-- mod_auth_digest: Password in clear text in storage,
  283.            encrypted/hashed on the wire -->;
  284.       <mod_auth_digest>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_auth_digest>;
  285.       <!-- mod_auth_plain: Password in clear text in storage
  286.            and on the wire. Disable this if you do not use clients
  287.            that need plaintext auth -->;
  288.       <mod_auth_plain>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_auth_plain>;
  289.       <!-- mod_auth_crypt: Password encrypted/hashed in storage,
  290.            clear text on the wire. Disabled as this only makes
  291.            sense when used exclusively and with SSL mandatory
  292.       <mod_auth_crypt>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_auth_crypt>; -->;

  293.       <mod_log>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_log>;
  294.       <mod_register>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_register>;
  295.       <mod_xml>;./jsm/jsm.so</mod_xml>;
  296.     </load>;

  297.   </service>;

  298.   <!-- OK, we've finished defining the Jabber Session Manager. -->;

  299.   <!--
  300.   The <xdb/>; component handles all data storage, using the filesystem.
  301.   Make sure the spool directory defined here exists and has proper
  302.   permissions.
  303.   -->;

  304.   <xdb id="xdb">;
  305.     <host/>;
  306.     <load>;
  307.       <xdb_file>;./xdb_file/xdb_file.so</xdb_file>;
  308.     </load>;
  309.     <xdb_file xmlns="jabber:config:xdb_file">;
  310.       <spool>;<jabberd:cmdline flag='s'>;/var/spool/jabber</jabberd:cmdline>;</spool>;
  311.     </xdb_file>;
  312.   </xdb>;

  313.   <!--
  314.   The following service manages incoming client socket connections.
  315.   There are several items you can set here to optimize performance:

  316.     * authtime - default is unlimited, but you can set this to
  317.       limit the amount of time allowed for authentication to be
  318.       completed, e.g., <authtime>;10</authtime>; for 10 seconds

  319.     * heartbeat - default is to not send out heartbeat packets
  320.       to the clients.  This option allows you to specify that
  321.       you want heartbeats to happen every x seconds.  This is
  322.       useful if you have a lot of dial-up or laptop users who
  323.       may drop their connection without logging off of jabber.
  324.       Otherwise the server won't notice that they are offline until
  325.       someone tries to send a packet to them (and the message is
  326.       lost).  Example: <heartbeat>;60</heartbeat>;

  327.     * karma - this is an input/output rate limiting system that
  328.       the Jabber team came up with to prevent bandwidth hogging.
  329.       For details about karma, read the io section at the bottom.
  330.       These are the low settings and apply per connection/socket
  331.       and can be changed as desired.
  332.       To disable rate limiting just delete the <karma/>; section.
  333.   -->;

  334.   <service id="c2s">;
  335.     <load>;
  336.       <pthsock_client>;./pthsock/pthsock_client.so</pthsock_client>;
  337.     </load>;
  338.     <pthcsock xmlns='jabber:config:pth-csock'>;
  339.       <authtime/>;
  340.       <heartbeat/>;
  341.       <karma>;
  342.         <init>;10</init>;
  343.         <max>;10</max>;
  344.         <inc>;1</inc>;
  345.         <dec>;1</dec>;
  346.         <penalty>;-6</penalty>;
  347.         <restore>;10</restore>;
  348.       </karma>;

  349.       <!--
  350.       Use these to listen on particular addresses and/or ports.
  351.       Example: <ip port="5222">;</ip>;
  352.       Default is to listen on port 5222 on every interface.
  353.       Remove the <ip/>; section to disable non-ssl client connections.
  354.       -->;
  355.       <ip port="5222">;</ip>;

  356.       <!--
  357.       The <ssl/>; tag acts pretty much like the <ip/>; tag,
  358.       except it defines that SSL is to be used on the
  359.       ports and IP addresses specified. You must specify
  360.       an IP address here, or the connections will fail.
  361.       <ssl port='5223'>;</ssl>;
  362.       <ssl port='5224'>;</ssl>;
  363.       -->;

  364.     </pthcsock>;
  365.   </service>;

  366.   <!--
  367.   This is the default server error logging component,
  368.   which copies to a file and to STDERR.
  369.   -->;

  370.   <log id='elogger'>;
  371.     <host/>;
  372.     <logtype/>;
  373.     <format>;%d: [%t] (%h): %s</format>;
  374.     <file>;/var/log/jabber.error</file>;
  375.     <stderr/>;
  376.   </log>;

  377.   <!--
  378.   This is the default server record logging component,
  379.   which logs general statistical/tracking data.
  380.   -->;

  381.   <log id='rlogger'>;
  382.     <host/>;
  383.     <logtype>;record</logtype>;
  384.     <format>;%d %h %s</format>;
  385.     <file>;/var/log/jabber.record</file>;
  386.   </log>;

  387.   <!-- The following two services are for handling server-to-server traffic. -->;

  388.   <!-- External asychronous DNS resolver -->;

  389.   <service id="dnsrv">;
  390.     <host/>;
  391.     <load>;
  392.       <dnsrv>;./dnsrv/dnsrv.so</dnsrv>;
  393.     </load>;
  394.     <dnsrv xmlns="jabber:config:dnsrv">;
  395.             <resend service="_xmpp-server._tcp">;s2s</resend>; <!-- for supporting XMPP compliant SRV records -->;
  396.             <resend service="_jabber._tcp">;s2s</resend>; <!-- for supporting old style SRV records -->;
  397.             <resend>;s2s</resend>;
  398.     </dnsrv>;
  399.   </service>;

  400.   <!--
  401.   The following 's2s' config handles server connections and
  402.   dialback hostname verification.  The <legacy/>; element is
  403.   here to enable communication with old 1.0 servers. The
  404.   karma settings are a little higher here to handle the
  405.   higher traffic of server-to-server connections (read
  406.   the io section below for more details, medium settings).
  407.   -->;

  408.   <service id="s2s">;
  409.     <load>;
  410.       <dialback>;./dialback/dialback.so</dialback>;
  411.     </load>;
  412.     <dialback xmlns='jabber:config:dialback'>;
  413.       <legacy/>;
  414.       <!-- Use these to listen on particular addresses and/or ports.
  415.       <ip port="7000"/>;
  416.       <ip port="5269">;</ip>;
  417.       -->;
  418.       <ip port="5269">;</ip>;
  419.       <karma>;
  420.         <init>;50</init>;
  421.         <max>;50</max>;
  422.         <inc>;4</inc>;
  423.         <dec>;1</dec>;
  424.         <penalty>;-5</penalty>;
  425.         <restore>;50</restore>;
  426.       </karma>;
  427.     </dialback>;
  428.   </service>;

  429.   <!--
  430.   update.jabber.org is long dead but some clients still
  431.   request update information. In order to avoid errors
  432.   in the logs, just drop packages for update.jabber.org.
  433.   -->;
  434.   <service id="update.jabber.org">;
  435.     <host>;update.jabber.org</host>;
  436.     <null/>;
  437.   </service>;

  438.   <!--
  439.   If you identified additional agents in the main <service/>;
  440.   section (see examples above), you'll need to define each
  441.   of them here using a separate <service/>; section for each
  442.   <agent/>; you identified. Note that the <agent/>; sections
  443.   determine what gets shown to clients that connect to your
  444.   server, whereas the following <service/>; sections define
  445.   these services within the server itself. The following are
  446.   examples only, you will need to create/modify them to get
  447.   them working on your Jabber server. See the README files
  448.   for each agent and/or the server howto for further
  449.   information/instructions.
  450.   -->;

  451.   <!-- we're commenting these out, of course :)

  452.   <service id="aim.localhost">;
  453.     <accept>;
  454.       <ip/>;
  455.       <port>;7009</port>;
  456.       <secret>;jabber-rocks</secret>;
  457.     </accept>;
  458.   </service>;

  459.   <service id="yahoo.localhost">;
  460.     <accept>;
  461.       <ip/>;
  462.       <port>;9001</port>;
  463.       <secret>;jabber-rocks</secret>;
  464.     </accept>;
  465.   </service>;

  466.   end of <service/>; examples -->;

  467.   <!--
  468.   The following <io/>; config initializes the top-level
  469.   I/O, otherwise known as MIO (Managed Input/Output).
  470.   -->;

  471.   <io>;

  472.     <!-- Set the default karma for *all* sockets -->;
  473.     <!-- definition of terms:

  474.       * Avg. Throughput - The number of bytes you can
  475.         send every second without incuring any penalty.

  476.       * Burst Allowed - The maximum number of bytes you
  477.         can send in 2 seconds without incurring any penalty.

  478.       * Max Sustained Rate - If you send data as fast as
  479.         you can, you will hit penalty, and will not be
  480.         able to send for 10 seconds; the max sustained
  481.         rate is the average rate you can dump data when
  482.         you are dumping as much data as you can, as fast
  483.         as you can.

  484.       * Seconds to Recover from Burst - The amount of time
  485.         it will take to reach Avg. Throughput capability
  486.         after sending a max burst of data.

  487.       * Penalty Length - The length of your penalty is
  488.         determined according to this formula:
  489.               abs(penalty) * Heartbeat seconds
  490.         E.g., a penalty of -5 and heartbeat of 2 will
  491.         cause your penalty length to be 10 seconds.
  492.         Note that a penalty CANNOT be less than -100,
  493.         otherwise strange things might happen.

  494.     -->;
  495.     <!-- Example of Low Karma Limits
  496.         Avg. Throughput: 1k-2k/s
  497.         Burst Allowed To: 5.5k/s
  498.         Max Sustained Rate: 485b/s
  499.         Seconds to Recover from Burst: 20
  500.         Penalty Length: 12 seconds
  501.     <karma>;
  502.       <heartbeat>;2</heartbeat>;
  503.       <init>;10</init>;
  504.       <max>;10</max>;
  505.       <inc>;1</inc>;
  506.       <dec>;1</dec>;
  507.       <penalty>;-6</penalty>;
  508.       <restore>;10</restore>;
  509.     </karma>;
  510.     -->;

  511.     <!-- Example of Medium Karma Limits
  512.         Avg. Throughput: 5k-10k/s
  513.         Burst Allowed: 125.5k/s
  514.         Max Sustained Rate: 12.6k/s
  515.         Seconds to Recover From Burst: 25
  516.         Penalty Length: 10 seconds
  517.     <karma>;
  518.       <heartbeat>;2</heartbeat>;
  519.       <init>;50</init>;
  520.       <max>;50</max>;
  521.       <inc>;4</inc>;
  522.       <dec>;1</dec>;
  523.       <penalty>;-5</penalty>;
  524.       <restore>;50</restore>;
  525.     </karma>;
  526.     -->;

  527.     <!-- Example of High Karma Limits
  528.         Avg. Throughput: 5k-10k/s
  529.         Burst Allowed: 206k/s
  530.         Max Sustained Rate: 34.3k/s
  531.         Seconds to Recover from Burst: 21
  532.         Penalty Length: 6 seconds
  533.     <karma>;
  534.       <heartbeat>;2</heartbeat>;
  535.       <init>;64</init>;
  536.       <max>;64</max>;
  537.       <inc>;6</inc>;
  538.       <dec>;1</dec>;
  539.       <penalty>;-3</penalty>;
  540.       <restore>;64</restore>;
  541.     </karma>;
  542.     -->;

  543.     <!--
  544.     Set rate limits to monitor the number of connection
  545.     attempts from a single IP, any more than [points]
  546.     within [time] will engage the limit.  This setting
  547.     applies to all incoming connections to any service,
  548.     unless otherwise overridden by that service.
  549.     -->;

  550.     <rate points="5" time="25"/>;

  551.     <!--
  552.     The following section initializes SSL for top-level I/O.
  553.     This works only when the server is compiled with openssl!
  554.     Use IPs here or connections will fail.
  555.     -->;
  556.     <!--
  557.     <ssl>;
  558.       <key ip=''>;/path/to/cert_and_key.pem</key>;
  559.       <key ip=''>;/path/to/other/cert_and_key.pem</key>;
  560.     </ssl>;
  561.     -->;

  562.     <!--
  563.     The following section is used to allow or deny
  564.     communications from specified IP networks or
  565.     addressses. If there is no <allow/>; section,
  566.     then *all* IPs will be allowed to connect. If
  567.     you allow one block, then only that block may
  568.     connect. Note that <allow/>; is checked before
  569.     <deny/>;, so if a specific address is allowed
  570.     but the network for that address is denied,
  571.     then that address will still be denied.
  572.     -->;
  573.     <!--
  574.     <allow>;<ip>;</ip>;<mask>;</mask>;</allow>;
  575.     <allow>;<ip>;</ip>;</allow>;
  576.     <deny>;<ip>;</ip>;<mask>;</mask>;</deny>;
  577.     -->;

  578.   </io>;

  579.   <!--
  580.   This specifies the file to store the pid of the process in.
  581.   -->;
  582.   <pidfile>;/var/spool/jabber/jabber.pid</pidfile>;

  583. </jabber>;



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