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[存储网络] 求助关于 emulex LP800卡的问题 [复制链接]

发表于 2005-12-29 10:47 |显示全部楼层
求助:客户那里一块EMULEX LP8000的光纤卡出现问题,状况是绿灯每一秒闪一次,黄灯灭。我看资料上是这么描述灯的正常状况的
Green LED ON - Yellow LED slow blink at 1 per second

Normal - 1 Gigabit link rate - link is up and a driver is likely loaded in the operating system memory. This could also mean BootBIOS or OpenBoot has been enabled and the link is up during boot.

Green LED ON - Yellow LED Fast Blink at 4 per second

Normal - 2 Gigabit link rate - link is up and a driver is likely loaded in the operating system memory (For those adapters that support 2 Gigabit). This could also mean BootBIOS or OpenBoot has been enabled and the link is up during boot.

Green LED slow blink 1 per second - Yellow LED OFF

Normal - Link Down or the adapter has not started yet (no driver loaded). If the driver is loaded, verify link speed and topology settings, they should match the aattached device. Also verify physical layer components like cable, HBA port and port of the attached device.

现在的情况就是报卡link down 和link up.错误。

There are one of three categories of the LED states. Note that the LED states assume the system has been booted up and is in operation or BootBIOS/OpenBoot has been configured. Please refer to the chart below for detailed LED state definitions.

1) Link Down - Flashing green with no flashing yellow/amber

This state indicates the adapter has passed Power On Self Test (POST). There is no valid link on fibre channel, and there may be no driver loaded in the operating system.

2) Link Up - Solid green with flashing yellow/amber

This state indicates the card has passed POST, the link is up to the fibre channel, and the driver is likely to be loaded correctly.

3) Hardware failure - Any other combination of lights

Any other combination usually normally means the card is defective. Contact Technical Support for verification and repair.

Green LED ON - Yellow LED OFF

Failure while Functioning - the adapter requires repair.


发表于 2005-12-29 16:53 |显示全部楼层

日期:2011-11-23 16:44:17
发表于 2005-12-30 00:11 |显示全部楼层
Green LED slow blink 1 per second - Yellow LED OFF

Normal - Link Down or the adapter has not started yet (no driver loaded). If the driver is loaded, verify link speed and topology settings, they should match the aattached device. Also verify physical layer components like cable, HBA port and port of the attached device.

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