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[FTP] vsftpd 2.0.4出来了,更新了的FAQ翻译 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-02-06 10:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览



http://wolfg.iblog.cn/index.php? ... amp;articleId=50969

[ 本帖最后由 wolfg 于 2006-2-7 23:24 编辑 ]

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-07 23:18 |只看该作者
Q1) 求助!我在下载时遇到“426 Failure writing network stream.”错误。
A) 在v1.2.1以及更高版本的vsftpd中你应该不会遇到这个错误。如果用户试图从不常见的文件系统(比如FAT)中下载,旧版本的vsftpd就会出现这个错误,因为(这种文件系统)不支持vsftpd需要的性能特性。 1.1.3及更高版本的vsftpd有一个相关的配置选项use_sendfile=NO.

Q2) 求助!我在使用pam_userdb登录模块时登录过程僵死了。
A) 这是因为版本2.3的glibc和PAM交互的问题。有Debian用户已经报告了这个bug。看这里:http://lists.debian.org/debian-g ... 00309/msg00310.html

Q3) 求助!vsftpd支持大文件(>2Gb?)吗?
A) 支持。

Q4) 求助!但是大文件支持好像不工作啊!
A1) 从版本1.1.0开始就支持大文件了。
A2) Solarisp平台下的大文件支持需要版本v1.2.2。
A3) FreeBSD平台下的大文件支持需要版本v1.2.2。
A4) 早期的Linux 2.6 内核在大文件支持上有bug - 用v2.6.6或更新版本的内核。
A5) 你能保证你的FTP客户端可以正确的支持大文件吗?

Q5) 求助!Help! 内置的vsftpd监听器死掉(崩溃)了!

A) vsftpd v1.2.2修复了这个bug。问题还存在但似乎只在特定的平台上才频繁出现。例如,Fedora Core 1 - 怀疑是启用了NPTL的内核和glibc-2.3触发了这个问题。

Q6) 求助!我在使用Solaris / Veritas时vsftpd死掉了!
A) 怀疑是与Solaris / Veritas 结合使用时的bug。 vsftpd-1.2.3里有一个可能的解决方法:no_log_lock=YES 详见 vsftpd.conf.5。

Q7) vsftpd支持基于SSL / TLS的加密吗?
A) 支持。版本v2.0.0对控制和数据连接都支持加密(喝彩!)你首先需要一个启用这些支持的vsftpd,然后激活ssl_enable这个设置。注意这里有安全问题需要考虑,请一定在使用前详细阅读 vsftpd.conf.5的man帮助中ssl_enable一节。

Q8) 求助!我使用FlashFXP下载文件时会发生截断。
A) FlashFXP的bug多多-尤其是启用SSL传输时。升级到v3.0RC4或更新的版本,据说已修复了这个bug。

Q9) 求助!我想编译vsftpd,但我遇到了"krb5.h: no such file or directory"这个错误。
A) 好像是一些RedHat系统会有这个问题。详细解释和解决办法请看后面这个链接

Q10) 求助!当我连接vsftpd时遇到了"OOPS: capset"错误。
A) 用启用了SELinux的发行版时会有这个问题。解决办法是确保加载了capability这个内核模块。

Q11) 求助!我遇到了"ftp: netin: Interrupted system call"错误。
A) 这似乎是ftp-tls的一个bug,特别是结合了SSL并且设置了带宽限制时会发生。

[ 本帖最后由 wolfg 于 2006-2-7 23:25 编辑 ]

3 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-07 23:20 |只看该作者

Q) Help! I'm getting the error "426 Failure writing network stream." on
A) You shouldn't see this with v1.2.1 or newer versions of vsftpd. Older
versions of vsftpd can give this error if the user tries to download
something from an unusual filesystem (e.g. FAT), which don't support
performance features used by vsftpd. With vsftpd-1.1.3 and newer there is a
config workaround, use_sendfile=NO.

Q) Help! I'm using the pam_userdb login module and the login hangs.
A) This could be a bad interaction with glibc version 2.3 and PAM. A Debian
user reported this. The initial report is here:
http://lists.debian.org/debian-g ... 00309/msg00310.html

Q) Help! Does vsftpd support large files (>2Gb?).
A) Yes, it does.

Q) Help! Well, large file support doesn't seem to be working, then!
A1) Large file support first appeared in v1.1.0.
A2) Solaris large file support wasn't fixed until v1.2.2.
A3) FreeBSD large file support wasn't fixed until v1.2.2.
A4) The early Linux 2.6 kernels had a bug in this area - use v2.6.6 or newer.
A5) Are you sure your FTP _client_ correctly supports large files?

Q) Help! The built-in vsftpd listener is hanging or crashing!
A) A bug in this area is fixed in vsftpd v1.2.2. The problem has always existed
but seems to frequently trigger only on certain platforms. For example,
Fedora Core 1 - the suspected trigger is a glibc-2.3 platform, possibly in
combination with a NPTL-enabled kernel.

Q) Help! I'm using Solaris / Veritas and vsftpd is hanging!
A) Suspected bug with the Solaris / Veritas combination. With vsftpd-1.2.3
there is a possible workaround: no_log_lock=YES in your vsftpd.conf.5.

Q) Does vsftpd support SSL / TLS based encryption?
A) Yes, as of v2.0.0, this is supported for the control and data connections
(hurrah). You need a build of vsftpd with this support enabled, and then you
need to activate the ssl_enable setting. NOTE there are security considerations
with this support. Please make sure to read the ssl_enable section in the
vsftpd.conf.5 man page thoroughly before using.

Q) Help! I'm using FlashFXP and getting truncated files on download.
A) FlashFXP is buggy - particularly with SSL transfers. Upgrade to v3.0RC4
or newer, which is reported to be fixed.

Q) Help! I'm trying to build vsftpd, and I get an error along the lines of
"krb5.h: no such file or directory".
A) Yes, seems to be a problem with some RedHat setups. See
http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=111301 for details and
suggested workarounds.

Q) Help! I'm getting the error "OOPS: capset" when I try to connect to vsftpd.
A) This is an issue with SELinux enabled distributions. The solution is to
make sure the capability kernel module is loaded.

Q) Help! I'm getting the error "ftp: netin: Interrupted system call".
A) Seems to be a bug in ftp-tls, particularly with SSL transfers with
bandwidth limiting in effect.
suyang0218 该用户已被删除
4 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-08 14:19 |只看该作者
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5 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-12 20:31 |只看该作者
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-12 21:45 |只看该作者
原帖由 shaaben 于 2006-2-12 20:31 发表
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
local_e ...


7 [报告]
发表于 2006-02-13 20:45 |只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 5639863 于 2006-2-13 20:52 编辑 ]
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