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刚才在google上查了一下。你的sFS系统id 42 如下:
SFS works with many different flavors of Unix. It should port easily to any Unix-like operating system with NFS3 support. The authors have used SFS on OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris, OSF/1, and Linux (with 2.4 kernels). SFS reportedly also works on NetBSD (with gcc 2.95.2 or later). If you have access to another platform, we would like to see SFS run on that, too.
In order to compile and run SFS:
* You must have gcc-2.95.2 or later
* You must must create a user and group called sfs on your machine. (Or configure --with-sfsuser=... --with-sfsgroup-... to use different names.)
不像你说的是在windows 下分的区,当然也许我故若寡闻。你要是可以备分数据,建议你重新分区。可以是NTFS EXT3都可以的。 |