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1.11: Basic Hardware Knowledge [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-04-04 17:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Certification Objective 1.11: Basic Hardware Knowledge
认证目的 1.11: 基本硬件知识
While customized Red Hat distributions are available for such diverse platforms as the Alpha, Itanium, and S/390 CPUs, the RHCE and RHCT exams are focused on computers built to the Intel-based 32-bit architecture (or similar 32-bit CPUs such as those built by AMD and National Semiconductor/Cyrix).
根据客户需要而修改的红帽分配可用来如α、 Itanium 和 S/390 的不同平台 CPUs 、 RHCE 和 RHCT 考试把重心集中在,计算机建造至以英代尔為主的 32个位元结构.(或者被 AMD 和国立半导体/Cyrix 建造的相似的 32个位元像如此的 CPUs)
The architecture of a personal computer defines the components that it uses as well as the way that they are connected.
In other words, the Intel-based architecture describes much more than just the CPU.
It includes standards for other hardware such as the hard drive, the network card, the keyboard, the graphics adapter, and more.
All software is written for a specific computer architecture, such as the Intel-based 32-bit architecture.
所有的软件为一个特定的计算机架构, 像是以英代尔為主的 32个位元结构被写。
Even when a manufacturer creates a device for the Intel platform, it may not work with Linux.
即使当一个制造业者为英代尔平台产生一个装置,它可能不与 Linux 合作。
Therefore, it's important to know the basic architecture of an Intel-based computer.
因此, 它有重要的知道以英代尔為主计算机的基本结构。
Exam Watch  While it is important to know how Linux interacts with your hardware, the RHCE and RHCT exams are not hardware exams.
当知道 Linux 如何与你的硬件、 RHCE 互动和 RHCT 很重要,考试不是硬件考试的时候,考试看。
As of this writing, while the RH133 and RH300 courses do address hardware issues, there are no hardware components listed in the Red Hat Exam Prep guide.
当这写作,当 RH133 和 RH300 课程向硬件议题发表演说的时候之时,没有在红帽考试预习功课指南被列出的硬件元件。
Intel Communications Channels
Three basic channels are used to communicate in an Intel architecture PC:
interrupt request (IRQ) ports, input/output (I/O) addresses, and direct memory address (DMA) channels.
中断请求 (IRQ) 端口, 输入/输出 (输入/输出) 定址, 而且指示存储器位址 (DMA) 波道。
An IRQ allows a component such as a keyboard or printer to request service from the CPU.
IRQ 允许一元件如此的当做一个键盘或者打印机请求来自处理器的服务。
An I/O address is a memory storage location for communication between the CPU and different parts of a computer.
A DMA channel is used when a device such as a sound card has an independent processor and can bypass the CPU.
当一个装置,像是一个语音卡有一个独立的处理机的时候,一个 DMA 波道被用而且能省略处理器。
With the plug and play features built into RHEL 3, these channels are generally not a problem, but are included because they are on the prerequisite list for the RH300 course, as described in
与即插即用功能进入 RHEL 3 之内建造,因为他们为 RH300 课程,被如
300_ prereq.html 所描述在预先非有不可的列表上,所以这些波道通常不一个问题, 但是被包括在内。
IRQ Settings
IRQ 设定
An IRQ is a signal that is sent by a peripheral device (such as a network card, graphics adapter, mouse, modem, or serial port) to the CPU to request processing time.
IRQ 是被一个周边装置 (像是一个网络卡, 图形转接器、鼠标、调制解调器或序列端口) 送到处理器请求的一个讯号处理时间。
Each device you attach to a computer may need its own IRQ port.
你对一部计算机附加的每个装置可能需要它自己的 IRQ 端口。
Normally, each device needs a dedicated IRQ (except for USB and some PCI devices).
通常,每个装置需要热衷的 IRQ 。 (除了万用串列总线和一些 PCI 装置以外)
The Intel architecture is currently limited to 16 IRQs (0-15), which is often not enough for modern PCs with network cards, modems, hard drives, sound cards, printers, and more.
英特尔架构现在被限制为 16 IRQs(0-15),以网络卡、调制解调器、硬式磁盘机、语音卡、打印机和更多对现代的 PCs 是时常没有足够的。
If you run out of IRQs, some PCI devices can share IRQs.
如果你用光 IRQs ,一些 PCI 装置能共享 IRQs 。
USB devices can share IRQs.
万用串列总线装置能共享 IRQs 。
This support is available in most PCs manufactured after the year 2000.
这支援在 2000 年之后被制造的大多数的 PCs 中是可得的。
On The Job  If you're having a problem with your USB ports or PCI cards, check your BIOS first.
在作业上,如果你有你的万用串列总线的问题移植或者 PCI 卡,首先检查你的基本输出入系统。
Many BIOS menus include options that enable PCI sharing and support USB connections.
许多基本输出入系统画面包括使共享并且支援万用串列总线连接的 PCI 能够的选择项。
Planning the IRQ Layout:
计划 IRQ 规划:
Standard IRQs
标准的 IRQs
IRQs are a precious commodity on a PC.
IRQs 在一部个人计算机上是一个宝贵的日用品。
IRQ conflicts are common when you're connecting a lot of devices.
当你正在连接许多装置的时候, IRQ 冲突是通常的。
If your printer doesn't work after you've connected a second network card, it can help to know the standard IRQ for printers.
如果在你已经连接一个第二个网络卡之后,你的打印机不工作,它能帮助为打印机知道标准的 IRQ 。
You can then assign a different IRQ to that network card.
然后你能分配不同的 IRQ 到那网络备置卡片。
If you don't have any free IRQs to assign to that network card, you may be able to sacrifice a component that uses a standard IRQ.
如果你自由地没有任何 IRQs 对那网络卡分配,你可能能够牺牲一个使用标准的 IRQ 的元件。
For example, if you always connect to a server remotely, that server PC may not need a keyboard.
If you can boot a computer with a CD-ROM, you may not need a floppy drive.
Some IRQs are essential to the operation of a PC and just can't be changed.
一些 IRQs 是必要的对个人计算机的运算而且正直的不能被改变。
These are reserved by the motherboard to control devices such as the hard disk controller and the real-time clock.
Do not use these interrupts for other devices or there will be conflicts!
Other IRQs are normally assigned to common devices such as a floppy disk and a printer.
其他的 IRQs 通常被指定给通常的装置,像是一个软式磁盘和一台打印机。
In Linux, you can check /proc/interrupts to see which interrupts are being used and which are free for new devices.
在 Linux ,你能检查 /proc/中断了解哪些中断正在被用和哪一个对新的装置是免费的。
Input/Output Addresses
Every computer device requires an input/output (I/O) address.
每部计算机装置需要一个输入/输出 (输入/输出) 位址。
It's a place where data can wait in line for service from your CPU.
I/O addresses are listed in hexadecimal notation, where the numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, and f.
输入/输出位址在数目是 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 的十六进记法,a 、 b 、 c 、 d 、 e 和 f 中被列出。
Some typical I/O addresses include those for the basic serial ports, known in the Microsoft world as COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4.
一些典型的输入/输出位址当做 COM1 、 COM2 、 COM3 和 COM4 为基本的序列端口, 在微软公司世界中被知道包括那些.
These ports normally use the following I/O addresses: 03f8, 02f8, 03e8, and 02e8.
这些端口通常使用下列的输入/输出位址: 03 f 8,02 f 8,03 e 8 、和 02 e 8.
You can find a list of assigned I/O addresses in your /proc/ioports file.
你能在你的 /proc/ioports 文件中找一连串的分配输入/输出位址。
Direct Memory Addresses
A direct memory address (DMA) is normally used to transfer information directly between devices, bypassing the CPU.
一个直接的存储器位址 (DMA) 通常被用在装置之间直接地传递信息,省略处理器。
Many components don't need a CPU.
For example, many sound cards include their own processor.
This allows your PC to set up a DMA channel between a hard drive and a sound card to process and play any music files that you may have stored.
这让你的个人计算机建立一个硬式磁盘机和一个语音卡之间的一个 DMA 波道处理而且播放你可能已经储存的任何的音乐文件。
While DMA channels bypass the CPU, devices that use DMA are still configured with IRQ ports.
DMA 波道省略处理器,不过仍然使用 DMA 的装置与 IRQ 端口一起配置。
There are eight standard DMA channels (0-7); DMA 4 is reserved and cannot be used by any device.
有八个标准的 DMA 波道;(0-7) DMA 4 被保留而且不能够被任何装置用。
You can find a list of assigned DMA addresses in your /proc/dma file.
你能在你的 /proc/dma 文件中找一连串的分配 DMA 位址。
RAM Requirements
Red Hat nominally requires that you install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a computer with at least 256MB of RAM.
红帽有名无实地需要你以至少 256个 MB 的随机存取储存器在一部计算机上安装红帽企业 Linux 。
While I've installed RHEL 3 on computers with less RAM, 256MB is the minimum that is required if you've purchased the appropriate version of RHEL 3 and want contracted tech support from Red Hat.
我已经在计算机上被比较少的随机存取储存器安装 RHEL 3 ,不过如果你已经购买 RHEL 3 的适当版本而且想要来自红帽的收缩了的科技支援, 256个 MB 是被需要的最小量。
The maximum amount of memory your system will use is the sum of all of the memory requirements of every program that you will ever run at once.
That's hard to compute.
Therefore, you should buy as much memory as you can afford.
因此, 你应该买尽你所能能最多的存储器。
Extra RAM is usually cost-effective when compared to the time you would spend trying to tune an underpowered system.
Limitations are few; on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Advanced Server, you can use up to 64GB of RAM.
限制很少; 在红帽企业 Linux 3 高阶服务器身上,你能使用随机存取储存器的达 64个亿位元组。
If you're installing RHEL 3 on a computer with between 16GB and 64GB of RAM, you'll need to use the 'hugemem' kernel, which I describe in a bit more detail in Chapter 5.
如果你正在一部计算机上安装 RHEL 3 与在随机存取储存器的 16个亿位元组和 64个亿位元组之间,你将会需要使用 'hugemem' 核仁, 我在第 5 章在一个位元更多明细描述.
On The Job  If you're setting up Linux as a server, RAM requirements increase with the number of users who may need to log in simultaneously.
在作业上,如果你正在作为一个服务器的 Linux 上面置位,随机存取储存器需求以可能需要同时地登录的使用者的数目增加。
The same may be true if you're running a large number of programs or have memory-intensive data such as that required by a database.
Hard Drive Options
Before your computer can load Linux, the BIOS has to recognize the active primary partition on the hard drive.
在你的计算机能载入 Linux 之前,基本输出入系统必须在硬式磁盘机上认识活跃的主要分区。
This partition should include the Linux boot files.
这分区应该包括 Linux 启动文件。
The BIOS can then set up and initialize that hard drive, and then load Linux boot files from that active primary partition.
然后基本输出入系统能建立并且设定那一个硬式磁盘机初值, 然后载入来自那个活跃的主要分区的 Linux 启动文件。
You should know the following about hard drives and Linux:
你应该知道那在大约硬式磁盘机和 Linux 之后:
The standard Intel architecture PC is configured to manage up to four IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) hard drives.
标准的英特尔架构个人计算机配置成处理达四个 IDE(整合磁盘电子学) 硬式磁盘机。
Depending on the SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) hardware that you have, you can attach up to 31 different SCSI hard drives.
仰赖你有的小型电脑标准介面 (小型计算机系统介面) 硬件,你能附加达 31个不同的小型电脑标准介面硬式磁盘机。
While you can use as many IDE or SCSI drives as your hardware can handle, you need to install the Linux boot files from the /boot directory on one of the first two hard drives.
你能使用同样地许多 IDE 或者小型电脑标准介面磁盘当做你的硬件能处理,你需要在最初二个硬式磁盘机之一上从那 /启动目录安装 Linux 启动文件。
If Linux is installed on a later drive, you'll need a boot floppy.
如果 Linux 是装置在一个较迟的磁盘, 你将会需要一个启动软盘。
Although you can install Linux on USB (Universal Serial Bus) or IEEE 1394 (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standard 1394, also known as FireWire or iLink) hard drives, as of this writing, you can't load Linux boot files directly from these drives.
虽然你能在万用串列总线 (全世界的连续总线) 上安装 Linux 或者电器和电子工程师协会 1394(电子电机工程师协会标准 1394, 别名为 FireWire 或者 iLink) 硬式磁盘机, 当做这写作,你不能从这些磁盘直接地载入 Linux 启动文件。
However, it is possible to set up a boot floppy to start Linux from these drives.
然而,建立软盘从这些磁盘开始 Linux 的一个启动是可能的。

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