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Fvwm Manual(L1726-L1819) [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-03-13 23:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

If the menu-label contains an ampersand ('&'), the next character is taken as a hot-key for the menu item. Hot-keys are underlined in the label. To get a literal '&', insert "&&". Pressing the hot-key moves through the list of menu items with this hot-key or selects an item that is the only one with this hot-key.
If the menu-label contains a sub-string which is set off by stars, then the text between the stars is expected to be the name of an image file to insert in the menu. To get a literal '*', insert "**". For example
+ Calculator*xcalc.xpm* Exec exec xcalc
inserts a menu item labeled "Calculator" with a picture of a calculator above it. The following:
+ *xcalc.xpm*           Exec exec xcalc
Omits the "Calculator" label, but leaves the picture.
If the menu-label contains a sub-string which is set off by percent signs, then the text between the percent signs is expected to be the name of image file (a so called mini icon to insert to the left of the menu label. A second mini icon that is drawn at the right side of the menu can be given in the same way. To get a literal '%', insert "%%". For example
+ Calculator%xcalc.xpm% Exec exec xcalc
inserts a menu item labeled "Calculator" with a picture of a calculator to the left. The following:
+ %xcalc.xpm%           Exec exec xcalc
Omits the "Calculator" label, but leaves the picture. The pictures used with this feature should be small (perhaps 16x16). If the menu-name (not the label) contains a sub-string which is set off by at signs (
), then the text between them is expected to be the name of an xpm or bitmap file to draw along the left side of the menu (a side pixmap). You may want to use the SidePic option of the MenuStyle command instead. To get a literal
, insert "@@". For example
忽略Calculator标签,只是留下一个图片。用于这种情况的图片应该都是小图片(比如16X16)。如果菜单名字(不是菜单标签)包含一个@分离的子字符串,那么@之间的内容被处理xpm或者bitmap格式的文件名,这个文件被放在菜单左侧(a side pixmap)。你可能要用 MenuStyle命令的SidePic选项来代替它。如果要得到一个
creates a menu with a picture in its bottom left corner.
If the menu-name also contains a sub-string surrounded by '^'s, then the text between '^'s is expected to be the name of an X11 color and the column containing the side picture is colored with that color. You can set this color for a menu style using the SideColor option of the MenuStyle command. To get a literal '^', insert "^^". Example:
如果菜单名字也包含一个由 '^'包围的子字符串,那么在'^'之间的文字会被处理为X11颜色的名字,并且包含side picture的一栏,会被那种颜色渲染。你也可以使用 MenuStyle命令的SideColor选项来设置这个颜色。如果要得到一个'^',插入"^^"。比如:
creates a menu with a picture in its bottom left corner and colors with blue the region of the menu containing the picture.
In all the above cases, the name of the resulting menu is name specified, stripped of the substrings between the various delimiters.
ChangeMenuStyle menustyle menu ...
Changes the menu style of menu to menustyle. You may specified more than one menu in each call of ChangeMenuStyle.
ChangeMenuStyle pixmap1 \
  ScreenSaverMenu ScreenLockMenu
CopyMenuStyle orig-menustyle dest-menustyle
Copy orig-menustyle to dest-menustyle, where orig-menustyle is an existing menu style. If the menu style dest_menustyle does not exist, then it is created.
DestroyMenu [recreate] menu
Deletes a menu, so that subsequent references to it are no longer valid. You can use this to change the contents of a menu during an fvwm session. The menu can be rebuilt using AddToMenu. The optional parameter recreate tells fvwm not to throw away the menu completely but to throw away all the menu items (including the title).
DestroyMenu Utilities
DestroyMenuStyle menustyle
Deletes the menu style named menustyle and changes all menus using this style to the default style, you cannot destroy the default menu style.
DestroyMenuStyle pixamp1

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