
linux bsp开发

公司产品主页: Job Description  The Senior Software Embedded Engineer will be called upon to contribute to a variety of projects in creating and sustaining our leading lineup of ATCA and CompactPCI modules and systems, ranging from assembly code for microcontrollers to Diagnostics and bootloaders to device drivers to customer application APIs...

by dpan817 - 猎头招聘 - 2010-06-29 09:20:39 阅读(1126) 回复(0)

by cskyrain - C/C++ - 2009-07-22 13:40:55 阅读(9395) 回复(3)

1) Responsibility - bring up Android platform on top of OMAP platform and keep upgrading - responsible for resolving linux kernel/bsp issues in timely fashion, including generic drivers, file system, power management 2) Requirement - necessary familiar with linux kernel 2.6.23 above +2years experience in linux kernel/bsp development good communication skills in English good learning capab...

by 群硕 - 猎头招聘 - 2009-09-14 09:49:55 阅读(2484) 回复(10)

目前编写了MX21在linux2.6内核下的bsp,但通过U-BOOT引导后在 Starting kernel ... Uncompressing linux........................................................ done, booting the kernel. 就停止了,我想用仿真器进行调试看是在那个地方出现问题了,但就是不知道怎么弄??

by cao5170 - 内核源码 - 2008-08-15 19:46:45 阅读(1624) 回复(0)

The qualified candidate should meet at least 3+ of the following requirements : Specific Knowledge/Skills: • Bachelor's or above degree in EE Engineering or Computer Science. • 3+ years of linux bsp development • Solid knowledge on linux kernel • Experience on storage(NAND,ATA,SD) or USB driver will be a plus • Experience on handhelds device(PMP, handset, PND) will...

by dumy123 - 猎头招聘 - 2008-03-14 14:26:21 阅读(1930) 回复(0)

在网上搜,Vxworks的bsp的资料一大堆,linux下的bsp几乎没有。哪位朋友给推荐下哪能找到。我们也可互相学习。 那些介绍就算了,太浅了。

by eagerbever_m - IC选型及方案推荐 - 2010-05-25 15:21:23 阅读(2307) 回复(1)

本帖最后由 盗梦空间 于 2010-08-19 13:58 编辑 公司名称:群硕软件(北京)有限公司 公司主页:可在案例和客户资料中查阅电力及嵌入式相关信息) 【职位一】linux kernel/bsp Location:BEIJING 1) Responsibilities: Responsible for linux kernel bring up on products to be run from RAM, FLASH, and Trans-FLASH linux kernel/various drivers’ development and integration and...

by 盗梦空间 - IT职业生涯 - 2010-09-06 16:41:30 阅读(2003) 回复(5)

组里招的,项目是基于ATOM linux的嵌入式解决方案 要求 1.真正做过kernel\device driver开发(芯片原厂最好,其他有相关经验的也欢迎)。 2.英语口语可以沟通的(经常要和老外开会。。。) 有兴趣的童鞋欢迎发简历到[email][/email](也是MSN,可以加聊)

by xcahua - 猎头招聘 - 2013-10-11 09:00:08 阅读(921) 回复(0)
by 秋水一梦 - 嵌入式开发 - 2011-12-14 16:44:16 阅读(1238) 回复(0)

猎头更多职位,请加MSN并发简历至。 非北京本地 或08届以后的,请不要投简历。谢谢 Vxworks 部门 1. Vxworks 系统测试 熟悉Vxworks or unix 2. Vxworks bsp 开发 3. 白盒测试,懂bsp 手机项目组MOBILE PHONE TEAM(与GOOGLE合作) 1. 平台集成 2. 电话协议栈集成 3. 多媒体 4. bsp研发 MANAGER 5. mobile phone team MANAGER 要求手机行业linux研发manager要懂应用层和底层

by alley-lr - 猎头招聘 - 2008-12-02 13:23:55 阅读(1255) 回复(0)

本帖最后由 hua_keith 于 2013-01-28 20:38 编辑 如题,要求好学,能吃苦,积极上进。。。。。。 如有兴趣 联系:[email][/email]

by hua_keith - 猎头招聘 - 2013-01-28 20:34:38 阅读(1682) 回复(5)