
rpm install

本帖最后由 JM_Test 于 2012-06-12 13:03 编辑 本人在一台SUSE11上试图安装gtk2-devel-2.24.7-2.5.1.x86_64.rpm包 但是无奈发现报错如下 #rpm -ivh gtk2-devel-2.24.7-2.5.1.x86_64.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libgtk-2_0-0 = 2.24.7 is needed by gtk2-devel-2.24.7-2.5.1.x86_64 pkgconfig(atk) is needed by gtk2-devel-2.24.7-2.5.1.x86_64 pkgconfig(cairo) is needed by gtk2-devel-2.24.7...

by JM_Test - Linux新手园地 - 2012-06-12 13:32:23 阅读(2173) 回复(9)


I will install 4 rpm with follow: gcc compat-libstdc++ glibc-devel glibc-kernheaders how i do ?

by wxcldall - Linux论坛 - 2004-08-28 22:35:22 阅读(787) 回复(2)

I will install 4 rpm with follow: gcc compat-libstdc++ glibc-devel glibc-kernheaders how i do ?

by wxcldall - Linux系统管理 - 2004-08-28 22:35:22 阅读(784) 回复(2)

I want to intall VM4.5.1 on my bsd,I type rpm -i VMworkstation-4.5.1-7568.rpm the bsd show that error : failed dependencies /bin/sh is need by VMwareworkstation-4.5.1-7568.rpm but the vm.rpm already here, how can I install vm?

by zero-B - BSD - 2004-06-01 03:15:24 阅读(1408) 回复(7)

  RPM 安装( install )   安装就是 install 嘛!所以啰,使用 rpm 来安装就很简单啦!假设我要安装一个档名为 rp-pppoe-3.1-5.i386.rpm 的档案,那么我可以这样( 记得某些套件可能需要以系统管理员的身份来安装 ):   [root@linux ~]# rpm -i rp-pppoe-3.1-5.i386.rpm   不过,这样的参数其实无法显示安装的进度,所以,通常我们会这样下达安装指令:   [root@linux ~]# rpm -ivh package_name   参数:   -i :inst...

by poplar.xu - Linux文档专区 - 2009-02-11 15:14:03 阅读(1174) 回复(0)

In order to install an RPM package you must first have the RPM you are trying to install on your system. Many people will download RPMs from a website and of course, Red Hat Network (RHN) provides all the RPM packages included in our distributions. There are two main flags that are used to install or upgrade RPM packages: -i is used to install a new package. Always use this for kernel instal...

by sjhf - Linux文档专区 - 2009-03-23 11:13:54 阅读(759) 回复(0)

//how to install RPM package on ubuntu RPM is another popular way of packaging software. It cannot be installed on ubuntu directly. But there does exist a command for convering an RPM into a Deb,then install it. For example: sudo alien -i *.rpm 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by creatory - Linux文档专区 - 2008-04-15 17:08:33 阅读(692) 回复(0)

5/29/2008 1. two double_clicks in redhat9 is enough, like before 2. but what is wired this time is when i want to run qpe, error occurs: no found, and now "ls" is a unknown command to bash, which is even more rediculous 3. finally, i find out it is all because when i export LD_LIBRARY_PATH, i make a type mistake, funny. 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by happypeter - Linux文档专区 - 2008-05-29 14:32:17 阅读(770) 回复(0)

Install Postgresql on Red Hat 9 with RPM packages Download packages postgresql-7.4.8-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-contrib-7.4.8-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-devel-7.4.8-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-docs-7.4.8-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-jdbc-7.4.8-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-libs-7.4.8-1PGDG.i686.rpm post...

by kinux - Linux文档专区 - 2005-11-04 21:06:48 阅读(1257) 回复(0)

Failed to install RPM软件包的依赖关系怎么解决

by xiaoyuhack - Linux新手园地 - 2010-03-01 18:24:23 阅读(1371) 回复(5)

相信大家在拿到一个rpm包的时候,第一时间想到的就是使用rpm -ivh xxxx.rpm来安装,但是如果提示这个软件包依赖yyy软件包,接着找yyy-xxx.rpm,然后使用rpm -ivh yyy-xxx.rpm,提示yyy依赖zzz,所以几乎把所有的时间都放在解决依赖关系了。 因为目前大部分在RH系统上起家的系统都支持yum升级和安装软件,我们可以使用 yum install xxxx.rpm 来安装这个本地的RPM,yum自动去上网找寻依赖的软件包:) 本文来自ChinaUnix博...

by skysong1982 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-10-12 10:24:00 阅读(909) 回复(0)