

vmware 虚拟机装 Linux 系统,host 系统是 Window xp, 在 windows xp 是 ADSL 拨号上网的,虚拟机里的 Linux 系统如何利 host系统上网。 请赐教!!

by mik - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2006-05-25 08:41:15 阅读(1526) 回复(8)


vmware 虚拟机装 Linux 系统,host 系统是 Window xp, 在 windows xp 是 ADSL 拨号上网的,虚拟机里的 Linux 系统如何利 host系统上网。 请赐教!!

by mik - Linux系统管理 - 2011-03-09 11:15:00 阅读(6329) 回复(9)

vmware 虚拟机装 Linux 系统,host 系统是 Window xp, 在 windows xp 是 ADSL 拨号上网的,虚拟机里的 Linux 系统如何利 host系统上网。 请赐教!!

by mik - 虚拟化技术交流 - 2006-05-25 07:58:12 阅读(3223) 回复(6)

vmware 7174虚拟机启动不了,提示: Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine. To fix this problem adjust the additional memory settings to allow more virtual machine memory to be swapped. If you were able to power on this virtual machine on this host computer in the past, try rebooting the host computer. Rebooting may allow you to use slightly more host memory to r...

by scozs - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2004-02-27 08:40:10 阅读(1344) 回复(4)

vmware 7174虚拟机启动不了,提示: Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine. To fix this problem adjust the additional memory settings to allow more virtual machine memory to be swapped. If you were able to power on this virtual machine on this host computer in the past, try rebooting the host computer. Rebooting may allow you to use slightly more host memory to r...

by scozs - 虚拟化技术交流 - 2004-02-27 08:40:10 阅读(2824) 回复(3)


by simonlm - 集群和高可用 - 2004-09-17 20:59:09 阅读(2210) 回复(9)


by simonlm - 虚拟化技术交流 - 2004-09-17 20:59:09 阅读(2855) 回复(6)


by simonlm - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2004-09-17 20:59:09 阅读(1237) 回复(9)

在linux 里装了个vmware,创虚拟机ok,但是把镜像载入虚拟机cdrom后,打开 开机按钮就报错。。。。 系统:centos 6.3 vmware版本:8.04 报错如下: log如下: vmware.log[code]2012-07-27T12:38:14.042+08:00| vmx| I120: Log for vmware Workstation pid=14188 version=8.0.4 build=build-744019 option=Release 2012-07-27T12:38:14.042+08:00| vmx| I120: The process is 32-bit. 2012-07-27T12:38:14.042+08:00| vmx| I1...

by yanjerry9133 - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2012-07-28 21:29:39 阅读(2192) 回复(2)