
find my iphone地图

我们知道,苹果这次升级 iOS 4.2 ,给 iphone 4 ,iPod Touch 4 和 iPad 送了免费 find my iphone 大礼包。而旧设备和旧固件,使用这项服务是收费的。   tysiphonehelp 给大家带来了一段视频,演示了如何在 iphone 3G 和 3GS 上免费使用苹果的 find my iphone 服务。   前提是,你拥有两部 iOS 设备,至少一款是最新款的(iphone 4 ,iPod Touch 4 或 iPad ),而且都升级到 iOS 4.2 版本。   在新设备上创建一个账号激...

by shishui0147 - IT业界快报 - 2010-11-28 09:45:09 阅读(532) 回复(0)


本帖最后由 knight1113 于 2010-09-11 18:00 编辑 【手机地图技术经理】1人 岗位职责: 1、负责设计手机地图产品的技术架构; 2、开发团队的管理; 3、参与与其他团队的沟通协调。 任职资格: 1、计算机、GIS或相关专业本科以上学历,2年以上同职位工作经验; 2、熟悉c、c++ 等语言,熟悉网络编程及多线程编程,熟悉Android、Symbian等平台开发; 3、具有较好的数据结构及算法基础功底,良好的分析问题及解决问题的能力,具有...

by knight1113 - 猎头招聘 - 2010-10-21 15:13:23 阅读(4823) 回复(36)

Google Desktop for Linux find my Microsoft Word, Excel Print Yes. To search over Microsoft Office documents, please make sure that you have the latest version of Google Desktop for Linux as well as wvWare and catdoc tools installed to convert MS Office files into an indexable format. If you don’t have these tools installed and you’ve already downloaded Google Desktop, just un...

by coollinn - Linux文档专区 - 2009-09-04 21:30:04 阅读(869) 回复(0)

[quote]3.4: How do I find which modules are installed on my system? From the command line, you can use the "cpan" command's "-l" switch: $ cpan -l You can also use "cpan"'s "-a" switch to create an autobundle file that "" understands and cna use to re-install every module: $ cpan -a Inside a Perl program, you can use the ExtUtils::Installed modul...

by 兰花仙子 - Perl - 2009-11-30 10:10:34 阅读(2103) 回复(1)

Q.How do I verify that my ISP or my own recursive resolvers are free from DNS cache poisoning bug that is promised full disclosure of the flaw by Dan on August 7 at the Black Hat conference? How do I test my dns server for DNS cache pollution or DNS Cache Poisoning bug? A.DNS cache poisoning (also known as DNS cache pollution) is a maliciously created or unintended situation that provides dat...

by 剑心通明 - BSD文档中心 - 2008-11-04 09:41:07 阅读(1705) 回复(0)

There are many classes supported by Java, such as Button, Thread. When we use statement as follow, which file on my PC javac would refer to? import java.awt.*;

by jimhongchen - Java - 2003-08-09 00:41:10 阅读(1645) 回复(5)

mysql的游标究竟怎么用--映日荷花别样红 mysql从5.0开始支持存储过程和trigger,给我们喜欢用mysql的朋友们更喜欢mysql的理由了,语法 上和PL/SQL有差别,不过搞过编程的人都知道,语法不是问题,关键是思想,大致了解语法后,就从 变量定义,循环,判断,游标,异常处理这个几个方面详细学习了。关于游标的用法mysql现在提供 的还很特别,虽然使用起来没有PL/SQL那么顺手,不过使用上大致上还是一样, 定义游标 declare f...

by ys2003ys - MySQL - 2009-10-20 18:51:59 阅读(1392) 回复(3)

用port安装的mysql的my.ini这个文件在那的 find找不到 或则告知这个文件的原来叫什么

by hfh08 - BSD - 2005-09-11 21:36:37 阅读(1882) 回复(6)
by happyboy227 - Linux论坛 - 2003-08-29 10:05:37 阅读(567) 回复(0)
by happyboy227 - Linux系统管理 - 2003-08-29 10:05:37 阅读(658) 回复(0)


by zhentongshu - Shell - 2013-01-10 10:16:02 阅读(1293) 回复(7)