

Why I will not update gentoo again? Gentoo is a good linux distribution!It is better than other distributions.You can buil your own system on gentoo,your own kernel,own application.It have a best perormance.For example,I can just use gnome-light,not the big gnome. Life always like a double-edged,I use gentoo,feeling so good,but it is not convenience.I have to use update the Portage Tree a...

by LaoLiulaoliu - Linux文档专区 - 2008-04-10 11:55:29 阅读(584) 回复(0)


在学习的时候,又说道用DOW 1=1 实现,然后用leave来退出,我想问一下,是不是一出现if就需要leave(break)呢?leave的作用域是跟着leave么,例如: MOVE X MAX DOW 1=1 IF X>1 AND X>Y MOVE X MAX LEAV...


by first_come - AS400 - 2010-04-25 17:49:11 阅读(3721) 回复(10)

Although the conversion was missed, Michalak unfortunate to see his kick from the right rebound off the far post, Toulouse seemed totally in control. The Blues needed some inspiration to add to their perspiration and it came from Sam Norton-Knight, the Australian stand-off picking out Jean-Baptiste Poux in the line and breaking past the prop. Norton-Knight looked for support and it came from Fi...

by loveart3344 - Linux文档专区 - 2009-12-20 00:56:51 阅读(748) 回复(0)

在自由格式中. /Free P B (Procedure) if A = ? leave the procedure Endif P E (Procedure) /End-Free 当A的条件满足的时候,想离开procedure. 应该用什么语句?请指教.

by mario663 - AS400 - 2007-02-27 17:56:26 阅读(2011) 回复(3)

[code]mysql> mysql> delimiter $$ mysql> mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE myProc() -> BEGIN -> DECLARE i,j INT DEFAULT 1; -> outer_loop: LOOP -> SET j=1; -> inner_loop: LOOP -> SELECT CONCAT(i," times ", j," is ",i*j); -> SET j=j+1; -> IF j>12 THEN -> leave inner_loop; -> ...

by ysitbook - MySQL - 2011-04-07 17:15:59 阅读(2912) 回复(0)