

Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel. None of the pre-built vmmon modules for vmware Workstation is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override. Your kernel was built with...

by xiaotong666 - 集群和高可用 - 2006-12-09 22:28:26 阅读(1536) 回复(1)


Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel. None of the pre-built vmmon modules for vmware Workstation is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override. Your kernel was built with...

by xiaotong666 - 集群和虚拟机 - 2006-12-09 22:28:26 阅读(882) 回复(1)

Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel. None of the pre-built vmmon modules for vmware Workstation is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] Using compiler \"/usr/bin/gcc\". Use environment variable CC to override. Your kernel was built wi...

by xiaotong666 - 虚拟化技术交流 - 2006-12-09 22:28:26 阅读(2658) 回复(1)

感觉像是文件系统的问题, 我知道vm是虚拟了SCSI硬盘,所以编译选项中选择了SCSI, 但是重启失败,编译选项缺了什么呢?

by flyfrogs - 集群和高可用 - 2008-10-29 22:04:26 阅读(2059) 回复(5)

vmware Workstation9中安装fedora18的时候,如果选择Gnome图形界面,就会出现下面的情况, fedora17也是这样的,大家有啥解决办法啊???:oops:

by Charele - Linux新手园地 - 2013-01-28 08:16:50 阅读(4874) 回复(8)

vm8 安装 fedora 17 fedora-17-x86_64-DVD.iso

by thzjy - Linux新手园地 - 2012-09-27 16:03:22 阅读(1717) 回复(3)

本帖最后由 thzjy 于 2012-09-01 14:28 编辑 vm workstation 9 安装 fedora-17-x86_64-DVD.iso 卡在 press the key to begin the installation process. 更换vesamenu.c32 修改isolinux.cfg 都不好使

by thzjy - Linux新手园地 - 2012-09-27 15:59:22 阅读(3166) 回复(4)

各位大侠,我第一次用vm7安装fedora,没有想到它默认的是自动安装安装完后用yum安装软件的时候每次都失败。 所以我想请问一个问题:vm7自动安装它默认是完全安装吗?是不是yum还没有安装上去呢?

by likee000 - Linux新手园地 - 2010-12-30 15:13:10 阅读(1789) 回复(5)

首先说一下,我在fedora下装vmwaretools,视频方面有一些效果,可是鼠标方面好像没装好,vm显示failed to install vmware tools,无语还是菜鸟,先把装的过程中学习到的写一些。 下面是一个人写的,大部分我就是照着那样做的 就是关于得到kenerl-devel的地址,我是用他说的那个头文件给的地址得到的,现在还搞不清那一断什么意思,以后慢慢来吧、下面贴出他的写的。 还有最后的open,,什么工具我也没成功,菜鸟遇到问题...

by eelb123 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-10-05 15:13:23 阅读(1064) 回复(0)

vm8安装fedora 9的时候第一次卡在了STARTING UDEV处一直过不去,后来就显示等待超时失败,之后又重新安装一次,结果卡在选择完现在定制选项之后的安装界面上,一直没有反应,请问这是什么原因啊?新手,不懂,请求帮助呀!

by coralreaf - Linux新手园地 - 2013-01-11 15:00:00 阅读(1464) 回复(0)